What can only be a dream


I sat on the couch. I had a lot of patience. Even though we had been sitting here for over an HOUR, my manager looked at me. "I know this is going to take forever.. But, its very important and could finally give you the famous status you've been waiting for" He spoke. I nodded. " I know." I grinned. "The point is you got an appointment for the biggest record label ever!" I smiled.

"Now remember.. The trainee days will be tough. But sooner then you think you'll be huge. If they accept you and signed you today, you could have your first song done in a month." He said. "You mean, my debut?" I asked, he nodded and smiled. "That sounds great!" I cheered.

"Well, I sure hope it does. You're a wonderful, talented girl and if they dont sign you, its really their and our loss." He said. I frowned at the part when he say 'our loss'. He patted my shoulder "I'm sure they'll accept you. I know it/" He said just as the doors opened. "You may come in now." An official looking lady told us. This felt weird.

Even though I've done this once, maybe twice before. We wlaked in and my manager talked over it with them about what we've been doing. Small performances, writing some songs, and working really hard to get to this pount. I might be signed by SM Entertainment. I sat on the couch and took a deep breath.

He looked at me, "OK. Perform the song we've practiced and do your best.." He said. We had spent two months memorizing a song, and the dance. And I was ready to perform. I took one last breath before stepping in front of everyone. and feeling all eyes are on ,e, as I sang and danced like it was the last time I would ever do it.


TaeSung sat beside me on the couch and sighed. "Alright, Yuri. What's up with that red-haired dude?" He asked and laughed at me. I frowned. "He's not some 'red-haired dude'. He's name is Kiseop!" I corrected. "OK, sorry. Whats up with Kiseop?" He asked again.

"What do you mean?" I asked, thankful I didnt stutter. He smiled. "Dont act like you dont know!" He said. "I dont..." I mumbled. My voice clearly sounding like I was lying. "OK, let me gues... You're dating Eli, but your relationship with him is a bit complicated and you have a huge crush on Kiseop?" He asked.

Soohyun dropped a cup on the ground. "Is he a physcic?!" He spoke. " Yes. He's really a good physcic." I joked. "Ah.. So I was right. Well Yuri..." He said, taking his breath and moving closer to me. Oh great, one of his brotherly advice conversations. These never end well. His advice is worse than eating raw garlic for a straight week. 

Which now that I think about it, could you actually do that? Probably not. "Yuri. You need to follow your heart. If you really love Kiseop and he loves you back, go for it! Because if this Eli guy isnt worth your time, then dont make him worth your time. The next time, you guys are 'off'... Kee[ it that way. Because any real relationship wont change like 'on and off' so constantly." He explained.

I smiled, for once his advice actually meant something. But 'follow my heart'?When did that ever get me anywhere besides a big messed-up where I feel like I'm cheating and am I in love repeatedly? No, thats just it. It never got me anywhere. I held my face in my hands. "I'm the worst person ever." I muttered. TaeSung wrapped me in a hug. "No you're not. You're wonderful. And if Eli and Kiseop dont see that ,neither of them are worth your time."

"And if they arent worth your time, what about Hoona nd Kevin?" Soohyun offered. "What? Since when did I have any romantical relationship or feelings towards them?" I asked. "Well,, you havent with Hoon..." He mumbled.. 'But Hoon would be a great guy for you."

I forgot! I didnt tell him and Hoon and I almost kissed. Twice. "And Kevin..." He began. Then he coughed and looked away. "What?" I asked. "Nevermind. I'm not supposed to--" He said and stopped himself. "Er- gotta go" He said, running upstairs. Why was he in such a hurry?

"Well.. I see whats going on here.." TaeSung said. "What?" I asked. "You, my dear, are in a love triangle." He spoke. "Pfftt. What makes you think that?" I mumbled and played with my hands.

"Well, you're dating Eli. You love Kiseop. You have simething with Hoon by the look on your face. And according to Soohyun, Kevin stands somewhere. It's more like a... polygon love to me." He said. "Dont polygons have six points?" I asked. He sighed "Yeah. Thats only five people. OK, whatever shape has five  points?" He sadi. "A star?" I smiled.

"And thats why you're the smartest girl ever." He smiled and hugged me. I hugged back It was great to have TaeSung back, and he's right. I was with Eli. but I loved Kiseop. I didnt know why Soohyun mentioned Kevin, but Hoon and I have some sort of romantical sparks between us. 

But that doesnt change anything.....

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nadiakiss #1
Chapter 26: I want Kiseop or Kevin but more Kiseop Q_____________________Q sequel? I'll be waiting!
RanaBrand #2
Chapter 27: I want Kevin 2 ...:(
minyoungunnie #3
Chapter 24: What's wrong with Eli???
He's so frustrating...
Chapter 22: Kiseop kissed her.!!................... again..

please updaTE!
minyoungunnie #5
Chapter 22: Kiseop kissed her again??
No!!! I want Kevin... >.<
minyoungunnie #6
Chapter 21: Kevin!! Update soon!! Please!!! ^^
Chapter 20: Kiseop kissed her.!!

Kevin loves her ...?!

................please update.!
Chapter 18: soo cute kiseop and yuri <3
Chapter 17: 'i love you yuri' XD ahhh so cute. hmm i hope jennifer can meet up with aj :) lets see what happens when she and u-kiss meet
Chapter 17: awhhh!so sweet.!!