Who was he?

Meow-ve you [EDITING]

(Jieun's POV)

"Yah! YOure even using stupid excuses now! Where are youre CLOTHES?!" I said. What the freak was he thinking?! Going into my house and sleeping on my bed, next to ME! Argh! My eyes! It wont get out of my head! Get out! OUT!

"What are you doing?"


"I have no clothes!"

"Where are they?!"

"I told you! I was youre cat! Did you SEE me bring clothes while I was a CAT!? That would be impossible!"


"Cant you at least get me something to wear and let me explain?...you know I wouldnt actually do this...Im not THAT insane..." He was right...he wouldnt really do this...eventhough I only knew him for a day, I felt like I knew him. I mean, REALLY knew him.

"*sigh*...fine" I went up to my room and found some of my boy clothes. I wear them sometimes at home...theyre COMFORTABLE! I am not a cross dresser. Although I dont think you call it crossdressing when a girl wears boys clothes....do you? Whatever....

"So...explain." I said as I sat down on the couch when he finshed changing.

"I dont really know what happened...I was just in an alley, hiding from those crazy girls, and the next thing I know, a man in a black mask came and turned me into a cat. Its weird, I know...but its the truth...Please believe me!~~" He said as he used aegyo. Does he use aegyo all the time?

"You'll have to prove it"

"OK!~~...but...I dont know how to..." I looked at him with an eyebrow up. "I really dont know how to! I was even surprised when I changed back into a human this morning"

"Fine...Ill wait...If you somehow change into a cat when Im not there...find me and meow three times...and...turn around three times too...just to be sure."


"Shouldnt you go now?"

"I would...but I forgot where my hotel was..."

"Tell me the name"

"heheh....I forgot that part too..."

"Are you stupid?"

"I probably am! hehe" he scratched the back of his head.

"How are we gonna find it then!? What about your valuables? What happened to the clothes you were wearing when you were a cat? How are we gonna bring you back to human? Who was the guy that turned you into THIS!?"

"Woah!...I cant answer all of them...but...does that mean youll help me? Get back to normal?" I nodded

"Well...it wont hurt...we just have to find that guy and ask him to get you back to normal."

"I dont think that will be easy..."


"I think he really hates me..."

"Why would he?"

"He said I stole something of his"

"I think I know who it is then..."

"How would you know?"

"Youre getting chased by fangirls, right? He probably meant you stole all the attention he got. I know for a fact that he loves attention"


"He once tried talking to me and making me fall for him but...hehe...I just ignored him. Then he started bothering me but I still ignored him. He gave up and just started dating the other girls who like him And now...I actually saw his current girlfriend break up with him because she said she wanted to date you...But I dont know about the magic part..."

"Woah...um...I should say sorry then..."

"you probably should..."

"That guy didnt try anything bad with you, did he? when he tried to get youre attention?"

"Nope...I think he's actually a nice guy...its just that...he loves the attention"

"Oh...who is this guy?"

"Lee Kikwang"

HEY!~~ Im bringing Kikwang into this...My friend absolutely LOVES him.


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xiaohope #1
Chapter 37: Cute story
xxw00uxx #2
Chapter 37: i love this story . . <3
Chapter 37: so sad that this story already end :( anyways author-nim please continue to write a story... you're a GREAT author ^^
Chapter 37: i really love your story! <3
Chapter 37: Awww, the story is finished~! Thanks a lot, it was amazing and incredibly cute! :D

Have a nice day! :]
Chapter 37: We love you too author-nim! Great story ^_^
Chapter 37: Cute cute cute! but it is so sad that the story ended T ^ T keep writing!
Chapter 37: Aww. So cute. I loved it. Keep writing. Love you author-nim
ilamarshmallow #9
Chapter 37: so sad that this story end already. i love this story so much..<3 <3