Kwon Jiyong



It was 9.35 am, and I was on my way home. I must be too preoccupied with Hani that I left my thumbdrive containing my 10.30 am presentation at home. I was nearing our apartment complex when I saw Hani’s familiar figure waiting at the bus stop across the street. I thought she said that she would be picked from our house?


Immediately, I stopped my car at the side of the street and went out. But then, a known car stopped in front of Hani. It was Seunghyun’s. What was he doing here? Was this a coincidence? I reached for my phone to call Hani, but then I saw Seunghyun went out from his car, went to Hani, and he gave her a hug. It wasn’t just a simple hug, he was squeezing her, and although Hani didn’t hug him back, she didn’t push him away either. Did Hani was waiting for him?


Seunghyun then took Hani’s suitcase and he put it in his car. I saw Hani went to the passenger side, and she went in. That was it, something was definitely wrong here. Seunghyun went back into his car, and I could see clearly enough through his tinted window, he was helping Hani with her seatbelt. He then leaned in, and they kissed.


Right at that moment, everything came crashing down to me. They had been seeing each other, behind my back. I lost my grip of my phone, it went straight down falling on the ground, but I couldn’t care more. I felt my knees went weak, my heart was pumping loudly, but I was short of breath. I felt like fainting. How could they do this to me?


I came to my senses and I realised that Seunghyun’s car was gone. I grabbed my phone, tried to call Hani, but it didn’t get through. I tried Seunghyun’s number next, but it didn’t get through either. Both of them had turned their phone off. Out of coverage, my !


I quickly went behind my steering wheel, made a u-turn, and speeded my car to catch up with them. They shouldn’t be far, the traffic was rather slow at the time. And thank god for traffic lights, as I then saw them right in the front of the queue. My heart suddenly hurt at the sight of his car, and I decided to follow them.


To think about it, I had all the signs right on front of me. The way he asked about her in our conversations, the way he volunteered to help her with the dishes, the way he occasionally touched her on her hand, on her back or on her shoulder, the way he helped her with her coat, and the way he looked at her. He looked at her like he always did since the first time he saw her at that cafe, his eyes were full of longingness. But I trusted him, he was my best friend, I thought he would never cross the line, but he stabbed me right on my back. He broke my trust. But I didn’t blame Seunghyun alone, Hani had her part in this too. Hani, too, had broke my trust.


They finally arrived at a resort overlooking the ocean, just an hour drive from our city. I parked my car away from them, but I could see them clearly from here. Seunghyun went out of the car, went to Hani’s side, and help her exited the car. Oh, what a gentleman you were, Seunghyun. They walked hand in hand, and I couldn’t help myself from jumping out of the car, and ran after them.


They were right in front of me, and I felt like punching Seunghyun right in his face. But my hand instinctively grabbed Hani’s, pulling her towards me. Both of them turned to me at the same time, and boy, surprised were clearly written on their faces at the sight of me.


I looked at Hani, she looked shocked but apologetic, and when I looked at Seunghyun, he looked rather furious. I was the one that should be enraged here!

“How could you do this to me, Hani! How could you do this to me, Seunghyun!”

Seunghyun was the first one to speak up.




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thank you a_lei_lei! :)
thank you so much for reading this story, supermodel :)
supermodel #3
Awh* good story! :) <br />
Your ending was good! Im glad they got back together.. Good job!
:) thanks a lot iloveonkiseung!
wanqiloh #5
at least they made up. haha. yay! nice story! i really liked it! :D
:) thanks bbangbombunny!
bbangbombunny #7
i love fanfics about meeting up after break ups aww made me tear a bit.. Nice story, really :)
@voisac: thank you so much for reading, and thank you so much for your support! :)
Awe this was so sweet. :')<br />
I love the ending. I love your stories in general, keep up the uh-ma-zing work! <3