Chapter 13 (EDITED)

Our Love

Siwon was walking down the hallways of their school when he spotted Yoona with her friends. He walked over to them and said hello. Yoona's friends left immediately.


“They don't like me, do they?” Siwon watched the girls scurry away.


“It's not that!” Yoona argued. “It's just--” She trailed off.


“They're scared of me.” Siwon finished. Yoona nodded. Siwon forced a smile, “It's alright. I came here for you anyway.” Yoona smiled.




Yoona and Siwon looked up and found Tiffany coming their way.


“Hey Tiff.” They exchanged hugs. “It's been awhile.”


Tiffany agreed then she noticed Yoona. “Oh, hi. Yoona, right?”


Yoona nodded, surprised that Tiffany had remembered.


“You two know each other?” Siwon looked at them.


Tiffany smiled, “Yeah.”


“Then let's have lunch together then.”


“Oh yeah. That would be great.” Tiffany agreed. Yoona smiled awkwardly. She wasn't comfortable with the ideas, but who was she to say no? These two were the most popular people both at school and at SME.


After that day, Yoona started having lunch with Siwon and Tiffany and the rest of the popular kids. She didn't plan it and she even tried avoiding it, but saying no was too hard for her, especially when Siwon and Tiffany looked so eager.


It didn't take long for Yoona to get used to the new crowd, though she would just usually talk to Siwon and Tiffany. They were the nicest out of all the others. If Yoona's suspicions were right, the other kids only talked to her because of the two.


On one of those lunches, Hara, one of the popular kids nudged Yoona. “Don't look now, but some weirdo is staring at you.”


Yoona lifted her head and followed Hara's gaze. Instantly, a smile lit up Yoona's face. She waved energetically at Kibum but he just looked at her for a second, before standing up and walking away. Yoona's smile was wiped off her face.


“You knew that guy?” Hara asked, disgust and surprise fused in her voice.


“He's my best friend.” Yoona said sadly.





Yoona? Are you coming with us?” Siwon asked, opening his car's door for Yoona.


Yoona? Are you ok?” Tiffany asked from the front seat.


Classes were already dismissed and the tree were set to go to SME for practice. Yoona forced a smile, “Yeah, I don't think I could go with you guys. I think I left something in the classroom.”


We can wait for you.” Siwon suggested. Tiffany agreed.


No, no. It's ok.”


Tiffany frowned. “Are you sure?”


Yes. Of course I am.”


Yoona waved goodbye to them as the car sped off. She went around the school, to the main gate. She walked slowly and carefully towards the oak tree.


Please let him be here. Please let him be here.” She whispered, closing her eyes, and clasping her hands. She took a deep breath and opened her eyes. Her face fell.




Her eyes widened and she spun around. “Bummie!”


Kibum looked confused as he looked around. “What are you doing here? And why are you alone?”


I came here for you. I've missed you.”


Kibum stiffened. “Really? That's good then. I need to go.”


Yoona blocked his way. “Where are you going? To SME? Let's go together.” She smiled and hooked her arm with his.


Kibum unlinked his arm and moved away. “Yeah but I have to go somewhere first.”


I can go with you.”


No, that's ok. I don't want you to get in trouble. I'll see you later.” He stalked away.




"So..." Siwon started.


"So." Tiffany smiled.


"I've missed you." He gave her a sideways glance.


"What are you talking about? We're always together."


"Yeah...but... we haven't been alone for awhile. You know, just tthe two of us." Siwon coughed, trying to hide his embarassment.


Tiffany laughed. "I've missed you, too."


"Really?" Siwon brightened up.


"Of course. Hey, I have a suggestion. Why don't we take a detour?"


Siwon's brows furrowed. "But we're going to be late."




"So we'll get in trouble."


"I repeat, so? Oh c'mon Siwon. Just a few minutes."


Siwon sighed, pretending not to like the idea. "Where to?"


"You know where."


Siwon laughed. "I'm under your command, Miss Hwang."


"idiot." She giggled.


Tiffany sighed contentedly and stared at Siwon. They were going to one of Tiffany's most favorite spots in Seoul, the 'Secret Garden.' It

was this beautiful place that teemed with different varieties of flowers and plants. She liked going there whenever she was alone. It

was called the secret garden, for the reason that it was a place that wasn't really easy to find.


"Why are you looking at me like that?"


"I dunno." Tiffany smiled. "You just make me happy."


Siwon smiled to himself.




Tiffany tugged on her shirt mindlessly. A habit she had when she mulled over something. She sighed and leaned on the wall next to her. Her mind needed some rest. The one thing that bothered her the most though was that the reason for her sleepless nights was no other than Lee Donghae and she didn't even understand why.


Tiffany looked up when she heard footsteps coming her way. Speaking of the devil. She frowned. Lee Donghae was walking towards her direction. She straightened up and waited if he'd stay true to his word.


His footsteps were louder now which meant he was nearer. Tiffany peeked at him through lidded eyes. He was fidgeting with something in his hand. She lifted her head and faked a cough to get his attention. Through the corner of her eye, she saw him look up. He's seen me.


Tiffany produced her phone and pretended to text someone. When she was positive that Donghae was almost in front of her, she looked up and....


Donghae simply passed by her. Tiffany's jaw dropped. She didn't believe he'd actually go through with it.


I hope this chap was worth the wait! :)

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MusiicLoveer #1
Haefany ! (: Love your story . <3
Donghae's name in English is Aiden Lee.. East Sea is just nickname bcuz East Sea in Korea sounds the same as Donghae
just read yours and..this is amazing!
the story was sooo great!
AyraLovesKibum #4
omg. i'll miss reading this :(
SNSDforever #5
Fantasic I like it
WOO! Haefany! <3 <br />
I enjoyed the story!
poseidon #8
Nice was rooting for Haefany all thee way
YAY :D Haefanyyyy <3