Chapter 11

If That's What You Want




I knew I would go back into an empty house but I did hope that he’d be home before me; but I guess I never should have hoped at all, it just adds more pain to the scar that I’m starting to have. After watching Sungmin’s car leave, I made my way inside the house, turning on every light. I want him to go home in a bright house, and to indicate I was home; and subtly waiting. Funny why I still try my hardest at times I should be bitter; but I guess that’s just how I am. After switching on the lights, I went straight to bed, not bothering to change.








38 minutes have passed already and he’s still not home; I guess he’s stuck in traffic or something. I glanced at the clock, its 11:13p.m., where on earth could he---?



The vibrating phone on my pocket distracted me; getting the phone that indicated that I received a new message, and I smiled as I read the name of the sender: HyukJae.


Without thinking twice, I opened my phone only wishing I didn’t.


I won’t be home tonight. Goodnight ^^


Of course, she’d be gone for a month, its normal he’d be spending as much time with her that he can; it’s rational and completely predictable.


But why can’t my heart comprehend that?


Not wanting to reply, I tossed my phone aside, not caring where it landed and went out to switch off all the lights; there’s no need, anyway, and I should be conserving energy. With the house returning to its dark atmosphere, I retreated back to my room and tried to sleep it off.




Acting has never been my specialty; Heechul always said I at lying, much more acting like nothing’s wrong, especially if I am hurt or upset. But I surprised myself the next day when I easily pulled off any suspicious looks from either Kyuhyun, or HyukJae himself. I smiled, like I used to, nagged like I used to, laughed like I used to, chatted like I used to; generally, I showed the Donghae everyone knows and no one even noticed the slightest change. But of course, I did. I didn’t look at HyukJae like I used to, I can’t cling to him like  used to, I can’t see him as a friend like I used to. It’s frustrating how drastic a simple change can cause to a person; that person being me. I just knew to myself that I like the guy, and I am already feeling like some broken-hearted teenager.


Since IU is in Australia as of the moment, HyukJae’s sticking to Kyuhyun and I like glue. He said it’s more fun spending time with us here at the school garden, under a big tree Kyuhyun deemed ours, than goofing around with his usual friends; he actually called them boring.


“So, if they’re boring, then so are you, Mr. Two-faced monkey,” Kyuhyun retorted as he handed me a carton of chocolate milk, and drinking his daily dose of cola.


“I am everything, except boring. And you know that, Kyu,” Hyukjae answered, looking cocky all of a sudden, slurping his strawberry milk.


“You were fun when I first got to know you, but after a week or so, your antics became too predictable that I have to be the one thinking of new ways for us to have fun,” Kyu said, rolling his eyes.


“Psh. Whatever,” the other just let the subject off, knowing that he’ll never win Kyuhyun.


“Donghae-hyung, why are you so quiet?” Kyuhyun inquired, as I look out of nowhere.


“Huh?” I answered back.


“See, you’re even spacing out and, you drink like a kid, hyung,” he smiled at me and reached out his hand to remove some chocolate stain that was at the corner of my lips.


I smiled at him, “Thanks, Kyu.”


“You’re welcome, hyung.”


“Yah, why do you call Donghae hyung, while you don’t call me that? I am older than him, you know,” HyukJae suddenly spoke and I resumed looking forward, watching the soccer players at the open field passing the ball to one another.


“Because I want to call him that, and I can call you whatever the heck I want,” came the snarky remark of Kyu.


“Tsk. You call him hyung, I think noona would be more appropriate, instead,” HyukJae muttered but I heard that clearly; and it freaking ticked me off.


I glared at him, hard. “What did you just say?”


“Huh? What?” He said, acting innocent.


“I heard you, HyukJae,” I hissed.




“Just because I’m gay doesn’t give you the right to mock me, you bastard,” I snarled and I was on my feet, my fist curling as I walk in long strides on my way to the soccer field, and I can hear two sets of feet following me. I was, literally, pissed.


“Hey!” I shouted at the people playing with the ball; they all turned at me and smiled.


“Yes? Do you need something?” One asked.


“I was wondering if I can play with you guys,” I asked as the rest of the players slowly approached me.


“Do you know how to play?” Another one asked.


“Why don’t you let me play for you to find out?” I said, sounding as if I was challenging them, and to be honest, I kind of am. There’s one thing about Donghae when he’s pissed; he diverts his anger through sports and gets all too cocky in the process.


“Well, then, let’s give it a try; but if you can’t score even a single goal, you’d be going on a date with me,” the one, who looked like the captain, said with a flirty smile.


I snorted, “Call.” Fully aware of the audience we are starting to gather.




It wasn’t even 5 minutes after the whistle and I already scored my first goal.


A triumphant smile was on my face as I ran to the other side of the field, catching up to the opponent; the captain, that flirty captain. Well, for one, I can see he’s got the skills; the way he controls the ball is certainly something, but that’s not enough for me. I easily caught up to him, and sent him my smile before I swiftly steal the ball, and started running to the goal post, and for the second time, goal.


By the time I made my fourth goal, I was laughing heartily; I never felt this light in a long time, and I missed this feeling. This feeling of being free, being me. I miss it. Running again to the goal post, a figure at the side of the field caught my attention; aside from the people who are now watching and chanting my name, a single figure stood out and I stopped my tracks, not caring that the ball I was controlling was stolen by whoever it was, for I cannot believe what I was seeing. Before I even knew it, my feet was running towards that person, who’s been smiling that brilliant smile, and opening his arms as I jumped on him, and he caught me just in time.




“You left me for you to show off your soccer skills?” He said with that all too charming voice, with a bit of teasing, of course. He hugged me tight, returning the same amount of pressure I was applying, as I buried my face to his neck, inhaling that sweet scent of his that I missed.


“You missed me so much that you’re actually smelling me, aren’t you,” he teased again, but chuckling nonetheless.


“Just shut up, and hug me, idiot,” I pouted, and a hand patted my head in the most soft way; I almost forgot how gentle Kibum could get, especially when he’s with me.


“I missed you so so much, Kibummie,” I whispered.


“I missed you more, my Haehae,” he whispered back.


We stayed like that for a few more minutes, before Kibum said, “Hae? Are you sure you don’t want to let me go? People are watching, you know,” he chuckled, and that made me release him all so suddenly, facing the crowd I forgot was there. Sure enough, all eyes were casted upon us; some with teasing eyes, some curious, maybe about who’s Kibum, and eyes glaring.


I gave them the smile before turning to the group of soccer players who stopped in the middle of the field, also gawking at us. “Thanks about the game; I had fun. Bye-bye,” I waved and dragged Kibum out of the field.


Without a second glance, I brought Kibum outside the school; not really caring that I have a next class or whatnot; my bag’s also there, meaning I don’t have a phone or money. Oh, well, that’s why Kibum’s here anyway. At least he can be useful for once. Joke. J


“Bummie, let’s go somewhere,”


“Eh? Why?”


“What do you mean Why?”


“I want you to tour me around your school,” he said and made me stop from walking too fast before we even cross the street.


“But---” I started arguing but stopped once I faced him; damn it, he’s freaking pouting and giving me that puppy look.


After staring for a few seconds, I chuckled and ruffled his hair, “I almost forgot how powerful your almighty pout and puppy face looked like. It still affects me like it did before,” I said, and finally holding his hand to go back to the school.


“Of course, it does. It never loses its power over you,” he said and skipped happily when I started the so-called tour.


Good thing it’s free period until 3p.m. that I finished giving Kibummie the tour he wanted and we still have an hour to chat without walking too much; because seriously, the school’s huge. After buying some snacks, we sat at one table on the cafeteria and started talking.


“You never told me the reason why you’re here, though, Bummie,” I said.


“Is it bad for me to want to visit my best friend?” He asked, eating a bag of chips.


“Right, you are. Now, tell me,” I asked again after rolling my eyes.


“You are so becoming like Heechul-hyung,” he retorted.


“That’s because we are genetically made,” I said and stuck my tongue at him, “Now, just tell me, Bummie.”


“I am Korean too, you know. I have a house here, relatives, a business and whatnot. Is it not right coming back to my home town?” He argued, looking serious all of a sudden.


“Fine,” I pouted.


“Soooo, now tell me,” he started, “do you have a boy friend here, now? Because you seem to be quite popular here,” he asked, looking around to confirm guys, and even girls, looking at our table and they quickly diverted their gaze.


“No. I don’t have one,” I answered, letting my guard down. , I just sounded sad, didn’t I? Looking up at Kibum, sure enough, he was staring at me with that knowing eyes, and I looked away, only to hear him sigh.


“Alright Donghae, spit it out,” he ordered and patiently waited. When I didn’t make an attempt to reply, he dragged his chair beside me and cupped my face in his soft hands, making me look back into his worried eyes; I feel guilty making him worried when he just got here. Closing my eyes, I told him what’s bothering me; besides, I can’t really hide anything from this person, he knows me too well for my own good.


“I---I like someone,” I started, feeling my heartbeat race just by admitting it to someone else that’s not Sungmin. He didn’t reply, so I continued, “But he has a girlfriend,” and with that I was engulfed with the warmest hug I ever received, much better than the one he gave me in the field earlier. I clutched on his clothes, and buried my face on his shoulder, hiding, and feeling weak. His hugs are always the sweetest, warmest and my most favorite; it calms my nerves and clears my mind.


“It’s okay, Hae,” he crooned in that charming voice that I felt myself smiling a bit. I sat properly after a few seconds and gave my best friend a smile; this time, it’s a genuine one.


“I am so glad you’re here, Bummie,” I told him.


“I am so glad I’m here too. Now, what’s his name, Haehae?” he asked, inching closer.


“His name is---HyukJae,” I whispered in his ear.


“Oh, so how did he reject you?” he asked, all too bluntly.


“He didn’t.”




“He didn’t reject me because I didn’t confess,” I answered.


“You didn’t, what?! Then how are you sure that he doesn’t like you? Did it ever cross your mind that you can convert him from being straight, to being a curve, you idiot fishy. I am sure you’re even cuter than that of his,” he said, while making different hand gestures to make his point.


“She’s actually pretty, Bum, his girlfriend,” I answered him.


“And how did you know that?”


“Because I met her, and even had dinner with her. And I can tell he really really really loves her, Kibum-ah. Just the way he looks at her---”


“Huh? Why? How did you know all that?”






Speaking of the devil. I turned my head to face the person who cause all this, this, feelings fluttering in my stomach. He made his way to our table, and stood behind me.


“Classes are going to start in 10 minutes,” he reminded me.


“Right.” I stood up, and faced Kibum who’s eyeing me.


“By the way, meet my best friend, Kibum,” I told HyukJae who gave a curt nod,


 “And Bummie, this is my cousin, Lee HyukJae.”

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166 streak #1
Chapter 53: Authorniiiiiiiiiim..... just visiting here again
jo0ody #2
Chapter 53: The last update in 2017 ? too sad
166 streak #3
Chapter 53: I wish there will be an update for this... i just finished re-reading and gawd, it brought back memories
Ice_siri #4
Chapter 53: Such a good story...i really hope that you will still complete this....❤
Chapter 53: I neeeeeeddddd this...... updateeeeee pleaseee.. reread 10x
sweetylailai #6
Chapter 53: Hope you update soon!

Hi re reading this for the nth time too TT
Chapter 53: The big time skip is supporting the whole idea of how Hyukjae redeemed himself of his past mistakes and how he is determined to prove himself and be the best person he could be in his situation. He changed and didn’t give up. I admire his perseverance and his stubbornness. I love both of their valedictorian speech. Donghae is the epitome of perfection. He is wise and thoughtful and overall kindhearted, such a big heart. But I gotta admit they’re both at communicating, like many other people in the world too, eh? And they were young, in fact, I gotta salute the way they handled the situation considering their age at the time.

I certainly hope that you will find your muse and time and condition to be able to finish the story. I really want them to have a happy ending after all they have been through.
Vluverful #9
Chapter 53: Authornim, i missed this story. Can you gave love and update my daily dose of Eunhae? Im dying to know the closure.
lalaelf #10
Chapter 53: 9 years... Oh my god