What can only be a dream


"I.."I stutterred, then blushed and looked down. "I.."

"Its OK, Yuri. I know you like me too."He laughed. "You dont have to say it if you're uncomfortable."He finished. I realised he was holding my hand again. Gosh, why is he so sweet? So, adorable, gorgeous.. So... amazing.

"Thanks" I spoke gently, then he kissed my cheek I saw him blushed and look away trying to hide it. Those rare moments when you see a guy blushed over you? Treasure them. Because it means he really love you. Or more than you love him. I hugged him.

Then tahts about when Soohyun came in our room. "Woah! Well, hey there lovebirds." He sang, then whistled. I pulled away emabrrased and threw a pillow to Soohyun. "Oof!" He muttered as it hit him. "OK, you win". He mumbled. "Well, we just got back." He said, recovering almost immediatly.

"OK"I smiled at him, recovering from my embarrasment. "We're all going to bed noe.. Unless you guys want to do something.." He asked. I shook y head. "I'm fine"I said, then looked at Kiseop who sat there silently. He realised I was looking at him. "Hm? Something wrong?" He asked.

I shook my head. "Nah,,"I mumbled and leaned against him making him smile. We werent even dating, that was the messed up part of this.. "Well Kiseop. Where do you want to sleep?" Soohyun asked."Uh.. where's the??" He asked, scratching his head.

"I'll sleep on the floor. He can have my bed" I offered. Soohyun smiled. "Alright, lovebirds can sleep in here then.." He said, walking out the room."Do we seriously look like a bird?" I asked. He chuckled."No, he's just calling us that. Birds of love? I dont believe they exist." He said, shaking his head.

"Thats because they dont." I smiled, taking extra blankets and pillows, spreading them on the floor. "Uhm. Hey. No." He said to me."What?" I looked at him strangely. "You can sleep in your own bed. A wonderful girl like you shouldnt sleep on the floor?" He said. "Wonderful?" I asked him.

"I was going to say 'beautiful' . But that made me feel I'm being too romantic and unlike my regular, quiet, shyself." He said. He smiled a beautiful smile at me. I blushed. "Anyway, thanks for the compliment." I said, smiling getting into my own bed. His bed was right beside me. Accident? Well, I would say no but it really was an accident. Not that I minded at all.

As he got into the bed, he finished setting up on the floor. He made it clear he didnt mind either. "Night." I sid, turning off the light. "Night.."He mumbled, hidden under covers, as the room went black and we both fell asleep.


I woke up, still half asleep woth something around me. I turned around slightly and found it a struggle. Was I kntted in a blanket? I rested my head against whatever was beside me and threw my arms around it. "Mmm.. so warm.." I mumbled, then the thing holding me around the wasit tightened the grip.

I opened my slightly and saw a chest. A male's chest. A bare male's chest. I blushed and tried to pull away. But the owner of his gorgeous shirtless beauty was holding me very tightly. Ugh. So embarrasing. But for some reasong, I wasnt minding it. I looked up and saw Kiseop was blushing even moe. Ahh.. he must gotten hot during the night.

Then one thought came to my mind. He didnt need the night to make him that,,, "Umm. Good morning" I stutterd and he finally loosened his grip. "Morning, beautiful. So, I'm warm, huh?" He asked. I blushed, embarrased."Y-you heard?" I asked. He laughed. "Of course I did.."

Then, he finally released me so I could puul away from him, using every bit of me not to look at his abs. I sat beside him and he sat up and put his arms around me, making me blush again. Did this guy ever make me blush? He wasnt even a this 'guy'. He was Kiseop. Which was I think about it, made absolutely no sense.

He leaned close to me and kissed my cheek. Sweetly. "I've never seen a girl look more beautiful after just waking uo." He smiled.at me. With that warm smile, you could just melt from seeing, Then, I realised something.

That something I had said twice before. The one that You ever read or watched or dreamed about a boyfriend who thinks you're the world and never lets you go? Makes you feel like you're everything? well that'll never happen to me'. But, boy I was wrong....

Kiseop wasnt my boyfriend and how things were going he might not be for a while.or..the exact opposite. But boyfriend or not he definitely makes me feel that way. Which makes me wonder how I could be so lucky. Out of all girls in the world why did fate and destiny choose me?

He took my hand and stood up, finally having his shirt on. "Lets go downstairs, hm?" He asked, as I stood up and grasped his hand. "Yeah.." I said and smiled. I felt kinda hundry anyway. really? This was so perfect! It could only be a dream. 

And if thats true, I dont ever want to wake up.

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nadiakiss #1
Chapter 26: I want Kiseop or Kevin but more Kiseop Q_____________________Q sequel? I'll be waiting!
RanaBrand #2
Chapter 27: I want Kevin 2 ...:(
minyoungunnie #3
Chapter 24: What's wrong with Eli???
He's so frustrating...
Chapter 22: Kiseop kissed her.!!................... again..

please updaTE!
minyoungunnie #5
Chapter 22: Kiseop kissed her again??
No!!! I want Kevin... >.<
minyoungunnie #6
Chapter 21: Kevin!! Update soon!! Please!!! ^^
Chapter 20: Kiseop kissed her.!!

Kevin loves her ...?!

................please update.!
Chapter 18: soo cute kiseop and yuri <3
Chapter 17: 'i love you yuri' XD ahhh so cute. hmm i hope jennifer can meet up with aj :) lets see what happens when she and u-kiss meet
Chapter 17: awhhh!so sweet.!!