Kwon Jiyong




“She wants me to wait for her here.” I joined Seunghyun in the living room. Hani was in the toilet and I figured that she would be in there for a while. Seunghyun was holding a mug of coffee, and there was another one on the table.

I pointed at it, “Is this Hani’s?”


I took a long sip of her coffee and Seunghyun just had to roll his eyes at me.

“What? It’s my girlfriend’s.”


“So, where were you last night? Did you somehow lose our numbers?”

Way to go sarcastic, Seunghyun.

“You won’t believe what an unbelievable night I had last night.”

Seunghyun smirked, and I felt challenged. There was no way anybody could top what I went through last night.

“I was supposed to be a substitute for my boss, right? But I wasn’t been told that I had to play his role too. I mean, I sat at a table full of old people. Old people, Seunghyun, who left their sense of humour at home.”

God, just thinking about them made my blood boiled.


“Don’t tell me they wouldn’t let you used the phone during dinner.”

“Exactly! I just hold that damn phone, and they sent death glares at me. When I excused myself to make the call, they said that it was impolite to get up before others had finished their meal. What the heck was that? Even my parents didn’t set those rules on me!”

Seunghyun just laughed.

“So I got the chance to call Hani, but she was unreachable.”

“Her phone ran out of battery.” Slipped Seunghyun.

“Ah, no wonder. I tried to call you after that, but I was dragged to the middle of the stage, and I was ‘requested’ to sing – get ready for this – trot! Gosh!”

I was officially fuming.


“Jiyong, let’s go home.” I didn’t realise Hani was already out of the toilet. She looked pale.

“Love, are you okay? You look sick.” I cupped her chin and I could see that her eyes were swollen.

“The alcohol, perhaps. You know I can’t handle much.” Her voice was hoarse. “Can we go home now?”

“Yeah, sure. Hey Seunghyun, thanks for letting my girl stayed here last night.” I grabbed her bag and led her to the door.

“No problem. I’ll call you later, you should tell me the rest of your story. And Hani, thank you for last night.”

Seunghyun was smiling at Hani, and from that smile, I knew Hani had give him a satisfactory birthday celebration. I knew she had, because my girl was the best.


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thank you a_lei_lei! :)
thank you so much for reading this story, supermodel :)
supermodel #3
Awh* good story! :) <br />
Your ending was good! Im glad they got back together.. Good job!
:) thanks a lot iloveonkiseung!
wanqiloh #5
at least they made up. haha. yay! nice story! i really liked it! :D
:) thanks bbangbombunny!
bbangbombunny #7
i love fanfics about meeting up after break ups aww made me tear a bit.. Nice story, really :)
@voisac: thank you so much for reading, and thank you so much for your support! :)
Awe this was so sweet. :')<br />
I love the ending. I love your stories in general, keep up the uh-ma-zing work! <3