Guess not...

Meow-ve you [EDITING]

A little rated for some ertive references :)

(Jieun's POV)

I opened my locker with an annoyed face.

"Aish!" I ruffled up my hair. Stupid Yoseob! *sigh* I dont actually know why Im mad.... :) I totally forgot! All I know is that Im furious at him... WAAAH~ Ottokhe~ I  dont want to go up to him and say Im not mad at him anymore... I have too much pride. But I also dont want to have to be mean and snobby...

"Jagi~~" Oh gosh!.... Its Yoseob. I really want to see him but I dont want to show him that Im not mad. *sigh* What am I thinking? OOOH!~ I remember why Im mad now!~

"Oh hey mister guy-with-no-nickname-yet, Im sorry but the nickname maker is still VERY busy and doesnt want to be disturbed" I said

"Aww!~ Jagi~ Dont be like that~ Im okay with Yobie oppa now~"

"NOW, that means you didnt like it before"

"NO! I said that wrong. I meant Yobie oppa is perfect! I love it! In fact! Ill get mad at you if you dont call me Yobie oppa!"

"Psh..." I slammed my locker shut and almost squished Yoseob's nose.

"Yah!~ I know youre mad and all but dont take it out on my precious nose! This nose it worth more than a million bucks!" I burst out laughing. "Wae?"

"You just made it sound like you had plastic surgery!"

"I did? I only meant that a million girls would pay a million bucks to just touch my nose. Of course every other body part will cost a little more"


"Ohh!~ What were YOU thinking abOUt~?"


"HAHA~ I didnt know my Jagi was such a ert~"


"Dont worry... theyre reserved JUST.FOR.YOU" he said inching a little closer making my cheeks burn.

"YAH!~" he chuckled.

"Mianhe Jagi~ Cheongmal mianhe for making you mad..." Aish! How can this giy have so many sides?! He can be romantic and sweet at one time, then he's horrifyingly annoying the next. Then he's y at other times. The problem is... I love all these sides of him. How can I stay mad at that face?~

"Gwenchana... I was umm...overacting a little"

" were..." I glared at him "Okaaaay! Did you get all your books? If you did, lets go home now, nae? You might want to use up that reservation today" he smirked as he took my books from me

"No thank you" I snatched my books back from him.

"Yah!" he snatched them back from me. I tried to get them back but he just ran off to the gate. "Why is my Jagi so slow today?!" he shouted as he ran.

"YAH!" I quickened my pace and ran after him.


*at home*


"Jagi~, Which body part do you want?" he said ignoring my shouting but still trying to keep away from me

"None!" I said as I tried to reach for his shirt to stop him but I missed.

"HAHA! You cant catch me!~ he said as he wiggled his but at the same time, unfortunately, I reached out to catch him and "J-Jieun-ah...."

"WAAAH!~" I quickly pulled my hand away. His expression turned from a shocked face to an....oh $#!@!

"Ooooh!~ I get it now~ You want THAT body part" he smirked and went closer to me. He threw my books to the couch and stopped in front of my face only centimeters away. "Jagi..." He breathed on my lips "You have no idea how much you made me want you right now..." I got shocked as his eyes wondered down and I noticed that my shirt has slid off a bit showing my bra. I blushed as soon as I saw it an quickly fixed my shirt up. He chuckled and slowly went for my lips. He was seconds away from reaching them but the door opened and.... Kikwang came in.

"SHEEEESH! YOU HAD TO COME NOW!~" Yoseob shouted. He looked a little frustrated.

"Mianhe! I thought we had to meet up for our project today?" Kikwang said

"Oh right!" I said."I totally forgot about our Science project. Its due tomorrow!"

"How could you forget?! You were blabbering on about it in school saying that we had no time to finish it and that you were going to get your first C ever. Which I cant believe because if we dont get to do it, wont it be an F?"

"It'll be a C because If its at least half finished an done well we wont have a failing grade. And almost everything I do is awesome so we wont be getting a D either."

"Hello!~ Jieun and I were about to do our own Science project until you came in!" Yoseob said.

"YAH!" I hit his shoulder.

"Wae?!~~~~~~" he whined.

"We need to do our project" I stated.

"Fine... we'll do our project later... tonight" he smirked

"Not a chance"

"If you dont you'll get your very first F"

"I dont care" I ignored every other complaint Yoseob made because I REALLY needed to do our project. After a while Kikwang left, leaving me, Yoseob, and a NOW empty refrigerator alone.

"I'll just put this in my bag so we dont forget it tomorrow" I said disturbing the silence we had ever since Kikwang left.

"Okay" Yoseob said. He was staring at the floor for some reason. I went to my room because my bag was there. I put the paper in my bag and then I heard my door close.

"Jieun-ah..." Arms wrapped around my shoulders and trapped me.


"Jagi~ I-I...umph" he started kissing my neck.

"YOSEOB!!!" He pinned me on the bed. "Yoseob" I said firmly.

"*sigh* Mianhe..." he loosened his hold on me and laid down on the bed. "I dont know what came over me..."

"I forgive you" I kissed his cheek and hugged his arm. He sat up a bit and went for my lips until the unexpected happened.


A cat was now standing on my belly. Oh gosh! I guess Yoseob wasnt cured after all...



*3 days later*

Yoseob is still a cat. Im getting really worried. I've been trying to figure out any patterns Yoseob's transforming has but... nothing fits. Even Kikwang is all fidgety now. I held Yoseob up and examined him. I dont know why... Its just that I felt like I would get something. Then I did. I found a crescent shaped pattern on his fur. It looks like the moon. That cant be Yoseob's transforming pattern... he sometimes turns in the day. I took a picture of it just in case.

I cuddled with him for a while. I missed his HUMAN touch so much even though its already been 3 days... After awhile I headed for school.


After school, I walked by a street and found a poster.


On it, it said 'DooWoon's Fortune Telling: We are NOT frauds' Psh...yeah right. Then it hit me. Maybe... we should go and consult a Fortune teller.

Hehe... I found something to do with Doojoon and Dongwoon!~~ :)




Kikwang's Face when he figures out what Science Project Yoseob is reffering to

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xiaohope #1
Chapter 37: Cute story
xxw00uxx #2
Chapter 37: i love this story . . <3
Chapter 37: so sad that this story already end :( anyways author-nim please continue to write a story... you're a GREAT author ^^
Chapter 37: i really love your story! <3
Chapter 37: Awww, the story is finished~! Thanks a lot, it was amazing and incredibly cute! :D

Have a nice day! :]
Chapter 37: We love you too author-nim! Great story ^_^
Chapter 37: Cute cute cute! but it is so sad that the story ended T ^ T keep writing!
Chapter 37: Aww. So cute. I loved it. Keep writing. Love you author-nim
ilamarshmallow #9
Chapter 37: so sad that this story end already. i love this story so much..<3 <3