Chapter 22 - Taking Advantage

Love For The Kind Heart [COMPLETE] ✔
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{BGM: Block B - 11:30}


My point of staying back at home and not going to the dinner party completely failed! Why? Simple, because my mom and my brother won’t stop nagging at me to tag along; from the moment I woke up from sleep till now, they're still yapping about how they're going to disown me if I don't go with them, or they're going to give me the silent treatment, and yada yada yada.

“Come on, lil sis! Come with us, it’s going to be fun! Exo boys will be there.” Kris grin slyly. 

I rolled my eyes "I know that even before you told me."

He huffed, but held both of my hands and pouted “Pleaseeeee!” 

I snatched my hands back “No!”

“Why not? What’s your reason?” Kris scowled.

I froze for a while “I can feel that something is going to happen.”

Kris rolled his eyes “Pfft! You and your crazy superstitions! Don’t listen to them.” 

I glared at him “What if it’s true? That Baekhyun had planned something!”

“Then forgive me for not believing you. And I’ll try to help you as much as I can.” He promised.

My mom flailed her arms in the air “Oh my God! Why are you still not ready? Go and hurry up!” She pushed me into my room.

“We’re going to be late!” She announced. 

I shook my head in disapproval ‘Forever the drama queen.’ I thought.

Finally after 5 minutes later, I was dressed in this black and white dress that my brother bought, along with the stripe black&white pumps that my mom bought. Accessories were just a simple necklace with a pair of earrings, bracelet, and a ring.

“You look dashing as always my little sister.” Kris complimented. 

I smiled weakly and thanked him.

Without wasting any more time, the four of us exited the house and headed down to the dinner party held at Ritz-Carlton Hotel.


At The Dinner Party

“Oh, my! The Byun’s are really moving forward to the top. Aren’t they Mikyung?” One of the mid- age's ladies gossiping about the dinner party with her friend.

The second Eunmi's family entered the ballroom, all heads turned towards their direction. All the whispering and gossiping going on the ball made the Kang's feel like they were in the hall of the symphony.

“Oh my God! The Kang’s family is here.” A lady that stood not too far from Eunmi whispered to her friends. “Their daughter and son are so elegant and never look worn out every time we see them.” The other lady nodded their head, agreeing.

‘Great! Here we go again!’ Eunmi rolled her eyes whilst sighing in annoyance.

Kris who noticed it had to chuckle “What’s with the sigh, Mimi?” He lightly nudged the girl. 

She smiled weakly and shook her head “Nothing, just butterflies.”

He wrapped his arms around Eunmi's shoulder to keep her calm and steady. He knows when Eunmi has butterflies, she tends to be clumsy.

Eunmi smiled sincerely over how caring and protective Kris was being.

“OMG! Her brother is so sweet!” A group of girls with the age of a year or years older than Eunmi squealed like bunch of mad women at the nearby table.

Eunmi rolled her eyes “Are you trying to gain more fans or are you really trying to calm me down?” She arched an eyebrow, with an accusing look.

He quickly raised both hands in defense “I swear I’m just trying to make you feel better. A charmer? That's a different story..” He grins slyly and waved his hand towards that said group of girls.

Eunmi's parents had left both of their children to talk to their colleagues. Eunmi was facing towards Kris, so she doesn’t know what's going on behind her. 

“Oh my God!” Eunmi placed her hand onto her rapid thumping chest “Sehun!” She frowned once she found the culprit who poked her sides and made her jumped out of fright and ticklish.

He swiftly hugged the girl and quickly pinched her cheeks “Aww, my Mimi is so cute!” When he finally let Eunmi's cheeks go, she pouted and massaged the sore area.

Not long after Sehun arrived at Eunmi's table, couple more of other guys pulled her for a brief hug. Other girls and women in the room swooned over the 9 good looking guys that was hugging Eunmi.

The whispers started again “Who are they to her?”

“They are such a good looking young men.”

“She's so lucky to have them wrapped around her little finger.”

Of course, Eunmi, heard some it and heat spread across her cheeks. Eunmi quickly called a time out for the hugs.

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Chapter 43: w-what the fish that just happened? Just bcs theres a girl who likes chanyeol? Eunmi youre so funny *sigh*
Chapter 38: ah, cliche...chanyeol come back as a new man lol
Chapter 37: wow...i was about to cancel her parents lmao! Thank god baekhyun is out of the picture! I wonder why chanyeol didnt reply to her letters anymore??
Chapter 36: Dont they have phones? Djjsjs but letters are cute too and pls PLS let chanyeol get that letter
Chapter 35: How can her everyone IS SO CALM about her forced engagement with baekhyun he literally manipulated her decision using some sort of social pressure??? Forgive him?? Not until he apologize for his wrong doings!
Chapter 34: Ok wth I KNEW something is wrong with baekhyun! I thought i was wrong when he apologized but it seems like i should always trust my instict >:(
Chapter 26: Ahh, i was waiting for baekhyun to come clean about why he just left her hanging like that. eunmi said, he should have talk to her if he's not ready, she would've understand. Oh. AND CHANYEOL IS SO CUTE??
Chapter 21: oh my god this is so...funny in a bad way haha. Baekhyun is so ridiculous
Chapter 47: the chapters were really heartch touching.. i fell in love with chanyeol again... thank u for a wonderful fic.. <3
Chapter 38: yeah.. chanyeol.. <3