What can only be a dream


I picked up my phone and pace throught the room, calling him. I let it ring until it was sent to voicemail. I sat down beside Soohyun on the couch with a sigh, "I cant believe it! Of all the nerve someone can have, he wont text me back, he wont pick up his phone!" I grumbled and do a facepalm.

Soohyun patted my shoulder. "I'm sorry that Eli is being stubborn, Yuri. Maybe just give him sometime." he spoke calmly and gentle as always. Any smile I could have ever fade. "But I've given him too much time."

"Yes.. but you always come through him in the end, right? How long have u two been together?" He asked looking at me. Great, another one of his best-friend talks where he switched my words to show me how he's right. But he shouldnt have show me because he's always right. " A year and 3 months...." I grumbled under my breath.

"Exactly. And was that the whole year and three months a waste of your time?" He asked. I knew it. "No..." I sighed, lifting up my face to see him looking at me with his eyes again. When you looked into them, the only thing you saw was the truth. I looked away and closed my eyes. "You're avoiding this, HyoEun." He spoke, and I covered my head in a large pillow on the couch, "Ya! Dont call me that!"

He chuckled. "Then talk it out with Eli!" He insisted. "I'll take you with him and AJ's and Dongho's house." he said. I glared everything thats on the floor. AJ. His name alone made me winced in hate. "No thank you." I hissed, something so deadly he should have backed out that second. Normal people would. But he wasnt normal at all-- He's my bestfriend and  he knew better than to back out by the tone of my voice.

Oh, I must've forgotten to mention. All of UKISS spiltted up, so they dont live together in one big house. Eli with AJ, Kevin with Kiseop, and Hoon with Soohyun. But then, Soohyun moved in with me, so Hoon moved in with Kevin and Kiseop. Dongho was originally alone, so he moved in with Eli and AJ. Even though they rested it at first. Because living with his dog never had been a good experience for UKISS altogether.

"We're going.," He said. "Would you rather go to Kiseop's house first?" he teased. he was the only one who knew I had a huge crush on him. And I dont care how much he ignores me, he will never leave my heart. I wish we could be together. "Yeah, actually I would like that." I spoke, and he smirked. "No, no! Not to see Kiseop but Hoon and Kevin!. Geez.."

He snickered. "Suree..." He spoke with almost too much sarcasm. I elbowed him and we got into his car and head to Kiseop, Kevin and Hoon's house. 

-20 minutes later-

We arrived. I got out the car, closing the door behind me and heaaded for the front door, reaching the doorknob. Soohyun ran up to me. "Well, someone's in a hurry." He said ansd shook my head at him.I open the dorr to see kiseop sitting int he desk writting on something. He looked so gorgeous with his new hair. 

Kevin waved at me with a cute smile as always. He never looked sad, he never got mad, he always smiled and cheer everyone up with how bright and happy he was. Hoon was nowhere to bee seen, which kind of , because I want to talk to him too. I sighed and sat beside Kevin. "Oh, I recognized that sighe. What happened? Eli again?" he asked.

I just nodded. "Ah... I'm sorry" He said and hugged me. "Gosh, I just love hugging you when you were wearing your white sweater. It's so soft." He complimented and I lugh. " Looks like you're calling me teddy bear." I said. "Well, I'm calling your sweater a teddy bear, but that works too." By then we were both laughing.

Then Eli came through the door. Kevin stopped hugging me and sat back ont he couch. Eli walk up to me and sat beside me. I looked away. he reached for me but I batted his hand away. He stopped attempting to do anything and sighed. It must have been five minutes before he finally spoke up again. " What did I do? Because, whatever I did. I'm sorry." He said

I huffled. "Sure, you're sorry!" I said making Kevin flinched. he scooted away from all the arguing he expected to come betwee Eli and me. Our relationship was predictable. Even I predicted an argument. Next, he would make some snappy comeback about the importance of trust and how much he did everything for me and whatever. And I would reply something proving his words wrong, and it would go for an hour.

But instead, he said something different, causing the word to explode. In my mind, anyway. "I love you, I'm sorry" He said looking at me with his loving eyes. The same eyes I fell in love with. I didnt resist them I couldnt resist them. I took his hand in mineand smile. "I love you too" I said. Soohyun sighed and leaned against the wall. "We didnt even have to visit AJ now, did we?" He spoke. I groaned in anger under my breath.

Eli laughed and hugged me in his warm, safe arms. "You really hate him, dint you?" he said. "No, I'm groaning to the floor." I said with sarcasm. "Oh okay. I thought you're groaning at AJ. My mistake." he sighed. But he was smirking. I punched him playfully. "Jerk! You know I was groaning at AJ and his awfulness." I said.

He laughed and kissed my head sweetly, making me blush a bit. "Awfulness? Is that the best thing you have?" He said. I smiled and kissed him. By then, my arms were around his neck and his hand were on my back as we kissed. I heard Kevin awkwardly get up and walked upstairs. More scribbling from the desk of Kiseop. And Soohyun- Calm as usual. We kissed for a long time at my house all the time. He used to it, by now.

We fell back on the couch so he was on top of me and he continued to kiss me. The front door  opened and a bag fell to the floor. He groaned and picked it up. well, at least now I knew where he had been. "They're kissing again?" He asked Soohyun. "Yep. Aren't I a miracle worker?" He said, making Hoon laugh. "And why are you that?" He asked. "I dont know." Soohyun replied and Hoon alughed again and went to the kitchen.

Eli finally pulled away from me. "I really love you, you now that?" He asked. I smiled up at him. "Of course I know that." I spoke. "Sometimes.... I forget."

He smiled and put his hand on my face. "You're beautiful. And a beautiful girl like you needs to know how much her loving boyfriend actually loves her." He said. Was that an order? or a compliment? or a word that was foreshadowing he was going to do something amazing?

"Dont deny our r squared pi.." He said. Simething he said ti me simetimes. r, then square, making the r doubled, the put the two words together and you get a heart meaning love. Then pi, whoch last forever, meaning infinity. So he's saying not to deny our infinity love.

But even though that was a bit romantic, everytime he said it, I replied with the same thing. "Euuk. AJ sings that part."  I said making him laugh like it does everytime. "Sure he sings it." He said, coming close to me, so our breath collided. "But I meant it."

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nadiakiss #1
Chapter 26: I want Kiseop or Kevin but more Kiseop Q_____________________Q sequel? I'll be waiting!
RanaBrand #2
Chapter 27: I want Kevin 2 ...:(
minyoungunnie #3
Chapter 24: What's wrong with Eli???
He's so frustrating...
Chapter 22: Kiseop kissed her.!!................... again..

please updaTE!
minyoungunnie #5
Chapter 22: Kiseop kissed her again??
No!!! I want Kevin... >.<
minyoungunnie #6
Chapter 21: Kevin!! Update soon!! Please!!! ^^
Chapter 20: Kiseop kissed her.!!

Kevin loves her ...?!

................please update.!
Chapter 18: soo cute kiseop and yuri <3
Chapter 17: 'i love you yuri' XD ahhh so cute. hmm i hope jennifer can meet up with aj :) lets see what happens when she and u-kiss meet
Chapter 17: awhhh!so sweet.!!