Back to School

The Pathway to Failure is Filled with Bliss


Seunghyun got up when the sun rose again. He didn’t like getting up early but he was glad the sun decided to wake him. He needed to meditate. He needed to keep all of this under control. He couldn’t let everything out. He was too involved in Jiyong’s life now to let it all fall apart. He made his way to the corner and let the light from outside his eyelids disappear and darkness from within replace it.

45 minutes later Seunghyun slowly opened his eyes. Jiyong was in front of him just like the day before but this time dressed in his school uniform. He smiled at Seunghyun.

“You do this everyday, hyung?” Jiyong asked.

“Lately, yes.” Seunghyun answered, stretching his legs out in front of him.

“Well, you should hurry and get ready. I think omma made a big breakfast today. She seems to like cooking for you.” Jiyong said, bracing the wall while pulling Seunghyun to his feet.

Seunghyun went to Jiyong’s closet and pulled down a uniform. He looked over at Jiyong across the room and suddenly got really nervous. Jiyong couldn’t be here while he got dressed. He couldn’t see what he really looked like under all the clothes he wore. Seeing that Jiyong was taking his time leaving the room, Seunghyun went to change in the bathroom.

It was a rushed morning. Seunghyun and Jiyong shoveled rice into their mouths at Jiyong’s omma’s insistence. They ran out the door while pulling on their shoes, running to make their bus.

“Dammit. I forgot batteries.” Jiyong uttered, smacking his forehead, looking at his dead music player.

Seunghyun grimaced. He knew how important that player was to him. “We can stop and buy some on the way to YG later.” Seunghyun offered.

“Yeah? With what money? I kind of spent the rest of my money on our ditch day. I was hoping to scrape by until the next check.” Jiyong uttered embarrassedly.

Seunghyun felt terrible. He knew he should have turned down all the fancy things Jiyong was offering that day. Wait. He did have a few thousand won in his bag.

“I can buy them for you.” Seunghyun offered.

“No, I wouldn’t ask that from you.” Jiyong said guiltily.

“No, really. You bought all that stuff for me on Friday. I can at least buy you some batteries.” Seunghyun explained.

Slowly Jiyong’s lips turned up into a smile, then his teeth started to show. He was obviously trying to hide how happy he was.

“Gomowo, Seunghyun.” Jiyong said.

“It’s no problem, Jiyong-ah.” Seunghyun said with a small smile as he looked away.

Seunghyun sat in class like it was an alternate reality. It seemed vaguely familiar but things were so different from the last time he sat in the same desk. He listened to his teachers and took occasional notes. He completed the in-class assignments before pulling out his rapping notebook and continuing where both he and Jiyong left off.

When 10:00 came around and Jiyong walked in, he smiled at Seunghyun before sitting down. Seunghyun tried to make sense of the lesson but math was never his strong suit. He could feel Jiyong’s eyes glancing over at him, probably to see if he was working or not. He knew he was a lost cause when it came to this subject.

He sighed and opened his textbook, reading what it had to say. He was shocked. This wasn’t that complicated. Why did Jiyong and his teacher make it seem like rocket science? Seunghyun ignored the teacher and worked on some sample problems from the book. He got them wrong the first time but when he read how the book said to do it he was able to answer them mostly correct. Seunghyun beamed. He had never been so proud of himself.

He looked over at Jiyong who was writing notes down. He wanted to tell him he understood now but how could he? This teacher was not one to be lenient with class disruptions. He decided the constant stare should do it. He focused his eyes unwaveringly on Jiyong.

Soon Seunghyun noticed how Jiyong’s hair was tickling at his earlobe, the slope of his collarbone, the way he bit his lip when he was concentrating. He felt his face’s temperature escalate. Jiyong couldn’t see him like this. He had to think of something else, anything else. He thought of music. Music should work, right? Suddenly the image of Jiyong rewinding and fast-forwarding the tape player from yesterday popped into his head. No, no, no, not music.

Seunghyun sat there exhausting his mind of ideas without noticing that Jiyong was looking back, his ears turning pink. Seunghyun finally blinked and noticed Jiyong. He jumped a little. He gave him a small smile then turned back to his work. Jiyong must think he is a freak. He must have been staring for at least 15 minutes.

Seunghyun finished the in class assignment and opened his rapping notebook again. He glanced over and saw Jiyong’s expression. He looked jittery. He glanced at Seunghyun and up at the clock and back at his own open rapping notebook. Seunghyun was curious. Did Jiyong have something to show him or did he see he had his own rapping notebook open? Soon he was curious enough that he couldn’t focus on what he started on. He looked at the clock. 10:52. Only a few more minutes then he would know. His foot started tapping, his fingers drumming on the top of his desk. He tried not to look at the clock but he kept looking back.

When the teacher’s bell rang Jiyong practically sprinted from his chair to Seunghyun’s desk. All the other students looked at him with questioning looks, he didn’t seem like the type of student to be excited to get out of class or to talk to the loner Seunghyun either.

“Hey! What have you been writing? You have been making me go crazy with curiosity.” Jiyong said hitting him on the arm.

“Yah! You were doing the same thing!” Seunghyun retaliated, rubbing his arm. Jiyong really could throw a punch but it didn’t hurt too long, unlike the last time.

They put their notebooks side by side both gulping down ever detail in each other’s pages.

“Hey, Seunghyun, you notice something?” Jiyong began biting his lip, his tongue slipping out slightly from the gap between.

Seunghyun gulped. “What’s that?” Seunghyun nervously muttered.

Jiyong leaned forward and whispered in Seunghyun’s ear, “We are both writing about love, what could that mean?”

Seunghyun’s throat went dry, his mind blank. He was way too close. The room got really hot. He could feel sweat rolling down from his hair; see the smooth curve of Jiyong’s back.

“Do you…want to kiss me, Seunghyun?” Jiyong said, mere centimeters from Seunghyun with slightly pouted lips starting to curl up into a smile.

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Rolan1878 #1
Chapter 36: new vip here and am a gtop shipper and a top stan although i love all 5 of them. i've read so many gtop fanfics since i started last oct and this is one of the best i've read. thank you for a great story
i can't believe...... this is such an old story and i read it just now.... the author isn't even active anymore but... this is such gold? this is real life. i enjoyed reading this thoroughly and i cried and smiled and... it was perfect honestly. i wish jiyong and seunghyun would read fics like this and tell me how much of this is true. real life. all of it???????
i can't wait to read the sequel even tho i saw it was not complete.
THANK U SO MUCH for writing this, if u ever see this, dear writer <3
Anisoara #3
Chapter 36: I really enjoyed this story. I loved it so much I can't find the right words to describe it. I will like a sequel. If possible. Thank you
HyemOlly #4
Chapter 36: Until whenever, I need that sequel more than anything now :-) This was such of outstanding piece of canon fiction, and I need you to write more about this because it could easily become my favorite gtop series if you do. You are a great writer, and I had the best weekend reading this, now one of my favorite gtop fiction. Your charters were so genuine, and real, I could empathize with Seunghyun so much, i just fall fo him again. It feel like going back to watching their documentary era, and i'm so thankful for the amount of work and research you put to the story to hold the most canon events as possible. Really thanks for this.

A side note: I always thought that Jiyong joined YG back when he was around 13 or so, at the seem age that Taeyang. And that both worked hard cleaning and errands boys as a yg trainers that want to debut as a hiphop duo. And Seunghyun learned to meditate through his grandfather who was a famous Korean writer. 
Kfangirl4 #5
Chapter 36: Thank you so much for this story. The reader can tell how much work went into it because it feels so real. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Chapter 36: A friend of mine suggested this story the other day & I flew through it to the end. I felt so much for the characters & their struggle through their time together. Looking forward to starting the sequal.
Chapter 36: This story is really amasing.
I sobbed along with Seunghyun the past chapters, and wow ...
I'm just lost of words.
I'm actually not a vip, I just like them both because they look good together, and are very uniqe in there own way.

So back to your story, you made thi sstory so painfull real with so many small but smart details, like the talks in the dark, I mean it so true we all experience this magical best friend dark talks, but I never read about it in a fanfiction.
Or the really alday problematics of a teager live, the pain I think most of us once felt.
I think who ever read this can find himself in this story just a litle bit, so its very easy to feel along with the charackter.
And most amazing is the not cheesy end, biut still somehow a happy end.
Like live is, we have friends, we have lovers, there come and ther go without our wanting, but if we wan't continue our dreams we have to let go, and work speratly for what we really want to become.

Somehow your fanfiction gave me really confidenc.
i don't know for what.
But I feel like your dream can come true too, what again reminds me about chapter 31, when you feel like everything ios going to become great I'm sure some big stone will hit you. But live goes on anyway.

Thank you for this amazing fanfiction.
I hope you will write someday again a longer fanfiction.
Although I hate the impetent tension of not knowing how it will work on, and if the fanfiction ever gets completet.
So usually I only read completet fanfiction.
And I usually also don't read school fanfiction, but I read a oneshot from you, and since you blew my mind there already I gave this one a chance.
and how to say, the first chapter already cought me, I couldn't stop reading, only if I was forst to do so.

Sorry for my missarable english skills, I hope you don't mind but I have to subscribe you ~
Chapter 36: I loved this with all my heart, I almost read it all in one go but school had to get in the way :/ But I enjoyed reading every word, I just couldn't wait to know what was next, and was heartbroken at parts and so happy at others and ajdhajsh I just love this, it was fantastic >__< I'm really looking forward to the sequel and Jiyong's point of view, I don't think I could get tired of reading any of them :3
geekgirl_923 #9
Chapter 36: YAY!! absolutely fabulous! Thank you for the *4 years later* and the promise of a sequel!! and from Jiyong's point of view! :D great story! thanks again!
youngforever #10
Chapter 36: I'm always excited when you updated this. And I always feel content whenever I'm done reading one chapter. I'm sort of disappointed-happy that this fic is done.... I really hope you can't make the story much longer... But I'm happy!! This fic is so good and well written!! ^^