An Unclear Mind

The Thing Is, I Think I Love Him

            When Soohyun got into the hospital he ran right over to the Emergency room. Hoon had the hardest time keeping up with him since he wasn’t full of adrenaline like Soohyun was. He had to basically sprint in order to keep up with him.

            Soohyun opened the doors to the Emergency room and there was his mother and noona sitting down waiting to hear news from the doctor. He walked over to them and stood right in front of his mother.

            His mother looked up at him and let out a sigh of relief. She stood up and hugged her only son. “Thank God you are finally here.” She said softly.

            Soohyun moved out of his mother’s embrace and stepped back. “Have you heard anything new?” He asked.

            His mother shook her head. “We haven’t really heard anything yet. The only thing they have told us so far is that they took him into surgery.” She said. She then looked past Soohyun’s shoulder and saw Hoon walking up towards them. “So you brought your boyfriend I see.”

            Soohyun turned around and took a look at Hoon. He smiled and stuck out his hand towards him. Hoon saw this and was a little nervous at first. But he walked over to Soohyun and took his hand. He said that he was going to be there for him and he could tell that he needed him by his side.

            “Mom, I’m not proud of keeping this from you and dad. But I really do love this man. He is the love of my life and I really believe it with all my heart.” Soohyun explained.

            Soohyun’s mother didn’t know what to say. So instead his noona decided to join into the conversation. “You know what Soohyun, as much as I found this a shock at first, as long as you are happy then I don’t mind this at all. Besides, Hoon you look like a very kind person. As long as you take care of my dongseng, I will give you both my blessing.” She explained.

            Both Hoon and Soohyun smiled at her. “Thank you noona.” Soohyun said and gave her a hug.

            Soohyun’s mother stared at Hoon for a moment. She walked closer to him and looked him right in the eyes. “I’m not used to the whole gay thing but, as long as you make my son happy you have my blessing as well.” She said.

            Hoon bowed for respect. “Thank you ma’am.” Hoon said.

            Soohyun’s mother smiled and walked closer to him and gave him a hug. “Thank you for being here. Even through all the pain my husband has given you, you still came to support all of us. For that I thank you.” She said.

            Hoon kept holding her until she was ready to let go. He knew that she just needed someone to hold. She was still in shock and he just wanted to help her get through it. He was going to be here for the whole family. He was mostly there for Soohyun, but he wasn’t the only one who needed comforting in the family.




            Three hours is the time that it took for anyone to come and tell the family what was going on. The surgeon walked up to Soohyun’s mother and called her to the side. She was the only one who was fully awake at the time and still there. Soohyun’s noona had to go back home and get some rest to go back to work. So it was only the three of them left.

            “Mrs. Shin, your husband has suffered from a huge blow in general. He has several broken bones, a few ribs, and he hit his head very hard. We don’t know when he’ll wake up or if he will wake up. But we can only hope for the best.” The surgeon said.

            Soohyun’s mother was trying to keep it all together. “I see. Do you know what really happened?” She asked.

            The surgeon sighed. “Ma’am your husband was in a really horrible car accident. From what I heard a car ran into him and caused him to spin out of control. Then his car hit the gutter and that caused the car to tumble and flip over. That’s all I know.” He explained.

            “Oh, thank you. Am I allowed to see my husband now?” She asked.

            The surgeon nodded. “Yes, if you want I’ll wait for you to wake up your sons and then I can take you to him.” He said.

            Soohyun’s mother looked back on the two boys and was about to object to both of them being her sons. But when she saw them sleeping next to each other and Hoon on Soohyun’s shoulder she couldn’t say no. She nodded and went to go wake them up.

            She walked over to Soohyun and shook his shoulder. He opened his eyes and looked at his mother. “Honey, wake Hoon up and then we are going to see your father.” She explained.

            Soohyun nodded and shook Hoon a little bit. Hoon opened his eyes and looked at Soohyun and then at Soohyun’s mother. “Hoon my father is awake and now we’re going to go see him.” Soohyun said.

            “Oh, I think I’ll stay here. I really don’t think that he would appreciate me being there.” Hoon said.

            Soohyun looked at his mother. She noticed his look and sighed. “I wouldn’t worry about that. He’s not awake so he won’t know that you were even there.” His mother said.

            Hoon swallowed and looked at Soohyun. Soohyun nodded and took Hoon’s hand. He held it tight and kissed his temple. “Remember, I’m here for you.” Soohyun said.

            Hoon nodded and the two of them stood up. They all went over to the surgeon and he led them to the hospital room. It was a few rooms down the hallway and then they turned to the right. The second door down that hallway was where Soohyun’s father was.

            Soohyun’s mother and he went in right away. Hoon on the other hand let go of Soohyun’s hand and stopped right outside the door. Soohyun noticed that and stopped. “Hoon aren’t you coming in?” He asked.

            This troubled Hoon a bit. “You go on ahead. I’ll come in a little later. I think you and your mom should have some time alone with him first. Then I’ll come in.” He explained.

            Soohyun looked at him and then into the room and back at him. “Okay, I’ll come back out here for you.” He said.

            “Oh, well I’m a little hungry so I’ll just go to the cafeteria for a little bit. Then I’ll come back up here.” Hoon said.

            Soohyun nodded. “I guess that’ll work. I’ll see you a little later then.” He said.

            Hoon nodded and then Soohyun closed the room door. Hoon felt guilty about it but the truth was that he didn’t want to be there and then having Soohyun’s father wake up. It was clear to him that Soohyun’s father didn’t like him at all so to wake up and see him there in the room didn’t feel like a safe thing for Hoon. So he was going to try and stay away for as long as he could get away with. After a few seconds Hoon turned around and started to walk to the cafeteria.

            When Soohyun saw his father he was in so much shock. His father was basically covered in bandages. There were countless scrapes and scratches all over his body. He had a breathing tube in and a heart monitor connected to him. There was also a machine that was made to detect brain activity, but that one really wasn’t showing many results.

            Soohyun’s mother looked like she was in shock too. She was walking over to the side of the bed slowly while observing her husband. She sat down on a chair that was right next to the bed and grabbed her husband’s hand. She held it tight and kissed it. She brought it up to her forehead and started to cry.

            The thing that Soohyun hated the most was to see anyone in his family cry. It hurt his heart even if it was the smallest thing that they were crying about. He always felt obligated to make things right after seeing them cry.

            Soohyun walked over to his mother and wrapped an arm around her. She turned towards her son and started to cry against his shoulder. He held her close while also looking over his father. He too wanted to cry but he had to be strong for his mother. The thing he regretted the most though, was that the last time he and his father talked was an argument about him being gay and in love with Hoon. He didn’t want that to be the last time he talked with his father. This made his heart even heavier.




            For half on the night Soohyun was there with his mother. He had fallen asleep on one of the chairs in the room. His mother on the other hand just couldn’t sleep at all. She was just too worried about everything. She looked at Soohyun sleeping in the chair and she sighed. She didn’t want him to be here. She knew him way too well. She knew that if he stayed here all night that he would never leave.

            She got up from her chair and shook her son awake again. “Soohyun honey, wake up.” She said softly.

            Soohyun woke up and looked at his mother. “Is something wrong? Did something happen?” He asked.

            “No, everything is the same Soohyun. But it’s late and you should be getting home. I don’t want you to sleep in this chair all night. Go home and get some real rest. I’ll be fine here alone with your father.” She explained.

            Soohyun looked at his father and then back at his mother. He nodded and got up from his chair. He hugged his mother and then walked towards the door. He stopped at took one last look at his father’s motionless body. He sighed and then walked out of the room.

            Soohyun walked all the way down to the lobby when he remembered that Hoon said that he was going to be in the cafeteria. He looked at the time and saw that it was three o’clock in the morning. They had already been there from six in the evening and he said that he was only going to be there for a little while. Soohyun started to walk to the cafeteria slowly.

            Once Soohyun walked through the cafeteria doors he immediately saw Hoon with a coffee cup staring out the large window. He could tell that he hadn’t slept at all because his body looked so shaky. But then again he probably had too much coffee at the same time.

            Soohyun walked over to Hoon and put his hand on his shoulder. Hoon immediately looked over to see him. “Come on Hoon let’s go.” Soohyun said.

            Hoon nodded. “Okay, how’s your father?” He asked.

            Soohyun didn’t want to talk about it. It kept reminding him of the last conversation they had. “He’s fine. Let’s go.” He said grumpily.

            Soohyun grabbed Hoon’s arm and pulled him up. Hoon was shocked by this but he grabbed his coffee cup and then Soohyun started to pull him all the way to the car since he was just so upset. Soohyun opened the passenger side door and Hoon got in right away since he could tell that Soohyun was not in the happiest mood. Then Soohyun got into the driver’s seat, the engine, put on his seat belt, and sped off.





            Hoon was holding onto dear life in the car. Soohyun was driving like a crazy man. “Soohyun slow down.” Hoon said.

            “Calm down. I’m not going to hit anyone.” Soohyun replied.

            This did nothing to calm Hoon down. Just as Hoon was about to say something Soohyun took a really sharp turn that scared the crap out of him. Hoon just didn’t feel safe anymore. “Okay Soohyun pull over!” He yelled.

            Soohyun didn’t respond at first. “We’re almost at your apartment Hoon. Just calm down.” He said.

            “I’m not going to calm down when you are driving like a mad man. Pull the damn car over!” He yelled again.

            Soohyun sighed and then pulled over the car. Once he turned off the engine he looked at Hoon with a glare. “What the hell is the matter?” He asked.

            Hoon rolled his eyes and unbuckled his seatbelt. He walked over to the driver’s side that was the side right next to the highway they were just on. He opened Soohyun’s door and stared at him. “Go to the passenger’s side. I’m driving now.” He demanded.

            Soohyun sighed and got out of the car. Once he was completely out Hoon slammed the door and faced him. Soohyun was not thrilled to see Hoon like that. “What is it?” He asked.

            Hoon sighed and crossed his arms. “Seriously Soohyun, what is the problem. What is it that you aren’t telling me?” He asked.

            The only noise there was after that question was the sound of cars passing by. Soohyun didn’t want to tell Hoon what was on his mind but he knew that if he got it out that it would help him feel better. “The last conversation I had with my father was the one at the label headquarters. That was the last time we even saw each other. Now that there is a chance that he might not even wake up I regret even fighting with him about it. That’s not the last thing that I would like to say to my father.” Soohyun explained.

            Hoon looked him right in the eye and then looked away. “I know I’m taking this the wrong way but, when you say that I feel like you’re saying that you wish you never defended me.” He explained.

            This made Soohyun think about what he said. Hoon was right, it did sound like he was saying that he wished he never defended him. “Hoon, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. I just wish that my father wasn't so stubborn. It makes everything difficult. It makes me so stressed and I can’t take it. I can’t take this stress.” Soohyun said.

            When Soohyun said that Hoon got a little worried. “Soohyun, what are you thinking?” He asked.

            Soohyun turned around and looked at the cars passing by. “I don’t know anymore. I can’t take the stress anymore. Not from my job or my family.” He said and then took a few steps forward.

            Hoon noticed those few steps. “Soohyun what are you doing?” He asked cautiously.

            “Hoon, I can’t take it anymore. I can’t do it.” Soohyun replied in an unsteady voice.

            Hoon looked down the road and a car was coming right for them. Soohyun was way too far into the road now for them to avoid him. The car was speeding closer or closer towards Soohyun. The car honked and Hoon rushed out and grabbed Soohyun’s arm. “Soohyun watch out!” He said and then pulled Soohyun out of the road.

            The car passed and Hoon pushed Soohyun against the car. Soohyun was in shock from what he almost did. His mind was just so unclear that he didn’t know what he was doing. Hoon was so out of breath and worried about Soohyun. He was so scared from what just could have happened.

            “Are you crazy? You could have killed yourself. What the hell were you thinking? Dammit Soohyun.” Hoon said.

            Soohyun snapped out of his shock. “I, I don’t know what just happened.” He said.

            Hoon ran his hand through his hair and let out a big sigh. He was so angry at Soohyun at the moment. He was so mad at him that he just wanted to punch him. But he couldn’t. He was too relieved that Soohyun was alright. He walked over to him and wrapped his arms around him. He buried his face in his chest and started to cry.

            “Soohyun, don’t ever do that to me ever again.” Hoon said in a shaken voice.

            Soohyun wrapped his arms around Hoon and held him closer than he ever did before. He kissed the top of Hoon’s head and squeezed him. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry Hoon. I promise I won’t do it again.” He said.




            Hoon ended up driving the car since Soohyun and he both agreed that it would be safer. Soohyun was so out there that it just didn’t seem safe anymore for him to drive. So Hoon drove all the way to his apartment. He parked the car and turned off the engine.

            “Soohyun, stay here.” Hoon said.

            Soohyun caught his arm. “What are you doing?” He asked.

            “After what happened tonight, I can’t leave you home alone. So, I’m going to grab a few things and then we are going to go back to your place. That way I can watch over you and make sure you don’t try anything stupid again.” Hoon explained.

            “You don’t have to watch me Hoon. I’ll be fine.” Soohyun said trying to assure him.

            “Yeah well I don’t want to risk it. Stay here until I get back. If you don’t stay put I’m going to kill you.” Hoon threatened.

            “Oh yay I nearly kill myself and then I’m going to get killed by my own boyfriend. Sounds legit.” Soohyun joked.

            “Shut up.” Hoon said. He then leaned over and kissed Soohyun’s cheek. “I’ll be right back.” Hoon got out of the car and went up to his apartment.

            Hoon didn’t like leaving Soohyun alone but he knew that it was only going to be a few minutes. He entered his apartment and immediately headed into his room. He grabbed a bag and started to pack some clothes. Then he went into his bathroom and grabbed everything else he thought was necessary for the night.

            Hoon gathered everything as fast as he could and then finally closed his bag. He started to head out the door when his cell phone rang. He pulled it out and looked at the caller ID. It was his mother calling. He decided not to answer it now since he didn’t want to leave Soohyun alone for any longer.

            Hoon walked all the way to the elevator and rode it down. He walked back to the car where Soohyun was now just sitting there playing with his phone. Hoon rolled his eyes and got into the car. He got in and the car. He was now on his way to Soohyun’s apartment.





            When they got into Soohyun’s apartment the first thing Hoon did was put his things down by the couch. Soohyun took off his jacket and then sat down on the couch. Hoon looked at him and then sighed.

            “Soohyun go and shower. It’s technically early morning but you might as well get cleaned up and try and get as much sleep as possible.” Hoon said. Soohyun had no reaction. So Hoon took matters into his own hands. He put his hands on his cheeks and kissed him. He let go and then Soohyun finally looked at him. “Did you hear me?” Hoon asked.

            Soohyun nodded and got up from the couch. He then walked over to his room. He started to gather his clothes and then he went into the bathroom to take a shower. He was about to close the door when Hoon stood in front of him.

             “Leave it cracked. If something happens I want to be able to get to you.” Hoon said.

             Soohyun sighed and then cracked the door. Hoon smiled and then walked over to the couch. He pulled out his phone and decided to call his mother back. He dialed the number and waited for her to answer.

             “Hi honey, why didn’t you answer me earlier?” She asked.

             “Hi I was busy. Sorry about that mom.” Hoon said.

             “Well at least you called me back. Anyway I was just wondering why you haven’t been at work. I talked to your uncle and he said that you haven’t been there for a few days.” She explained.

             “Oh right, well as Soohyun’s assistant manager that means that I also have to take care of him. So that’s why I haven’t been at work. He hasn’t been feeling that great to say the least.” Hoon explained.

             “Oh poor thing. Well I hope that he gets better. I’ll leave you to take care of him then. I’ll see you later honey.” His mother said and then hung up the phone.

             Hoon hung up the phone and looked back at the bathroom. He heard the shower going and that gave him some relief. He leaned back on the couch and decided to turn on the TV. It was on the news and Hoon didn’t like what he saw. Soohyun’s father’s accident was all over the news.

            Just so Hoon could get some information; he watched some of the news. He found out the whole story of what happened. He really thought about it and it was no wonder why Soohyun was so upset. His father might not even wake up and it really was sad that the last conversation they had was the one where he admitted to him that he was gay. It really was sad.

           Once Hoon heard the water stop he turned off the TV. He didn’t want Soohyun to see what was on the television. He stood up and then went into his bag and grabbed the things he was going to need.

           A little later Soohyun came out of the bathroom wearing a white shirt with black sweat pants. He had a towel around his neck and his hair was still damp. Hoon walked past him and placed his things in the bathroom. He then came back out to check on Soohyun.

          Hoon found Soohyun sitting on his bed. “Are you alright Soohyun?” He asked him.

          Soohyun looked up at him and patted the bed right next to him. Hoon sat down next to him and looked at him. “Hoon, I’m so sorry about everything that happened. But I just want you to know that, I love you.” Soohyun said.

          Hoon was at a loss for words. But he felt his heart beating fast and that helped him to find his words. “I love you too.” He replied.

          Soohyun smiled and touched Hoon’s cheek. Then he leaned in to kiss him. He put a soft kiss onto Hoon’s lips. Then he gave him a harder kiss. He then just couldn’t let Hoon go. He started to lean into him more and more that Hoon had to lie down on the bed.

         Soohyun was trying to force his way into Hoon. He was waiting for that opportunity but Hoon wasn’t opening up. Soohyun then got on top of Hoon and continued to kiss him. Hoon was starting to relax a little now but he was still a little tense.

         After a little while Soohyun slowly started to lift up Hoon’s shirt. Then his hands started to go farther and farther down Hoon’s body. Right before Soohyun got to Hoon’s member he was stopped by Hoon himself.

         “Soohyun, don’t do this.” Hoon said.

         Soohyun calmed down and sat straight up. “Why are you denying me?” He asked him.

         Hoon sighed and sat up. “Soohyun, if you and I have now, it would be because you need a stress reliever and I don’t want that to be our first experience.” Hoon explained and then ran his hand through Soohyun’s hair. “I want it to be that when we do give ourselves to each other for the first time that it is really because we are ready for it. I don’t want it to be because we needed to relive our stress. I love you with all my heart too. But if possible, I think we should wait.”

         Soohyun agreed to this. “You’re right. I’m sorry.” He apologized.

         Hoon smiled and kissed Soohyun on the forehead. “I’m going to go shower. Try and get some sleep okay” He said.

         “Okay.” Soohyun replied.

         Hoon stood up from the bed and went to go take a shower. He cracked his door as well just so he could hear what Soohyun was doing. He still didn’t trust him enough. So he took his shower and got ready for bed.

         Once he got out of the shower he found Soohyun still sitting on the bed. He walked over to him and sighed. “I thought I told you to get some sleep.” Hoon said.

         Soohyun sighed as well. “I couldn’t sleep. Would you mind staying with me? I don’t want to be alone.” He explained.

         Hoon thought for a second and then nodded. “Alright.” He replied.

         Soohyun moved more onto the bed and pulled down the covers. Hoon got onto the bed as well and slid into the covers. He put his head against the pillow and Soohyun put an arm around his waist and moved closer to him. Hoon rolled his eyes and then turned off the lamps that were providing the light.

         As Soohyun held him that night his heart was racing. He really started to feel connected to Soohyun. He really did love him. He was comfortable just lying in his lovers arms for the rest of the night. He never wanted to be let go.


A/N: I have to say that this chapter made me kind of sad. Now I know some of you were expecting some lemon but it didn't seem right to put it into this chapter. So it's going to be in the next Soohoon chapter. I promise. Now as for Vinseop it's going to be back to the same chapter form. It's Vinseop next. Oh boy that's going to be fun. Let's see how far Eli is willing to go. That's all I'm going to say.

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Chapter 31: i was pleasantly surprised to see this was updated!! Thank you so much for coming back and finishing it! It was a great ending to a great story!
Chapter 31: Holy , there's an update. I didn't see that one coming :3

But yeah! It's nice that there's finally some closure to this story. (Even though I forgot about 90% of what's happened). I'm one of the original cubs, I guess, so think you for adding this final chapter. I still remember reading this story back when I didn't have an account on AFF and skipping all the rated chapters because I was still innocent and young. :') (I was like 13-14). But yeah, this was one of the very first fanfics that I read so thank you for the memories. ^^
Chapter 31: I never thought that I would see this end!! Such a a beautiful and great story! ♡♡♡♡ :')
Chapter 30: I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT THE NEXT ONE WILL BE THE LAST! O.O I've been with and reading this story for so many years that it just feels weird that I'll no longer be able to see updates from this after the next one
Chapter 25: Vinseop part was so great and then was ruined by 2seop again and elvin is just so sad :(
Chapter 30: I would love to participate author-shii :D
Choivita97 #7
i'd participate xp
Chapter 29: wow I'd love to participate for fun :)
NicoleMikiAddison #9
Chapter 28: Omg this is the best story I have ever read, it's awesome!! *•* I don't want it to end TT.TT
kiseop_lover7 #10
Chapter 28: T.T it was soo beautiful and amazing *happytears*
I don't want this story to end T.T