Chapter 13

If That's What You Want




Last night’s happenings to my mind like freaking super glue. I’m lying here in the bed, staring at my light blue ceiling that helps me calm down; I haven’t slept properly, heck I didn’t even sleep a wink, too caught up with what I did, and what’s more, it was HyukJae who asked for it.


After that innocent kiss, we resumed watching the movie, and it was so awkward, I swear I was going to die, if HyukJae didn’t start a random conversation, and as we the talk got more random and silly, the kiss was pushed at the back of my mind and the awkward atmosphere was no longer around. It’s kind of amazing how we feel awkward around each other, and then acts as if nothing happened at the snap of our fingers.


I gave up sleeping long ago, just listening to the tick-tock of the clock, waiting for the right time to actually wake up and prepare breakfast.


As I continue doing nothing, my hand unconsciously went up to touch my lips lightly, brushing my fingers against my lower lip, and I smiled. How a friendly kiss managed to make me so happy is beyond my imagination, but I admit it felt nice; either kissing a friend, or kissing Hyukjae in particular. I loved the feeling of his skin against mine, the slight tingle of sensation lingering every time we touch. And that made me think; maybe I need to treasure these moments; of us being together without his girl friend. Maybe even if he’s not mine, at least for a month, it’d feel like he is. Even if it’s only temporary, it’d be better than not having the feeling of him being mine at all.


Without further ado, I was on my feet; doing my daily routine even if it’s just 5:15 a.m. Feeling weirdly happy, I skipped to the kitchen, thinking what breakfast I should cook for us this morning. I opened the fridge to look for the food we have, and something caught my eyes; strawberry milks.


Which reminds me---


Wearing an evil smile, I got all the strawberry milk I can find; inside the fridge, at the shelves, and when I was sure I got them all, I opened them one by one, and held one on each of my hands and slowly poured it down the sink; I can only imagine a certain monkey’s face once he find out he doesn’t have a strawberry milk. Well, it’s his fault for tickling me, now he needs to feel my wrath. As soon as the last two strawberry milks got drained, I proceeded cooking breakfast; bacon, omelets and miso soup. That would have to suffice for my bad behavior; not that I’m feeling bad about it.


I ate my breakfast first, looking at the clock as I do so; its 6:00 and HyukJae’s alarm rings at 6:45. After washing the dishes, and preparing the table for a will-be pissed HyukJae, I grabbed my bag and decided to go to school a lot earlier than necessary. The sun is not fully out yet, so I walked until the bus station, taking my time; then my phone rang. I looked at the caller I.D.: HyukJae. I guess he saw it already, since I purposely didn’t clean the mess I did at the sink. Smiling, I chose to ignore the phone and picked up my pace, just in time for the next bus stop.


I reached school after 15 minutes, and it’s just 7:50a.m. There were a few students scattered when I entered the academy; some were sitting by the fountain, lying on the grass or playing in the field. I continued walking towards my room, greeting back those who bid me ‘good morning’.


“Lee Donghae!”


A shout made me stop from my tracks and looked back only to see someone trotting towards me with a smile on his face and waving his hand over his head; somehow, he looks familiar but I am pretty sure I don’t know him; perhaps he’s someone form one of my class or something? To be polite, I gave him a smile anyway.





He stopped a few steps away from me; still wearing that smile as he looked at me intently. I shifted from my position, feeling a bit uncomfortable with a stranger eyeing me.


“You really are pretty,” he broke the silence.


I tried my best not to look weirded out by this totally odd person in front of me wearing a soccer uniform; composing myself, I sent him another small smile and said, “Thanks, but do I know you? Are you a classmate or something?”


“Looks like you don’t remember me at all, huh, pretty?” he answered back with that annoying cocky tone of his then winked at me; a disgustingly familiar flirty wink, and that’s when it clicked.


“The soccer captain from yesterday,” I muttered which he heard and caused him to break into a bigger smile; if that’s even possible, he’s already smiling so wide that it looks like his face will tear in two.


“So you do know me. I am, by all means, very flattered to know that you know me,” he said, taking a step closer.


“Technically, no. I just know that you’re the captain of the soccer team I played with yesterday,” I answered, rolling my eyes.


“Yunho. My name is Jung Yunho,” he introduced himself properly, offering a hand.


I stretched my hand to accept the handshake, for the sake of courtesy, “Lee---”



“Lee Donghae, I know,” he cut me off and took my hand in a swift movement, shaking it slowly and gripping it a little too tight for my comfort. He didn’t look like he’s planning to let go of my hand so I tugged it away with a little force, massaging it with my other hand.


“What are you, my stalker or something?” I said.


He chuckled, “ I said.


He chuckled, “You can say that.”


I raised my brow, looking at him skeptically, “You don’t look like a gay person,” I pointed out which only resulted him to smirk and take a dangerous step closer.


“You didn’t look like a soccer player either, but you are, and you are one good player. Don’t judge the book by its cover, pretty,” he ended with a wink that made me annoyed.


“Stop calling me that,” I hissed, not bothering to hide what I feel.


“And what would I get in return if I do so?” he asked, still in that cocky tone.


“What do you want?”


“I want you to join the soccer team,” he said.


I scoffed, “Not interested. Bye,” I said and walked away, completely ignoring the Yunho-guy


I easily found my still empty room and proceeded to sit down in my chair, slumping and resting my head on the desk; I allowed my eyelids to drop as I listen intently of the sounds around me; there is the rustling of the trees, footsteps of students and teacher, voices of people chatting, giggling, and a chair being pulled. A hand started patting my head gently, letting my hair run through its fingers and I relaxed under the soft touch, knowing pretty well who the hand belongs to.


“Tired, Hae-hyung?” Kyuhyun’s voice said and I hummed in response, hearing him chuckle.


The room started to get noisy as students came rushing in; chatting with their friends about homework, or about their boyfriends and such, but I tuned them out, concentrating on the warmth Kyu is radiating.


“What did you do last night?” Kyuhyun asked, and I willed myself to lift my head heavily, only to rest my head on my companion’s shoulder, his hand never leaving contact with my hair.


“Hyuk and I watched movies,” I muttered sleepily.


“You two are growing closer, huh?” he asked and I just hummed in response, not really on the mood to talk about HyukJae.


“So, is the guy in the soccer field yesterday your boy friend, or something?” he blurted out of the blue that I chuckled; lifting my head on his shoulder and looked at my friend and he avoided my eyes.


“Why? Jealous?” I teased, shifting my position and resting my chin on his shoulder instead, and watched in amusement as he try to think of an answer, pouting in the process.


“N---no, I wasn’t, he managed to say but still avoiding my eyes.”


“Really? You’re not the tiniest bit jealous with that might-be boyfriend of mine?” I whined a little, still teasing and gave a little pout.


He looked at me for a few seconds, then said, “Fine! I was jealous! There, I said it, stop teasing me, will you?!” he said in a raised voice that caused the room, now filled with our classmates, to turn their attention to us; I bit my tongue to avoid chuckling because my friend, Cho Kyuyun, is actually blushing at this very moment.


“What are you looking at?!” he snapped at our classmates who immediately resumed what they were doing earlier.


“You’re so cute, Kyu~” I cooed, and planted a kiss on her cheek then rested my head on his shoulder until the first class started.




“Are you being sentenced to death?” Kyuhyun asked incredulously as he eyed my tray full of chocolate treats.


I rolled my eyes at him as I sat down on our table. We decided not to go eat in our usual place in the garden since it looks like it’s about to rain, so right now, we’re sitting at the center of the table in the cafeteria; me with a tray filled with food and Kyu with his tray with nothing but a bottle of cola and bag of chips.


“No. I am eating this with you,” I said as I took a slice of my chocolate cake, enjoying the rich taste of sweetness in my taste buds.


“What?! You know I don’t like sweet stuff, hyung. I am perfectly fine with my food, you don’t have to go through that to feed me because my tummy is really small and I get full with just this. Besides, I don’t want to be diabetic so I rather---”


I shoved a chocolate coated cookie in his mouth to stop him from his rumbling and watched as he chewed the food slowly, letting the taste linger, he was silent as he swallowed.


“On second thought,” he started and grabbed the chocolate coated cookies on my tray, “I think I do need chocolate. Why didn’t you tell me they were this good! You’ve been eating this stuff as long as I remember.”


“You’re welcome,” I just answered and ate my own food with a smile; happy that I influenced another friend to be a chocolate person.


“Hey, I haven’t seen the monkey since morning,” Kyuhyun said, opening his mouth as I fed him with my cake.


“Maybe he’s hanging on a tree eating banana,” I answered in an uninterested voice, continuing eating the cake, and feeding Kyuhyun.




“Who else? Lee HyukJae, of course,” I said, unaware of the presence behind me.


“Oh really?”


I nodded, before I gasped in surprise as two arms wrapped around my shoulder, making me drop the fork I was holding. I turned my head to the right to find the person hugging me with an idiotic scowl on his face.


“Hyuk,” I whispered.


“Donghae, let me ask you a question,” he started, his voice turning serious and I looked away, only to realize that we’ve become the center of attention, the whole cafeteria have their eyes on us, and some are whispering.


“HyukJae, people are staring,” I whispered at his, holding his arms around me in an attempt to let go, but he’s just too strong; he didn’t even budge.


“Let them. SO, Donghae, did you or did you not throw all my strawberry milk?” He asked in a low voice, and I swallowed an imaginary lump in my throat.


“Let me go first,” I whispered, and slowly, he obliged, sitting beside me and looked me in the eyes.




“Umm---” I started thinking of different things, and my eyes landed on a very confused Kyuhyun who’s looking at me, I sent him a ‘help me’ look, then he was on his feet, grabbing me by the arm and we started sprinting out of the cafeteria before HyukJae can process anything.


“Wait a minute!” HyukJae shouted and was on his feet, chasing us and everybody started making a pathway for our little chase; I was laughing and so was Kyu but the fun was short lived when a hand grabbed my other arm and yanked me away from Kyuhyun, the force making me collide with a very sturdy chest. I looked up, only to see a pissed HyukJae glaring at me, I tried to smile.


“That is so not gonna work. We have to go grocery shopping,” he snarled before dragging me to the parking lot and opened the car door, forcing me in and I can’t struggle.


“HyukJae, we still have class,” I tried reasoning out, when he entered the driver’s seat.


“I don’t care. We have some shopping to do,” he answered back, and started the car.





SORRY! I can't update fast... :(


I am so busy organizing my party that I don't hav enought time...sorry sorry...


I'l makeit up to you guys...


Merry Christmas!

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166 streak #1
Chapter 53: Authorniiiiiiiiiim..... just visiting here again
jo0ody #2
Chapter 53: The last update in 2017 ? too sad
166 streak #3
Chapter 53: I wish there will be an update for this... i just finished re-reading and gawd, it brought back memories
Ice_siri #4
Chapter 53: Such a good story...i really hope that you will still complete this....❤
Chapter 53: I neeeeeeddddd this...... updateeeeee pleaseee.. reread 10x
sweetylailai #6
Chapter 53: Hope you update soon!

Hi re reading this for the nth time too TT
Chapter 53: The big time skip is supporting the whole idea of how Hyukjae redeemed himself of his past mistakes and how he is determined to prove himself and be the best person he could be in his situation. He changed and didn’t give up. I admire his perseverance and his stubbornness. I love both of their valedictorian speech. Donghae is the epitome of perfection. He is wise and thoughtful and overall kindhearted, such a big heart. But I gotta admit they’re both at communicating, like many other people in the world too, eh? And they were young, in fact, I gotta salute the way they handled the situation considering their age at the time.

I certainly hope that you will find your muse and time and condition to be able to finish the story. I really want them to have a happy ending after all they have been through.
Vluverful #9
Chapter 53: Authornim, i missed this story. Can you gave love and update my daily dose of Eunhae? Im dying to know the closure.
lalaelf #10
Chapter 53: 9 years... Oh my god