Chapter 46

If That's What You Want






"I'm here, Hae," came the soft reply from the balcony of my room that I turned around to see HyukJae coming back inside, hone in his hands and hair dishevelled from the sleep. He casted me a small smile as he walked back towards me, and placing a kiss on my forehead but didn't make any motion to rejoin me in the bed.


"Why are you u so early? It's only---" I glanced at the clock on my bedside table and frowned, "11:30. It's only been 2 hours, Hyuk." I noted. After that rather unusual act at the living room, this monkey decided that we should call it a night and carried me to the bed and forced me to sleep---which wasn't really hard to do when I was wrapped around warm gentle arms that ran soothing circles on my back and a voice humming some tune that I swear I heard somewhere and in no time, I was in a deep slumber. But it seems like my body knew that that warm presence was gone and I jostled back to consciousness leading us to the situation now.


"I have to go somewhere," he whispered, cupping my cheek with his hand softly and letting it stay there.


Looking up at him curiously, I asked, "Where to?"


"I'm going to TIfanny's party. You know her, don't you?"


I gave a curt nod, suddenly having that unwanted feeling called uncertainty as HyukJae said he wanted to attend a party. Tiffany's. I knew her. She was one of the cheerleaders and of course I knew that Ji Eun would be there, no doubt. I knew Hyuk had that reputatioj of being a party goer before, thanks for the brief past history KyuHyun shared with me before I even became close to this idiot and I thought he was past that. But hearing him say this now---what if he meets IU and forget all about those promised he told me and leave me behind? What if he suddenly realized that there is where he wanted to be; where he belonged? To the social parties held and having the attention of all women? What if he realized that being with me is not worth it if he saw what he's going to throw away? What if---


"I'm breaking up with Ji Eun tonight."


My head snapped up to his direction, eyes blinking at him rapidly as I tried processing his words. "What?" I uttered dumbly.


He let out that silly grin and leaned down to place a soft kiss on my lips before he leveled his eyes at me and repeated, "I am breaking u with her tonight, Hae."


"Are---are you sure?" I asked, biting my bottom lip nervously as I suddenly felt the insecurity crawling up my head and I watched as hes eyes looked at me weirdly.


"Why are you asking that? I thought you wanted this?"


"I---I do," I admitted, "But---but what if you---if you suddenly regretted it? What if---in the long run, you'll realize that I wasn't worth what you gave up for?" I finally asked, looking away. The question cut a part of my heart as I realized of the possibility of my words and just how probable it could be. A hand was suddenly under my chin, lifting it up to make me look back at him but I closed my eyes, deciding to be stubborn. I don't want him to see the dilemma in my eyes; or that doubt I know reflecting in my orbs.


"I deserve this, don't I?" He asked in a soft voice but I could detect the hurt in them and I invisibly flinched as I knew I was the cause of that. "I know it would take some time for you to see my sincerity, DongHae-ah, but I promise you---I will never think you are not worth it. Before you, my world revolved about me and no one else. I never cared if I was hurting others, or if I was being a jerk to a lot of people as long as I ger what I want. Sure, I was popular and for a while, I thought that was what I wanted; being the center of every peole's attention. And at some point, I don't know when, but I started acting the EunHyuk that everyone expected me to be; a cold, heartless dancer that cared about no one else but himself. But then, you came. You with that annoying cheerful aura that seemed to bouce off the walls even if we are at different rooms. You who could easily admit to the whole school about who you are without hesitation. You who approached me with that stubborn attitude and never back down at my snarky remarks. You who offered me genuine friendship when all the other people who deemed themselves as my friends were only in it for my popularity. You who took the time to get to know the real me. You who fell in love with me and not EunHyuk."


Slowly, my eyes fluttered open and what I saw was dark orbs staring back at me lovingly, his thumb rubbing my cheek as he continued, "I know I hurt you, Hae. And God knows how much I wanted to turn back time to undo those stupid decision and reckless actions and words I've uttered that made you cry. I know I;ve hurt you in so many ways that I can't blame you for doubting me now. But listen to me, Lee DongHae. I've never felt this strongly for anybody in my life; I never even thought that feeling this would be possible for someone like me but you made it possible and I am very lucky to have felt this overwhelming emotiong for someone like you. I lvoe you, DongHae and now that I can truly admit that to you and myself, I will have you know that the only thing I regretted so much in my life is not having realized that soon enough."


Leaning forward, he kissed the tip of my nose before backing away a few inches to stare back at me again. "Nothing could ever compare to this, Hae. No fame and absolutely not other people's words and actions could ever make me leave you again. You are all I need. And I understand if you are having doubts about my intentions but it's okay, I will do my best to eradicate those doubts you have in me." He smiled, that ever so sweet smile of his and I drowned in his eyes again.




"You don't have to tell me anything for now, Hae. I just want you to know what I feel and that all of those words are genuine. Just go back to sleep and I'll be back before you know it," Hyukjae said, pressing a soft kiss on my forehead before pushing me back on the bed and tucking me in. "Sleep well, my love," he whispered and I allowed my eyes to flutter close again as I felt those lips land on my cheek.




The moment my eyes fluttered open the second time, there were 2 things I noticed;


First, my face was being hit by the ray of the sun coming from the open window making me close my eyes at once.


And second, as I let my eyes feel the crumpled sheets, I came to a conclusion that I was, indeed, alone.


But before I could even revert back to my insecurities like last night, the door bell rang. And it couldn't have been Hyukjae as the other person pressing the button made it clear that he didn't have a key to the eyes by the way he's clicking it with furious fingers, making the bell rang repeatedly inside the house until I was so annoyed I forced myself u and grabbed my crutches. Believe me when I said I never wanted to lash out at some who's not Hyukjae's trying to destroy my kitchen in the early morning. But all dark thoughts left me as I finally reached the bottom stair with so much effort, opening the door with a force only to reveal my best friend standing right in front of me, with Siwon who was looking at me apologetically.


"KiBum? What are you---"


But my question was cut short when I was suddenly wrapped around the arms of my best friend, his angry voice close to my ear that I almost cringed from the intensity of it. "Why on flippin hell didn't you contact me, you stupid ungrateful punk?! I have to know you got into an accident from KyuHyun and Siwon!"


"I---I'm so---"


"No---don't---just," KiBum lets out a shaky breath, and only did I realize that his entire frame was trembling. "Give me a minute."


He didn't let go of his hold on me, rather, he was encircling me with his arms as if I was his only support and I can feel his slightly heavy weight resting on me. I place a hand behind his back and started rubbing in up and down before casting Siwon a worried and curious expression. Siwon, seeming to read my thoughts, just gave a small smile and shrugged his shoulders. Returning my attention to my best friend, I asked, "KiBummie? What happened? Are you alright?"


There was soft breath tickling my nape before he answered, "I was so worried."


"Is this because of me?" I asked guiltily. I know how this drama queen of a best friend of mine is when he gets worried; I should know since I am mostly  the source of his worry episodes. To be completely honest, when Kim KiBum had this episodes of complete hysteria, he is much much worse that my brother. Sure, Chul is a top class exaggerated empress but if he would have a right hand for the throne, I have no doubt that KiBum would be the one occupying it. As I said time and time again, being around my best friend and brother always made me feel so vulnerable as they never cease to treat me like a child. They would lash out at anyone who would dare make me upset, show their diva attitude to anyone who dared make a move on me who they think are unworthy bastards, and they never fail to smother me with gestures whenever I get hurt; though it was my fault.


"Of course it's because of you. Have you ever seen me worried of anyone but you?" He asked incredulously.


"I did actually. When Si---"


"How's your leg? When will you leave the horribe crutches?" He cuts off my sentence once again and I saw from the corner of my eye how the tall man standing on the entrance looked down and had that sad look in his eyes.


Letting out a sigh, I answered, "In a day or two. It's just a sprain, Bummie. And---aren't you mad at me?" I asked, reluctantly.


Pushing me away for a bit, he smiled and ruffled my hair, "I am. But for now, I'd forget about it. Let's go inside and I'll make you breakfast."




This was how HyukJae found me when he got home at around 8 in the morning. KiBum wearing my fishy apron, Siwon sitting across the table from me and a whole stack of pancakes, strawberries and a glass of chocolate milk served right before me. To say that my mouth watered just by the smell of the said meal was an understatement; I've missed KiBum's pancakes. The other made his presence known by the opening of the doors and a soft call of, "DongHae?"


When I answered back and told him I was in the kitchen, I almost snorted when I saw his surprised expression of having guests so early in the morning.


"Good morning, HyukJae. I hope you don't mind the intrusion?" Siwon was the one who broke the silence as my best friend still had his back, making more pancakes, and hyukjae reluctantly walking towards me with eyes looking at me and at KiBum. I can feel his dilemma, I know he knows how much KiBum was protective of me and all that jazz, and he had a good reason to be a bit intimidated by my sweet best friend.


"Not at all," Hyuk replied and when he was close enough, he planted a soft kiss on my hair before settling down beside and and I delved on the taste of my pancakes, slightly ignoring the redhead.


But I looked up when a new plate of pancakes were placed on the table, right in front of Hyukjae. KiBum was staring down at the redhead, looking at the bit superior albeit the apron and the spatula as he ordered, "Eat."


I heard HyukJae swallowed audibly and stared at the pancakes before asking, with a bit shaky voice, "It---it looks delicious."


KiBum snorted and said, "Hyukjae. It is not poisoned, I assure you."


And with that being said, I could sense Hyukjae visibly relaxing beside me as he took the fork and took a bite of the delicious pancakes. Just before KiBum added,


"I did consider poisoning you."


Hyukjae choked on the food in his mouth, grabbing my chocolate milk and drank it to the last drop, before starring terrifiedly at KiBum who was wearing that evil smirk and all the while, Siwon and I was watching the interesting exchange of the two. "I am capable to do a lot of things, Lee HyukJae," KiBum started, his voice menacing. "And if you ever ever make my DongHae sad again, you would wish I just poisoned you right now."


And Hyukjae, obviously scared out of his wits, nodded before he hugged me and his his face on my shoulder while I shook from the laughter seeing my husband so scared of my bestfriend.

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161 streak #1
Chapter 53: Authorniiiiiiiiiim..... just visiting here again
jo0ody #2
Chapter 53: The last update in 2017 ? too sad
161 streak #3
Chapter 53: I wish there will be an update for this... i just finished re-reading and gawd, it brought back memories
Ice_siri #4
Chapter 53: Such a good story...i really hope that you will still complete this....❤
Chapter 53: I neeeeeeddddd this...... updateeeeee pleaseee.. reread 10x
sweetylailai #6
Chapter 53: Hope you update soon!

Hi re reading this for the nth time too TT
Chapter 53: The big time skip is supporting the whole idea of how Hyukjae redeemed himself of his past mistakes and how he is determined to prove himself and be the best person he could be in his situation. He changed and didn’t give up. I admire his perseverance and his stubbornness. I love both of their valedictorian speech. Donghae is the epitome of perfection. He is wise and thoughtful and overall kindhearted, such a big heart. But I gotta admit they’re both at communicating, like many other people in the world too, eh? And they were young, in fact, I gotta salute the way they handled the situation considering their age at the time.

I certainly hope that you will find your muse and time and condition to be able to finish the story. I really want them to have a happy ending after all they have been through.
Vluverful #9
Chapter 53: Authornim, i missed this story. Can you gave love and update my daily dose of Eunhae? Im dying to know the closure.
lalaelf #10
Chapter 53: 9 years... Oh my god