Please Know I’m There For You

The Thing Is, I Think I Love Him

            Kiseop got over what happened with Aj in the car but he was using it to stay mad at him and in a way to his advantage. The day after the fight happened Aj had rung the door bell and left. When Kiseop actually got to the door he opened it and saw that Aj left some flowers and chocolates at his door. When Kiseop picked up the flowers he noticed a note that said I’m sorry. Please call me when you have the chance. After that no way could Kiseop be truly mad at Aj. He was just pretending to be.

            A few days later Kiseop called Aj and talked to him. The whole time he was just messing with him and pretending that he was still pissed with him. In his mind though this would really work to his advantage. If Aj felt guilty enough, Kiseop would be able to get whatever be wanted from him.

            “Kiseop, when can we go out together again? I already apologized and I even gave you flowers and candy. When is this going to end?” Aj asked through the phone.

            “It’ll end when I feel like it.” Kiseop said sarcastically while making some food in his kitchen.

            “Don’t you think this is all just a bit ridiculous? I really miss you babe.” Aj explained in a sweet voice.

            This made Kiseop feel just a little bit guilty. He had to remind himself that he might have a big reward for holding this out though. “It’s not ridiculous. And besides, if you really want to see me then you should have just come and seen me. It’s not like I am not going to slam the door in your face.” He explained.

            “Man, you can be so confusing at times. I just don’t know what to think about you. Why can’t you just give me straight answers?” Aj asked rhetorically.

            There was suddenly a knock on the door and Kiseop turned his head to look over at it. He sighed and then spoke. “Being predictable isn’t as fun. I have to go Aj. I’ll talk to you later.” He said and then hung up the phone.

            After putting his phone in his pocket he walked over to the door and fixed his hair at first just in case it was someone important. He took in a deep breath and then put his hand on the door knob. He turned the knob and opened the door. The person who was outside was someone that he actually didn’t expect to see.

            When he opened the door Aj was standing outside. The second Aj saw him he reached his arms out and held Kiseop tight. He held him tight and wasn’t planning on letting him go anytime soon. He was already deprived enough from not being able to hold Kiseop that nothing now was going to truly stop him from doing it.

            “Can you please stop being mad at me. I can’t stand you being mad at me anymore. Please just forgive me and call me an idiot and just, let me stay with you.” Aj pleaded.

            Kiseop wrapped his arms around Aj and buried his face in his chest. “You are an idiot. But what I don’t get is why you have to be one of the best guys that I have ever met.” He explained.

            They both pulled away and smiled at each other. Kiseop leaned into Aj and gave him a sweet kiss on the lips. “You know, why don’t we just go out and get a bite to eat together? Make up for the time that we have lost while you were really upset with me.” Aj explained.

            Kiseop thought about it. “I don’t know. Maybe I could just play hard to get and stay here while you plead with me to go with you.” He teased.

            There was a smile that appeared on Aj’s face. He then leaned in and gave Kiseop another quick kiss. “If you play hard to get then I am just going to have to take control of the situation. Is that something that you want?” Aj teased.

            “Oh please. What would you have even done in order for me to go with you out to eat?” Kiseop asked a bit sarcastically.

            “Well, I would have done this.” Aj replied.

            Aj picked up Kiseop bridal style and walked over to his bedroom. He closed the door and placed Kiseop down on the bed. Aj leaned into him and gave him a very passionate kiss. His tongue found its way into Kiseop’s mouth and he started to familiarize Kiseop’s mouth.

            As Kiseop really started to enjoy the kiss Aj pulled away and made his way over to his closet. It was clear that now Aj was the one doing the teasing even though Kiseop was really good at it. It was a fun turn of events since Kiseop knew that this may all still end in his favor. That is, if he played the game the right way.

            While Aj was going through Kiseop’s closet he found the perfect outfit for him. He pulled out a red collared shirt with dark blue jeans. “I think this is the perfect outfit for you. All it needs is that tie I gave to you.” Aj said.

            Kiseop’s eyes went wide. He never told Aj that he kept the tie. “How did you even know that I still have it?” He asked.

            There was a smile that formed on Aj’s face. “That was the last thing I gave you before I left. If you really got over me and didn’t want to see me again then you would have never kept it. You would have thrown it away the first chance you got.” He explained.

            “I wouldn’t say that I would have thrown it away the first chance that I had. I would have kept it for a while longer.” Kiseop said.

            Aj laughed. “Not with how pissed you were with me. Punching me in the face really showed how pissed you were at me for the past few months that I was gone.” He explained.

            There was a rush of guilt that overcame Kiseop a bit. “Yeah I’m really sorry about that. I feel bad about that whole thing. I was just really upset and things really didn’t feel like they were working out for me.” He admitted.

            Aj cupped Kiseop’s cheeks and stared him right in the eyes. “I know that I caused you a lot of pain. I know that a lot of things happened when we weren’t together for the both of us. When I didn’t really talk to you or when I didn’t return your calls it wasn’t because I didn’t want to talk or be with you. At one point I was stuck in studying and then the other part was that if I even heard your voice I would have dropped everything and came back immediately.”

            “If you came back things would have been a lot easier.” Kiseop said jokingly. “But I know that you were doing it to help your financial issue.”

            There was a small laugh that Aj let out. “Honestly Kiseop my financial issue was pretty stable when I left. The only reason why I wanted to improve how much I make is to help support you.” He explained.

            Kiseop was now very confused. “Aj I don’t understand. What are you talking about? You and I both know that we agreed that we could take care of ourselves. That has always been something that we stuck to.”

            “I know that. The thing is though, from when I first made my decision to go I’ve decided that I want to spend the rest of my life together with you. I also knew that there was a very strong chance that you might move on. Especially after I told you that if you found someone else to go for it. But I guess there is something that I want to tell you. Kiseop, in another month I want us to find an apartment and move in together.” Aj said.

            The size of Kiseop’s eyes grew wide. He knew that before Aj left and the whole mess happened that they talked about it but he never thought that getting back into their relationship so soon that Aj would ask him to move in with him.

            After thinking for a bit Kiseop finally just stared in Aj’s eyes and there was a sparkle that Aj could see. “Aj, do you really want to move in together? Like, in one that we can both share?” He asked for confirmation.

            “Yes Kiseop, I want to spend as much time with you as possible. In order to do that I think that we should move in together. With both our salaries we can get a pretty decent place. So, what do you say?” Aj asked eagerly.

            “I think, that would be a great idea. I would love to move in with you.” Kiseop smiled.

            Aj wrapped his arms around Kiseop and spun him around in excitement. He spun him around several times and then placed him down slowly. Once he placed him down his lips fell upon Kiseop’s. At first it was sweet and short but after a few of those more deep and passionate kisses started to generate.

            “Now we have to go out and celebrate. Let’s get that tie on your right now. Go and get it.” Aj said.

            “Okay.” Kiseop replied and went over to his drawer and pulled out the tie that Aj gave him. As he was pulling it out he untied it by accident. Since he still didn’t know how to tie it that seemed to be a little bit of an issue. “Aw man.”

            Aj could only laugh. “I’m guessing that you still haven’t learned how to tie that huh?” He joked.

            Kiseop started to put on an innocent face. “It’s just something that I can’t get down.” He admitted.

            “Even after the little story that I gave you? That’s such a shame. Here let me help you and tell it to you one more time.” Aj said and then walked over to Kiseop and took hold of the tie. “Okay remember this time. Take both ends and think of one of them as you and one as me. Our paths crossed a few years ago and then they crossed again a year ago. One of us made a decision to leave but then turned around to stay while the other had nowhere to go. We have had our ups and downs but we always comeback to each other. Then we get closer and closer as the days go by.”

            All Kiseop could do was stare at Aj while he was tying his tie. He was paying attention to everything that he was saying but he just wasn’t watching. When Aj finished he gave him one more peck on the lips. “Let’s head out now. I’m getting hungry.”

            “Alright. Let’s go babe.” Aj smiled and then the two of them left to go enjoy a romantic dinner and a fun filled night.




            Usually when Kevin got drunk he would have a killer hangover. This time was no different. If anything, it was a hell of a lot worse. The second that the sun came up Kevin was already super sensitive to it. He didn’t want to even open his eyes. He pulled the covers over his head and groaned.

            There was suddenly a knock on his door. “Kevin, it’s already eight. You should get ready for work soon or else your boss isn’t going to be happy.” Eli explained.

            There was an even louder groan that Kevin let out and then he got out from under his covers. He felt like he couldn’t even open his eyes because the sun was too bright. But he did it anyway since he had to move around. When he opened his eyes though he saw that there was a bottle of pills on the nightstand along with a big glass of water. Kevin figured that Eli had left it for him.

            Kevin opened the bottle and immediately took two pills. Once he drank that water and swallowed the pills he made his way slowly towards his closet. It took him a little while longer to pick out an outfit since the hangover was really getting to him. He couldn’t wait until the pain killers kicked in.

            Once he finally got dressed and he felt like the pain killers were starting to work he stepped outside his room and saw that there was a plate of food on the counter. He walked over to it and saw that there was eggs, some small pancakes, and some spam on the plate. When he looked around he didn’t see Eli. He figured that he had already left for work. It was a nice thing that he did for him and he really appreciate it but he wondered what the catch was.


            Eli couldn’t really get his mind off of kissing Kevin last night. It really felt like old times when they lived together and were actually a couple. As much as he knew that their relationship was not like the way it was he kept hope. In the back of his mind he believed that he could make it work with Kevin again. After losing him he realized how much he loved him and how much he hurt him. But he was going to spend his whole life trying to make it up to Kevin.

            When he got to work he sighed. Somehow Eli managed to become a waiter in a very high class restaurant. Then during his last three hours of work he would become a bar tender for the same restaurant. He wasn’t very happy with the job he had before so he switched to this one and he had to say that he liked it for the most part. It was just a lot of work.

            “Hey Eli, you look a little tired today. Did something happen?” Daniel his coworker asked as Eli put down his things and clocked in.

            “Nah not really. My roommate just got drunk last night. He’s such a lightweight but yet he ended up drinking six whole beers. I don’t know what went on through his head.” Eli explained.

            Daniel laughed and grabbed his note pad. “I guess there must have really been something bothering him. There has to be something on your mind when you know that you are a light weight and you drink that much. I know I would drink a lot.” He explained.

            Hearing that, Eli really thought about it. “Yeah I guess that something might be going through his mind. I might even be able to think about what it is too.” He explained.

            “Well you might want to talk to him about it. Sometimes, and I know this is a little gay saying this but, some people just need someone to talk to.” Daniel explained.

            As a little offended as Eli was, he never told Daniel that he was gay. In fact his manager was pretty much the only person who knew that he was gay and that was only because he was hitting on Eli the whole time during his interview. That wasn’t relevant to anything though.

            “We should probably get to work now. I’m heading over to my section. “Eli replied and then started on is work for the day.

            When Eli finally finished his long day at work he made his way back to his house. All he wanted at this moment was to take a shower and go to bed. He got to his door and unlocked it. The second he got inside he could smell something cooking. As he saw Kevin in the kitchen he smiled.

            “Hey that smells really good. What are you making?” Eli asked as he put his keys on the dresser against the wall by the door.

            “Just some soup. I made hangover soup for me and since I am the one who got drunk last night but I also make black bean paste soup as well since hangover soup can be very nasty. Killing two birds with one stone I guess.” Kevin explained.

            “Well it smells good so I bet it tastes good.” Eli said and then made his way over to his room. He missed when Kevin would cook. It always made the house seem so warming and loving when Kevin would cook. Since Eli wasn’t a very good cook himself he hadn’t cooked in the past few months.

            As he was thinking to himself Kevin knocked on his door and entered. “Dinner is going to be ready in a few minutes.” He said and smiled.

            Eli smiled back at him. “Thanks Kevin.” He replied. Kevin was about to leave but then he remembered what Daniel said to him earlier. “Kevin, can I talk to you for a minute?”

            Kevin turned around and looked Eli in the eyes. Eli didn’t see anger at him anymore in those brown eyes. He was grateful for that. “Sure, are you okay?” Kevin asked.

            “Have a seat.” Eli gestured to Kevin. Kevin walked over and had a seat on Eli’s bed. Eli took a seat too and sighed. “Kevin, is there something bothering you?”

            That caught Kevin a bit off guard. “Uh, no. I’m fine. I just wanted to hang out with Xander last night and I knew that he likes to drink. So I just joined in.” He said.

            “Kevin, I know for a fact that Xander would not have brought that much soju if you didn’t ask him to. So I think that something is on your mind and you are not telling me. If something really is bothering you then I want you to know that you can tell me.” Eli explained.

            Kevin still was staring into Eli’s eyes. He then sighed and looked away. “Okay I’ll tell you. I’m going to be honest and say that I really don’t know what I am doing anymore. My love life since I can only be with guys who can’t love me to the fullest. I feel like I am not making as much money as I was before and I am living in my old house with my ex-boyfriend. I feel like my life is falling apart.” He replied.

            At this point Eli was just glad that Kevin was able to tell him things again. In the beginning of their relationship they were able to tell each other anything. Eli felt like that was at least a big start of a friendship at the least.

            Eli just out of habit wrapped his arms around Kevin and started to hug him and comfort him. He rubbed his back and just held him close. “I know that things are hard but they’ll get better. You have Xander and me to help you through it all. It’ll all work out I promise.”

            The hug also caught Kevin off guard but he just accepted it. He actually liked the feeling of being in Eli’s embrace again. He felt like that was where he belonged. At the same time though he didn’t want to make the same mistake. Kevin pulled away quickly and cleared his throat. “Yeah, uh, thanks. I’m going to go uh, set the table.” He explained and then got up and went back into the living room.

            Eli could tell how shy Kevin was at that moment. Eli knew Kevin for such a long time that he knew all his different emotions and signals of emotions that he had. He knew for an absolute fact that Kevin felt something as he was hugging him.

            A few minutes later Eli and Kevin ate their soup on the couch while watching TV. It was some romantic movie that Kevin ended up watching on the TV. Of course they both managed to be somehow be very interested in the movie. They managed to watch it all the way until the end.

            When the movie finished Eli took Kevin’s dishes and made his way over to the sink. He started to wash the plates and utensils along with all the other pots and pans that Kevin used to cook with. Kevin for a bit watched Eli wash the dished. He was just sitting on the couch watching him.

            Kevin then stood up and made his way over to Eli. Subconsciously he wrapped his arms around Eli from behind and held him tight. Eli stopped in his tracks and turned his head slightly towards Kevin.

            “Thank you for being there for me. I know that you are not the most faithful person but I can always rely on you to be there for me when I really need you. Thanks for being a good friend.” Kevin explained.

            Eli was just in shock. He didn’t know what to do or say. “Oh, uh, no problem.” Was all that he could reply with.

            Kevin smiled and then gave Eli a kiss on the cheek. “I’m going to go and take a shower and then go to bed. I have a long day tomorrow.” He explained and then made his way over to the bathroom.

            “Goodnight.” Eli replied. He watched Kevin leave and then took in a deep breath. If Kevin even did that to him when he was sober then things could get bad for both of them really fast. Eli just hoped that he would have more self-restraint than he gave himself credit for.  


A/N: Okay my cubs (that's your fan name that I made for you all :)) I didn't think I would get a chapter out for you all at this time but I did it. It's a little short I know but I really am pressed for time so I can only do so much. But I hope you all liked what I managed to squeeze out of my rattled brain. Thank you for reading! Also thank you my 100+ subscribers! You all motivate me so much! Thank you for following me through this crazy unorganized story. Love you all. ~Karabear

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Chapter 31: i was pleasantly surprised to see this was updated!! Thank you so much for coming back and finishing it! It was a great ending to a great story!
Chapter 31: Holy , there's an update. I didn't see that one coming :3

But yeah! It's nice that there's finally some closure to this story. (Even though I forgot about 90% of what's happened). I'm one of the original cubs, I guess, so think you for adding this final chapter. I still remember reading this story back when I didn't have an account on AFF and skipping all the rated chapters because I was still innocent and young. :') (I was like 13-14). But yeah, this was one of the very first fanfics that I read so thank you for the memories. ^^
Chapter 31: I never thought that I would see this end!! Such a a beautiful and great story! ♡♡♡♡ :')
Chapter 30: I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT THE NEXT ONE WILL BE THE LAST! O.O I've been with and reading this story for so many years that it just feels weird that I'll no longer be able to see updates from this after the next one
Chapter 25: Vinseop part was so great and then was ruined by 2seop again and elvin is just so sad :(
Chapter 30: I would love to participate author-shii :D
Choivita97 #7
i'd participate xp
Chapter 29: wow I'd love to participate for fun :)
NicoleMikiAddison #9
Chapter 28: Omg this is the best story I have ever read, it's awesome!! *•* I don't want it to end TT.TT
kiseop_lover7 #10
Chapter 28: T.T it was soo beautiful and amazing *happytears*
I don't want this story to end T.T