Additional character- Park TaeSung

What can only be a dream

I'm Park TaeSung.

I'm bubbly, happy, goofy and honest. Like my sister.

We're pretty much the same.. You could say I'm a guy version of her.

She moved out to make things easier on me

What she didnt know was it only made things harder.

Since our parents died, I was heartbroken, and without my sister, I was slow on working, slow on moving, slow on reacting.

Thats why I couldnt save that guy from being brutally murdered. Thats why I was sent to jail

I regret everyday. Not saving the innocent man. It brings me to tears thinking of him. not running away to prevent me from going to jail.

I put Yuri and the innocent man through much.

I deserved to go to jail. I might have not killed the man, but eventhough ha has been stabbed before I saw the man getting hurt, I could have prevent it. But I didnt. And when the real murderer tried to blame it on me, I didnt run.  I stayed. Horrified.

I'm nowhere innocent...

But enough of that. I cant wait to see my sister again. I miss her so much.


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nadiakiss #1
Chapter 26: I want Kiseop or Kevin but more Kiseop Q_____________________Q sequel? I'll be waiting!
RanaBrand #2
Chapter 27: I want Kevin 2 ...:(
minyoungunnie #3
Chapter 24: What's wrong with Eli???
He's so frustrating...
Chapter 22: Kiseop kissed her.!!................... again..

please updaTE!
minyoungunnie #5
Chapter 22: Kiseop kissed her again??
No!!! I want Kevin... >.<
minyoungunnie #6
Chapter 21: Kevin!! Update soon!! Please!!! ^^
Chapter 20: Kiseop kissed her.!!

Kevin loves her ...?!

................please update.!
Chapter 18: soo cute kiseop and yuri <3
Chapter 17: 'i love you yuri' XD ahhh so cute. hmm i hope jennifer can meet up with aj :) lets see what happens when she and u-kiss meet
Chapter 17: awhhh!so sweet.!!