
Meow-ve you [EDITING]

(Jieun's POV)

"YAH!~~ Get out now!~~ You said you'd leave by 8!~~" I whined. They were using my TV and raiding my fridge.

"Jagi!~~I told you I wanted to sleepover!~~wait...I want to move in!~~" Yoseob said cutely.




"Wae!~~~~~~*pouts* pweese!~~ pwetty please!~~ You know my condition!"

"What condition?"

"The 'meow' condition"

"You seem fine now...I dont even think you were the cat! You probably kidnapped it and removed your clothes and laid on my bed and used the 'IM YOUR FREAKING CAT!' as an excuse!"

"You still think Im lying?......*pouts*" Gosh! Its hard to believe this guy is a really big ert. He looked at me for goodness sakes! I mean 'really' looked at me. *shivers* I cant seem to get mad at that face...NO! JIEUN-AH! YOU HAVE TO STAND YOUR GROUND!

"Prove it then!"

"I told you I dont know how!~~"

"What are you guys talking about? At first I thought you were just having a couple fight but ,now, whats this with the 'IM YOUR FREAKING CAT' thing?" Kikwang said. Yoseo was about to say something but...he turned.

"Meow" Yoseob said.

"What happened?" Kikwang said

"That's Yoseob" I said. I was surprised myself actually. He was telling the truth. This is impossible...Now I really have to think about the whole 'guy with the black mask' thing. Who could it be? I looked at Kikwang. It cant be him...he's too much of a Babo.

"Meow" Yoseob was looking up at me with 'puppy eyes'. HAHA. He can actually use that face when he's a cat.

"What are you? A cat or a dog?" I said

"Meoarf!" He said.

"Im guessing you want to stay here?" he nodded. Well...its not like he can go to the hotel now...His hotel doesnt even allow pets. Kikwang said so. He had to leave his dog outside when he visited Yoseob yesterday. "Kikwang...can you get Yoseobs clothes from the hotel? He's gonna be staying here 'till this problem is solved"

"Y-yeh..s-sure" He was still flustered from what he saw awhile ago. I showed Kikwang to the door. "B-bye..." he said

"Bye" I said. I closed the door. Yoseob was standing at my feet, waving his tail. I have to take a showere now...I ran to my room and locked the door. I could hear meows on the other side. "THERE'S NO WAY IM LETTING YOU IN!~~" I said. The meows stopped. How am I supposed to take care of him like this? Why'd I take him home? Ive seen other cats on the street. Why'd I have to take this particular one home? ARGH!~~~~~

I finished taking a shower and dressing up. I opened the door and Yoseob was laying down on the rug I put at my bedroom door. Kyeopta....I went downstairs to get a glass of water. I also fixed up my lunch for tomorrow. I dont know why but I felt like making alot.

"Finished!~~~" I said as I placed the last roll into the luchbox. Yoseob was on the counter top staring at the food. "You cant have one" I said. He jumped off the counter and headed to my room. "ANDWE!~~" I said. There's no way I'm waking up to an underdressed Yoseob again. A less than underdressed Yoseob. *shivers* My innocent eyes...Images flashed into my head. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!~~~~~~" I screamed. "NAGA!NAGA!NAGA!" I hit my head. My innocent brain too~~~

I fixed the sofa so that it was a bed now. Just in case Yoseob turns back to a cat in the middle of the night again. Yoseob looked at me with the 'puppy dog' eyes again.

"No" I said bluntly. He went to my feet and rubbed himself on me. "Im still saying no" He kept doing what he was doing. I unconciously went down to my feet and started petting him. He purred. I stopped and went back to my room. He didnt follow me anymore. I should pet him more often...


*next morning*

"Jieun-ah...Jieun-ah" I heard someone call my name. I slowly opened my eyes. It was still dark outside. It was Yoseob. He was infront of me, holding a pillow to cover whats down there. "I...umm...need clothes...Kikwang's not here yet...." Why is he thinking about that at this time? I was still half asleep. "Jieun-ah~~Its already 6:30" I sprang up. I dont want to be late again. I was wide awake now. I looked at Yoseob. I screamed and covered my eyes. I forgot he didnt have clothes...I washed what he wore yesterday... Its probably still wet by now. I GRRRRR-ed. I went to my closet with my eyes still closed as I passed by Yoseob and took out a large t-shirt and swimming shorts. I dont wear bikini's. I wear the shorts guys wear when they swim and a sports bra. I still looked good even though I didnt wear anything y. I probably am just naturally like that.

"You wear these?" Yoseob said

"Got a problem?"

"Nope...just saying..." I ignored him and went to the bathroom with my own set of clothes to change into. This is crazy...I feel like Im living with him...well...I am...I just feel like he's....I feel like Im close to him...*sigh* Hurry up and get dressed Jieun-ah. I started taking off my clothes when the door opened.


"NAGA!~~~" I threw the bar of soap on the sink at him. He quickly closed the door. I should remember to install a lock here.

"MIAN!~~YOU WERE JUST TAKING SO LONG! I WAS WORRIED!" Worried? Yeah right...I looked at he watch I had in the bathroom. ITS ALREADY 7:00! I guess I did take a long time... I hurriedly changes my clothes and went downstairs to fix breakfast. Yoseob was already there with Kikwang. Yoseob was wearing his uniform. He was also frying some pancakes. Its smelled good...

"Ahnyong!~~" Kikwang said.

"Ahnyong..." I said. He seem to be back to his old self. He doesnt seem flustered anymore. I sat down at the counter and a few seconds later Yoseob served me some pancakes. They looked so good...My stomach's grumbling.

"Looks like Im going to school today..." Yoseob said. My mouth was full so all I could say was 'mmm' to indicate I agree. "Tastes good?" I mmm-ed again. He took a bite from his own pancake.

"Why dont I have one?" Kikwang said

"There's not enough" Yoseob said.

"Yah! The pancake mix box is still half full!"

"Oh really?!"

"Make me some!~~~ I cant cook!~~"


"Wae!~~~" Yoseob just continued eating. Kikwang snatched Yoseobs pancake with his hand since it didnt have syrup on it. He just put sugar on top. I didnt have syrup...hehe "Komawo jingu!~~"

"YAH!~~*whimpers* begupayo!~~~" Yoseob said. I smiled at the guys' playfulness.

"Let's go!~~" I said as I grabbed my lunchbox from the counter and headed out the door.

"BEGUPA!~~~~" Yoseob whined again.

Aww...poor Yoseob...Kikwang stole his pancake!


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xiaohope #1
Chapter 37: Cute story
xxw00uxx #2
Chapter 37: i love this story . . <3
Chapter 37: so sad that this story already end :( anyways author-nim please continue to write a story... you're a GREAT author ^^
Chapter 37: i really love your story! <3
Chapter 37: Awww, the story is finished~! Thanks a lot, it was amazing and incredibly cute! :D

Have a nice day! :]
Chapter 37: We love you too author-nim! Great story ^_^
Chapter 37: Cute cute cute! but it is so sad that the story ended T ^ T keep writing!
Chapter 37: Aww. So cute. I loved it. Keep writing. Love you author-nim
ilamarshmallow #9
Chapter 37: so sad that this story end already. i love this story so much..<3 <3