Chapter 41

If That's What You Want

!not copyread!



"So, would you mind explaining why you weren't at the cafeteria, mister?" KiBum started asking when I entered his bedroom.


I just came back after our last training in the soccer team before our game tomorrow and I was tired and all I wanted was to sleep but Kibum was giving me that look that I had nothing against. Sighing, I dropped my bag then went to his closet and got a pair of pajamas to change to before facing him.


"Would please let me change first?" I asked him.


"No," he answered, walking towards me and pulling me towards the bed, forcing me to sit while he stood right in front of me with his arms folded on his chest and his stern look directed at me. "Tell me."


"I told you I wasn't hungry," I replied, looking down.


"And could you explain where the boxes of chocolate milk came from?"


"That---it was---"


"You told KyuHyun you brought it with you since morning but I don't remember you placing those boxes in your bag and I don't really remember having those drinks in my fridge," my bestfriend stated. When I answered that question earlier, KiBum had been eyeing me suspiciously but didn't utter a word about it.


"It came from someone," I muttered under my breath.


"Who? YunHo?"


"HyukJae," I answered in a whisper.


"Come again?"


"It was---" I spoke up, but bit my lip before continuing in a low tone, "The one who gave it to me was HyukJae."


"Hyukjae?" he repeated in that calm voice and I can't do nothing but nod. Then, there's silence. I looked up and saw KiBum staring at me with an unreadable expression before he left the room without a word. I stared at the closed door, thinking what just transpired; did KiBum really just went out and let me be on my own? But why? It was confusing, but I had no energy left to think because my body is so tired from practice and I really needed to take a rest for our game so I just went to the bathroom and shower then went straight to be, not waiting for KiBum to return.




It may have been alright for me last night that my best friend left me without a word, but now it is bothering me because the silent treatmend went on til the morning.


I woke up in an empty bed, looking at the bed side clock that read it was 6 in the morning which was odd because KiBum isn't really a morning person. But I shrugged it off and just prepared for the game before going down to eat brekfast. When I reached the dining room, I sighed in relief and gave the people in the room a cheerful morning greeting in which was returned fondly by the maids, but KiBum just gave a curt nod, not even sparing me a glance as he continued eating his cereals. A pout was on my lips as I sat on the chair across from him and started eating my own food silently. The silence was uncomfortable because I wasn't accustomed to this. Times with Bummie was always noisy, always fun and full of talking and this sudden lack of it was ticking me off.


"KiBum, I---"



But he suddenly stood up and said, "I'll wait for you in the car," then he was gone. I didn't even get to tell him what I wanted o say and it was really starting to get into me that I slammed my spoon on the table, leaving a half eaten breakfast then grabbed my sports bag as I sprinted towards where my cold best friend was. I opened the car door and went in, seeng KiBum reading a magazine and not even acknowledging my presence as I joined him.


Fed up with him ignoring me, I grabbed the magazine off his hands and glared at him, "What is your problem, KiBum?"


He stared at me with blank eyes, folding his hands on his chest as he coldly replied, "What do you mean, Lee DongHae?"


I almost cringed as I heard him utter my full name but I held it in and answered, "Why are you suddenly cold towards me? What did I do?"


Then, his blank stare turned into a glare, "Tell me honestly, DongHae, are you a masochist?"


I was taken aback by the sudden question that I answered bewilderly, "What are you saying?"


"I am saying, do you really like the feeling of getting hurt again and again? By the same person?"


Then it clicked.


"Is this about---"


"Don't you dare say his name, DongHae. Don't you freaking dare utter that bastard's name," he hissed.


"KiBum, why are you---"


"You're wodering why I'm so mad at him? Easy, I am furious becasue he hurt you, he made you cry and he crushed you heart. You of all people; you who I hated to see shed a tear, you who I would die for, you who I treasure like my own brother.He hurt you, DongHae. And I hate myself for allowing him to do that. I hate myself because I can't protect you from the pain. I am mad at myself because I let you waste your tears form someone like him," he said with a pained expression.




"But now, now I am mad at you."




"Are you an idiot, DongHae? Are you that stupid about him that you are starting to build up some hope inside your chest? Hurting you once is enough, Hae. Allowing him to do it again is complete idiocy and I hate you for that. What? Because he gave you your favorite drink, or that blue rose, everything would be forgiven?"


"How did you---"



"I saw it in your bag. The rose with the note; I read it and it made me want to smack your head a couple of times. I thought you said you wanted to move on? I thought you said you wanted to get over him fast, but what are you doing? You're letting him into you again without a fight; without him proving himself worthy of you. And I hate it to the core," he spat out coldly.


I stared at KiBum for a good minute, letting the silence fill us. His eyes are closed, and he was heaving for air from talking fast earlier. Instinctively, I let my hand fall on top of his right hand which was on his lap but I was surprised when he smacked it away.


"You go on ahead. I won't attend school today," he said monotonously then he went out of the car, leaving me alone, dumbfounded.






"Lee DongHae?"


A nudge woke me up from my senses and I hastily look up to find Sungmin and Jong Suk eyeing me.


"Sorry, what is it?" I asked sheepishly, scratching the back of my head in embarrassment for spacing out in front of them.


"Are you alright, Hae?" SungMin asked me, placing a hand on my shoulder.


I gave him a nod and a soft smile.


"Good luck on your game, HaeHae! Be sure to win it, alright?" Jong Suk said happily then planted a kiss on my cheek before they left ot sit on the bleachers. I waved at them with a smile, but when they disappeared, I let my hands down on my side and I bit my lower lip.


KiBum really didn't go. I was trying to call him a multiple times before but he was simply not answering. I also called Siwon but he said that he can't contact my best friend either so he just chose to watch my game and he came with KyuHyun who sent me a message earlier to win the game or else. I chuckled at that, but there is still that heavy feeling in my chest as I walked towards my team.




People from my school and our opponent's were shouting at the top of their lungs as soon as the game started. My body was filled with sweat as I looked left and right, running to catch up to our captain. It was our ball and Nickhun has the ball, before he passed it to YunHo. Seeing it as my cue, I ran as hard as I can to get ahead of everyone and when I caught YunHo's eye, he smiled before kicking the ball towards me. I caight the ball with ease and since I was a few feet ahead, I ran towards the goal. The shouts were filling my ears as I the post gets nearer and nearer. 


"Lee DongHae! Lee DongHae!" people were chanting my name and I must admit it felt good.


"Beat them, Fishy!" I heard someone shout. Someone familiar and I looked to my right.


And that was when I saw him.


He was standing on his toes, cheering me on with him gummy eyes. A smile was soon on my lips as turned my gaze towards again, seeing the goal just a few more meters away---a little bit more.


As I neared the post, I spared another glance at the direction where I saw him, and I spotted him easily. It was so easy to spot him; especially with the way people were whistling at his direction as he was kissing IU.


My feet started to slow down, as I stared for a few more seconds.


Then I was startled as I felt a strong force on my right, knocking  me down on the ground.


I heard a whistle, and people's voice started to get a bit low, my eye sight blurring but I continued looking to where I saw him---them. Then KiBum's words echoed in my head,


Are you that stupid about him that you are starting to build up some hope inside your chest? Hurting you once is enough, Hae. Allowing him to do it again is complete idiocy.


Before everything turned black.


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166 streak #1
Chapter 53: Authorniiiiiiiiiim..... just visiting here again
jo0ody #2
Chapter 53: The last update in 2017 ? too sad
166 streak #3
Chapter 53: I wish there will be an update for this... i just finished re-reading and gawd, it brought back memories
Ice_siri #4
Chapter 53: Such a good story...i really hope that you will still complete this....❤
Chapter 53: I neeeeeeddddd this...... updateeeeee pleaseee.. reread 10x
sweetylailai #6
Chapter 53: Hope you update soon!

Hi re reading this for the nth time too TT
Chapter 53: The big time skip is supporting the whole idea of how Hyukjae redeemed himself of his past mistakes and how he is determined to prove himself and be the best person he could be in his situation. He changed and didn’t give up. I admire his perseverance and his stubbornness. I love both of their valedictorian speech. Donghae is the epitome of perfection. He is wise and thoughtful and overall kindhearted, such a big heart. But I gotta admit they’re both at communicating, like many other people in the world too, eh? And they were young, in fact, I gotta salute the way they handled the situation considering their age at the time.

I certainly hope that you will find your muse and time and condition to be able to finish the story. I really want them to have a happy ending after all they have been through.
Vluverful #9
Chapter 53: Authornim, i missed this story. Can you gave love and update my daily dose of Eunhae? Im dying to know the closure.
lalaelf #10
Chapter 53: 9 years... Oh my god