Wakie Wakie!~

Meow-ve you [EDITING]

(Author's POV)

*Mwoya...* Hyunseung thought

There was nothing in the room. It was just a pitch-black, dusty, old room. *Is there supposed to be something?* He had no idea what to do. How the heck do I perform this thing?!... TOP... I need TOP... Would he help me? I took my phone out and called him.


"Im in the casting place now and I need your help to do this... I have no idea what to do..."

"What makes you think I'll help you?"

"Youre my watcher........ and friend"

"*laughs loudly* FRIEND? You think Im your FRIEND? You know very well why we're not friends."

"No... I dont... I... What happened to us?"

"Geez.... you make us sound like old lovers or something..."

"What did I do to make you like this to me?"

"Neo-... You really dont know?"

"Not a clue..."

"Geezus... Why do you always make me feel like the bad guy huh?! Even at this moment, you just continuously things up but you always get your way. You want to know why Im mad? Im mad because you're you. I hate you. Ever since you came into my life. I thought we could be friends but once you took what was mine-..... I said too much. *breathes* Just... do the pentagon star thing and recite this

I unify in order to enlighten
Attracting life.
I seal the matrix of universal fire
With the magnetic tone of purpose.
I am guided by my own power doubled.

Just do that. The sooner you're done with this, the sooner I dont have to see you again. I hope this is the last time I hear your voice. Bye"

Hyunseung put away his phone and dazed about what just happened. *Why is TOP like that? Is he just bipolar? What did I do?* He shrugged it off for the mean time because he had more important things to do... "Ahh~ Madda!" Hyunseung exclaimed as he went up to his room and grabbed some chalk, candles and salt. Then he went back down and did the ritual. He went out feeling stronger and went to the bathroom. He didnt see them there.

"Yah! Seungie!" Doojoon yelled. "They're downstairs in the living room" Hyunseung nodded and followed Doojoon. He found Yoseob wrapped in a big comforter and Jieun embracing him. Yoseob looks a little bit relaxed now... That is until the fire dies out or he gets out of the blanket. Hyunseung went up to Yoseob and felt his temperature. *He's still freezing... oh well... lets see if this works...*

Hyunseung shook Jieun up to wake her. She stood back and watched Hyunseung do his thing. Hyunseung put his hand on Yoseob and chanted:

All of Magic hear my plea,
take this spell right off of Yoseob...ie.
This is horrible, yes you see,
as I say so MOTE IT BE!

Yoseob's insides lit up with a blue light. Hyunseung sighed with relief.

"That's a lame spell dude..." Doojoon said.

"Shut up~ You said I could create my own spell. So it will, at least, work" Hyunseung said

"Its still lame" Doojoon mumbled.

"Did it work?" Jieun said.

"Umm... I... dont know. He's in human form now so... we wont really know if it really worked unless we wait for about a week more and see if he still turns into a cat..." Hyunseung said.

"This is bogus... How can a thing like this happen?" Jieun mumbled. She went to check Yoseob's temperature. He was still a bit cold but... he's not freezing. He was just... sleeping. She tried to shake him awake.

"Oppa~ Wakie~ Oppa~~" She sang as she shook him.




No response.

"Doojoon-ssi!" Jieun exclaimed. "He wont wake up!"

"He... umm.... lets wait a day more... its probably just a side effect... Why dont you guys take him home and we'll see the what the outcome is tomorrow" Doojoon said. Jieun glanced at Yoseob.


"Wait! What happens if he doesnt wake up?" Kikwang suddenly asked. Jieun pinched his abs. "AAAAHCK! Wae?!"

"Dont be pessimistic! Yoseob WILL wake up! Dont say things like that!"


"Just... get him to the car so we can take him home..."

Kikwang and Dongwoon carried the unconcious Yoseob, who was still in the blanket, to Dongwoon's car. Jieun followed them with Yoseob's clothes bundled up in her arms as she sniffled every now and then.

They carried him up to the room and left Jieun to dress Yoseob up. She tucked him in the bed and snuggled up with him.

"Wake up soon, oppa" She said as she kissed his cheek.



"Hyunseung..." Doojoon called out.

"Wae?" Hyunseung said.

"Wh-...umm... What if Yoseob doesnt wake up?"

"He will~"

"What if?"

"Well................................. moll...a"

OMG! I didnt update for a week!


I had serious writer's block!~~~ Im really sorry if the chapter's crappy :3 I tried my best ^_^

Ill try to update tomorrow!~


*GASP!* Yoseob's gonna take his shirt off!

Maybe not...

Shame on Yoseob for tricking us!~ :P

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xiaohope #1
Chapter 37: Cute story
xxw00uxx #2
Chapter 37: i love this story . . <3
Chapter 37: so sad that this story already end :( anyways author-nim please continue to write a story... you're a GREAT author ^^
Chapter 37: i really love your story! <3
Chapter 37: Awww, the story is finished~! Thanks a lot, it was amazing and incredibly cute! :D

Have a nice day! :]
Chapter 37: We love you too author-nim! Great story ^_^
Chapter 37: Cute cute cute! but it is so sad that the story ended T ^ T keep writing!
Chapter 37: Aww. So cute. I loved it. Keep writing. Love you author-nim
ilamarshmallow #9
Chapter 37: so sad that this story end already. i love this story so much..<3 <3