Choi Seunghyun





I was right in front of her, but she screamed for Jiyong?

I looked at her, she felt so small in my grasp, but it never felt so perfect than this. Hani was perfect.

“Seunghyun, please, let me go. Don’t do this. You don’t want to do this, Seunghyun. Not to me, not to Jiyong.” Her eyes, wait, was she afraid of me?

Her lips were trembling, she was shaking under my grip.

“Hani, please, don’t be afraid. I won’t hurt you. I can’t hurt you. Please... please stay, Hani. I promise I won’t do anything to you. I just need you to stay.”

There was still fear showing in her eyes, but she calmed down a bit. I let go of her.


I took her hand, motioning her to the couch. There was hesitation in her steps, but she followed me anyway. I sat her down and settled beside her, with enough space between us for her to be comfortable, but close enough for me to smell her scent.

“I’m sorry,” I started, “I never meant to scare you like that.”

She looked at me expectantly, waiting for me to continue.

“I remember the first time I saw you, Hani. I fell for you at that exact moment.” I remembered her smile, and how angelic she looked that day.

“I’m sorry Seunghyun, that we turned out this way.” I knew it, she felt the attraction too. “But now I belong to Jiyong, Seunghyun. There is nothing you could do to change that. I admit it, I was attracted to you back then, but Jiyong --”

“Stop saying his name in front of me!”


I stood up, and she looked surprised. , I scared her again. I took a deep breath, tried to calm myself down, and I sat back again.

“I want to talk about us, Hani, about you and I, so could you please do not mention about Jiyong? I want you to hear me out, I want you to know how I feel for you. This could be my only chance, so could you please listen, Hani?”

She just nodded.

“I am in love with you. I have been keeping this within me for more than a year now, and it is driving me crazy. It is so hard, Hani, you are here, right in front of me, but you are out of my reach. Do you know how painful it is to me, to watch you with someone else but me?”

“But Seunghyun --”

“I know what you’re trying to say Hani. He is my best friend, I am well aware of that. And that makes it even more unbearably painful to me.” My chest felt tight. But she needed to know that there was another person that loved her as much as Jiyong did, if not more.


“What do you want me to do, Seunghyun? I am willing to do anything, if it could at least ease the pain you are feeling.” Sincerity filled her eyes. “But you should know to whom my heart belongs to, no matter what, Seunghyun.” She was firm, but her offer fascinated me.


“Kiss me. I want your kiss, Hani.” I was being serious. I had been waiting, imagining the taste of her lips for so long, so this was my chance.


“Just give me a kiss, and I’ll leave you guys alone. I swear.”

She was calculating, and she remained unmoved for the longest time, before she leant in, and our lips touch for the slightest moment.


I felt an explosion inside me, and I couldn’t hold it anymore. I pushed her, she was lying on the sofa, and I aimed for her lips, releasing all I had stored in me all this time. To my surprise, she didn’t resist me. The situation got heated, and I find myself trailing my fingers down her dress, trying to feel the skin beneath her clothes. Her fingers reached the buckle of my belt, and I knew where we were heading. She was going to give herself to me.


We made love on the exact couch, and she fell asleep in my hold. It was already two in the morning, and I closed my eyes, feeling blessed to have her with me, in my arms. To my delight, Jiyong did not contact any of us until the next morning.


That night, I had made Hani mine.


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thank you a_lei_lei! :)
thank you so much for reading this story, supermodel :)
supermodel #3
Awh* good story! :) <br />
Your ending was good! Im glad they got back together.. Good job!
:) thanks a lot iloveonkiseung!
wanqiloh #5
at least they made up. haha. yay! nice story! i really liked it! :D
:) thanks bbangbombunny!
bbangbombunny #7
i love fanfics about meeting up after break ups aww made me tear a bit.. Nice story, really :)
@voisac: thank you so much for reading, and thank you so much for your support! :)
Awe this was so sweet. :')<br />
I love the ending. I love your stories in general, keep up the uh-ma-zing work! <3