Chapter 28

If That's What You Want




I got up from the bed way earlier than usual. After doing my routine, I went out of my room with my sports bag on my shoulder and made my way to the kitchen. Pulling out all the ingredients in the fridge, I started preparing breakfast; egg and bacon would do since I have to leave early even if it is just 5:15 in the morning. When I also finished eating my portion and washing the dishes, I got a pen and paper from my bag and scribbled words for the sleeping primate.


Got up early. See you at school.



Making sure to put the note somewhere HyukJae can easily see, I walked out of the house and jogged a bit to the bus stop.




The school grounds were still empty and I was expecting that; that's the reason why I planned on going here early anyway. So, as soon as I entered the school, I quickly made my way to the soccer field, bit hype for the fact that I'd be able to play the sport I was in love with. Once I reached my destination, I stretched for a bit before picking up my own soccer ball, playing with it a bit with my feet as I jogged at the center of the field, with my earphones on and a smile on my face.


But there was that feeling...that feeling that hits you and tells you someone's watching and that's why I stopped from what I was doing to look back. Sure enough, a person was leaning against the oak tree and the figure was undoubtedly a guy and he was looking at my direction.


I gulped; suddenly feeling a bit scared as I spoke, "Who's there?"


The figure seemed to perk from my voice and he started walking forward and when he was close enough, I sighed as I caught sight of Yunho and he was wearing a gentle smile.


"Good morning, pretty," he greeted and I remembered how I was annoyed by that pet name before and I scowled.


"I told you I hate that," I grumbled, but greeted back anyway. “Morning.”


"You're here early. What are you doing?" he asked, kicking my ball lightly back and forth.


Rolling my eyes, I answered, "Oh you know, I was swimming."


He chuckled.


"Want to have a round?" he asked and looked at me. I'm not used to this kind of Yunho, he's too---calm and normal today, unlike the other time he approached me.


"Sure," I answered.


"If I win---" he started.


"Oh, here we go," I sighed and he snickered at my words. "Don't you ever play a simple soccer game without doing a bet?"


"Where's the fun in that?" he reasoned and continued. "So, the winner gets to wish 2 things to the loser and the loser has nothing to do but comply," he said. Thinking about his proposition, I sense nothing wrong with that so I just nodded and we started the game as the sun started to rise.




My lungs was heaving for air as I slumped down the grass, catching my breath and I felt YunHo lying somewhere near me.


"I---" I started speaking, but was unable to continue as I was still trying to even my breathing.


"I won," YunHo said, also at the same state as I was.


It came as a surprise at how this YunHo played better than the last time we had a match; his skills improved and I can tell that he really is something.


"Whatever," I managed to answer; feeling my breath coming back to normal and I wiped the sweat off my forehead with the back of my hand. Squinting my eyes from the sun's rays, I heaved a loud sigh and felt my body relax as I soaked myself with vitamin D. But not long enough, I saw hand being offered to me and I took it and was gently pulled up. Dusting myself for a bit, I turned to look at YunHo, who was already looking at me with a smile on his face. This was the first time I saw him like this and I admit that he looks good; really good.


"You've improved," I commented and playfully punched his shoulder.


"Glad you noticed," he just answered, laughing a bit as he tossed a bottle of water at my direction.


"Thanks," I muttered as I opened the bottle and drank its contents.


"Hey, you have to hear my wishes," he reminded and I rolled my eyes.


"Go ahead, then."


"First," he spoke, "I want you to join the soccer team."


"Sure. I was actually planning that anyway," I smirked.




I hummed in response. "What's the second one?"


"I want you to be my boyfriend."




"So what did you answer?" KiBum asked as he, Kyu and I are walking to our next class together, our heads huddled as I was sharing to them in a hushed tone about what happened earlier in the morning.


"I said---"


"Donghae!" a voice calling out my name cut me off and the three of us raised our heads at the same time to see HyukJae jogging to our direction. He was waving and I automatically brought up a hand to wave back and smile as he was standing in front of me, face a bit red from running before he finally looked at me in the eye.


"Why did you leave so early?" He questioned with his face turning into a frown.


"Am I not allowed to do that?" I answered, and smirked at his annoyed reaction.


"Answer the question, Hae," he warned.


"I just wanted too," I said and stuck out a tongue at him and he sighed in defeat.


"Well, good morning to you too, monkey," KyuHyun suddenly spoke, standing in between HyukJae and me.


"Oh, didn't see you there, Kyu," I heard Hyukjae tell the younger and I chuckled as Kyu smacked his head with the book he was holding which was pretty thick and I figured it hurt just by the way HyukJae howled.


"The hell, you brat! Why'd you do that?!" He snarled.


"Am I not allowed to do that?" Kyuhyun answered, imitating me from a while ago and I covered my mouth with my hand as another laugh is threatening to go out.


"Course not! You have to---"


The bell rang and I was suddenly being dragged away by a dashing KyuHyun and a smirking KiBum on my side, both are holding onto my hand as I can hear HyukJae still complaining from behind so I looked back and smiled at him.


"Bye bye, Hyukkie!" I shouted a bit, and I saw him stop his grumbling and slowly walked to his own room.



I was a bit glad when lunch came and never did the topic about YunHo was brought up again by my two friends. But what annoyed me though, was that they were both snickering at something and they are not planning to share it with me so I was a bit sulking, feeling left behind all of a sudden. So now, I am walking behind these two suddenly-best friends as we walked inside the cafeteria.


They didn’t even notice that I did not join them in getting in the line and I sighed again. Oh well, I should be glad they are getting along well. And with that thought, I just sat on our usual table which was, weirdly, left unoccupied even if all tables are full and it’s the only one free. Placing my elbow on the table, I rested my head on my hand and watched with a blank expression at the people also having their lunch.


“Why are you alone?” someone spoke and I jumped in surprise when the voice came right beside me, and when I caught a glimpse of the owner, I punched his arm a bit hard and returned to my previous position.


“Why are you here?” I asked, watching as Kyu and KiBum are kind of having an argument over something in the counter.


“Am I not allowed to?” HyukJae said in a playful voice.


“Stop imitating, it doesn’t suit you,” I muttered.


“Says who?” he replied and I slowly turned my head in his direction.


“Says me,” I spoke in a serious expression and a stern tone.


And he answered me by pinching both of my cheeks and I howled in pain from the pressure before he left the table, running away as I tried to do the same to him. When I watched his back, slightly shaking from laughter, I can’t bite back my smile as I brought my hand to my cheeks and slightly massaged it.


“Why are your cheeks so red?” KiBum asked, sitting down on the table and placing his tray on top followed by KyuHyun who sat beside me.


“HyukJae just decided it is a good time to pinch my cheeks,” I informed before grabbing the chocolate milk from KiBum’s tray and the chocolate pie on KyuHyun’s.


They didn’t react so I added, “What were you guys arguing about awhile ago?”


“Oh, this idiot was trying to get you every single thing that’s chocolate,” KiBum explained.


I turned to him, with a surprised and hurt expression, “And you stopped him?”


He nodded.


“How could you,” I glared playfully at him and he rolled his eyes.


“I don’t want you having cavities again,” he answered, “the last time I allowed you too much chocolate, you didn’t leave me for a week complaining about a tooth ache. KyuHyun’s starting to spoil you, so I am just trying to moderate it,” he smirked.


“Look who’s talking,” Kyuhyun commented, opening his chips; “you spoil Donghae-hyung, why can’t I?”


“I spoil him at about everything except for chocolate. I already learned my lesson from that and I am trying to save your from experiencing that tragedy,” KiBum answered, turning to my direction but I avoided his eyes.


“Shut up,” I said, and resumed eating my pie.




The teacher was having a lecture about something that’s got to do with genetics as I tore a paper from my notebook and wrote before swiftly passing it to KyuHyun’s table. He looked at me, bewildered, but I just motioned him to open the note.


Kyu, can you accompany me to the singing club?


Looking back to the board, I waited for the reply and when I felt the paper returned to my table I sent Kyu a smile before reading.


Of course.


And that exact time, the bell rang and KyuHyun immediately turned his chair towards me, resting his hand on my table as I place my materials into my bag.


“Shall we go?” He asked.


“Wait a minute. I’d just---”


“Go where?” HyukJae’s voice sounded and I can tell he was standing behind me.


“I asked Kyu to accompany me somewhere,” I answered, not bothering to look at him as I grabbed my phone and checked for new messages.


“Where?” he insisted.


“Just, somewhere, Hyuk,” I replied.


“Why aren’t you telling me where, exactly,” he said.


“Does he have to report everything to you?” KiBum was suddenly beside me, his bag on his shoulder and he’s looking at Hyukjae with an annoyed expression.


“I never said---”


“Shut it, you two,” I warned as I zipped my bag and stood up, facing HyukJae. “I’m just going somewhere. And don’t wait for me; I’d go home on my own.”


“Do you even know how to go home alone?” he questioned, not letting it go.


“I’d send you home, hyung,” Kyu commented and I turned to smile at him before turning back to Hyuk.


“Heard that? Kyu would send me home. I’d be back safe and besides, you have to go to IU, remember?” I reminded him and offered a small smile. “Let’s go, Kyu. Are you coming Bummie?”


“I’d love too, but I am needed at the restaurant,” he answered, sadness in his voice and I patted his back.


“Then go,” I smiled and planting a kiss on his cheeks. “We’d get going then,” I said as I grab Kyu’s hand and started walking out the room but I remembered something and looked back, “See you at home, Hyukkie,” I said and I didn’t miss how his lips turned into a smile before we went out the door.


“Guess who’s here?” KyuHyun spoke in a loud voice as he dragged me in a music room. There were already people inside and all of them quieted down and their eyes turned to look at our direction.


“Excuse me, ahjussi. Who are you? Strangers are not allowed here,” a guy with a bit of elegant features stood from behind the piano and placed his hands on his hips, looking a bit serious. I turned at KyuHyun and saw him rolling his eyes.


“Oh shut up, Jaejoong-noona. I know you miss me,” he spoke.


And this Jaejoong-guy scoffed. “Oh no. I actually thought you were dead. I was planning to send some flowers,” he commented and the people chuckled.


“I was just absent for a few days,” Kyu said, walking forward and dragging me in the process.


“You mean, absent ever since you got in,” a new guy spoke.


“I can’t even understand why we aren’t kicking you out of this club,” another said.


“You all know what’s the answer to that,” Kyu replied with that over-confident voice of his that even I rolled my eyes at him.


“You’re head is getting big, Kyuhyun, I think we need a needle to deflate that air-head of yours,” Jaejoong said and then, his eyes landed on me. “Well, who do we have here?”


I straightened myself, releasing KyuHyun’s hand and introducing myself properly, “Um---hello, I am Lee Donghae.”


“He wants to join the club,” Kyu added.


“Yes, I was thinking of joining,” I told Jaejoong instead.


“Okay. Let’s hear it,” he clapped his hands twice and in a snap everyone is put in order; even KyuHyunwas joining the other kids sitting on the floor, and looking expectantly at him. Taking in a deep breath, I walked towards the piano and sat down, flexing my hands a bit before I let my fingers dance on the keys, and soon my voice joined in the music.


“I never knew you were that great, hyung,” Kyu kept on saying while we are at the back of his car, driving to my house.


“Kyu, you’ve said that like---a couple times I already lost count,” I said and turned to look at him.


“But I was surprised,” he reasoned the same reason again.


“Hey, I haven’t heard you sing too,” I reminded him and he smirked.


“If you hear, you might fall in love with me,” he said with a playful tone and I smacked his head lightly.


“As if,” I scoffed.


“You don’t believe me? Want to hear it now?” he challenged, and I just ushered for him to go on, and not too soon, the car was filled with his sweet voice, and I was too enchanted by his voice that I didn’t even notice the car stopping in front of my house. When he stopped singing, he turned and smirked at my expression, definitely pleased.


“Hyung, your mouth is open. Told you you’d fall for me,” he commented and snickered.


“You’re right…I fell,” I started, “I am so in love with your voice.”


And that was enough to wipe that stupid grin on his face and be replaced by an annoyed look and I chuckled at that.


“Kidding. Of course, I love you Kyuhyunnie and now I love your voice too. Thanks for bringing me home. See you tomorrow,” he said and kissed his cheek before going out the car and entering the house and just like last night, HyukJae was at the living room, hugging his knees, already in his sleeping attire and staring blankly at the television.


“Hey,” I spoke gently and he looked up sleepily.


“What are you doing here?” I asked, sitting down beside him and he automatically leaned towards me, placing his head on my lap. To say that I was surprised was an understatement; I was very much surprised and I tensed from the action but relaxed not long enough and let my hand play with Hyuk’s hair.


“Can’t sleep,” he answered with his eyes closed; the TV already forgotten.


“Why’s that?”


“I just can’t.”


And I left it at that, letting my hand play with his soft hair and I felt his hand grabbing my free hand and playing with my fingers. We stayed in that position for a few silent minutes before I felt myself getting drowsy from today’s activities.


“Get up, Hyukkie. I’m sleepy,” I told him, and brought a hand to rub my eyes.




“I want to take a bath,” I whined and my lips, unconsciously, turned into a pout. I felt his head shifted and he is looking up at me and I looked back at his eyes; a few seconds later, he sighed and reluctantly got up from his position and I immediately stood up and grabbing my bag left recklessly on the floor. HyukJae got up too.


“Race you,” HyukJae spoke right on my ear and I was suddenly pushed back down on the sofa while he ran up the stairs.


“You’re so childish,” I shouted and he stopped at the middle flight of the stairs, and looked back at me. I got up again from the sofa, and walked slowly on the stairs while he eyes me. And when we’re on the same place, I faced him.


“Hey, Hyukkie,” I started.




I moved forward, placing my hand on his cheek and caressing it gently while looking directly at his eyes. He was looking back at me, his eyes looking a bit bewildered at my action but I smiled slightly as I felt him leaned in to my palm.


“Donghae?” he muttered.


Then, my smile turned into a smirk as I pinched his cheek hard before I sprinted up the stairs.


I laughed, “That’s payback,” I said and when I reached the top of the stair, I saw HyukJae running up as well, his one cheek in a shade of dark red from my action and mischievousness in his eyes and I decided that look is a sign of danger so I bolted inside my room and locked it. A few seconds later, he was pounding on my door.


“Hey! Open this up!” I heard him shouting at the other side and I just chuckled.


“Not a chance,” I said. “Go to sleep,”


“But I’m not sleepy,” he whined and I bit back a laugh.


“Then force yourself to sleep,” I answered back, leaning back on the door with a smile on my face as I drop my bag on the floor.


“How do you even force sleep?”


“Just close your eyes, Hyuk. You’d be asleep in no time,” I informed him.


“I already did that awhile ago, but it didn’t work,” he said.


I rolled my eyes, “Try it again.”


“But, Hae---”


“Come on, just do it again. I’m tired and I want to sleep but I won’t be able to if you’re being this childish,” I started complaining. “Just lie in your bed and relax. Let’s just go to sleep, Hyukkie. Please?”


There was silence behind the door and I would have thought he fell asleep, if not for the slight sound of footsteps I heard.


“Ok, I’d try it again. Let’s go to sleep,” HyukJae spoke in a soft voice.


My lips turned into a smile again, “Thanks. Good night, Hyukkie,” I said, taking a step away from the door.


“Night, Hae.”







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158 streak #1
Chapter 53: Authorniiiiiiiiiim..... just visiting here again
jo0ody #2
Chapter 53: The last update in 2017 ? too sad
158 streak #3
Chapter 53: I wish there will be an update for this... i just finished re-reading and gawd, it brought back memories
Ice_siri #4
Chapter 53: Such a good story...i really hope that you will still complete this....❤
Chapter 53: I neeeeeeddddd this...... updateeeeee pleaseee.. reread 10x
sweetylailai #6
Chapter 53: Hope you update soon!

Hi re reading this for the nth time too TT
Chapter 53: The big time skip is supporting the whole idea of how Hyukjae redeemed himself of his past mistakes and how he is determined to prove himself and be the best person he could be in his situation. He changed and didn’t give up. I admire his perseverance and his stubbornness. I love both of their valedictorian speech. Donghae is the epitome of perfection. He is wise and thoughtful and overall kindhearted, such a big heart. But I gotta admit they’re both at communicating, like many other people in the world too, eh? And they were young, in fact, I gotta salute the way they handled the situation considering their age at the time.

I certainly hope that you will find your muse and time and condition to be able to finish the story. I really want them to have a happy ending after all they have been through.
Vluverful #9
Chapter 53: Authornim, i missed this story. Can you gave love and update my daily dose of Eunhae? Im dying to know the closure.
lalaelf #10
Chapter 53: 9 years... Oh my god