What can only be a dream


Two more days until the performance.. And my manager was starting to get a little tense. OK, maybe.. more than a little. "Work! Harder! Harder!" He shouted. "Try harder! Keep going!". He ordered, and I finally just stopped.

"YoungMIn. Please, calm down. I cant do anything with you ordering me around so rudely." I said and he nodded. ut frowned and threw his hands in the air. "Fine! Fail the performane!" He said, storming out of the room. I sighed and started dancing again to the song. I did a move where I was spinning. I spinned around and come face to face with a familiar face.

"You have a nice dancing." He complimented. I half expected out of some chance it would be AJ. But I was so close.. "T-Thanks. Arent you Dongho of UKISS?" I said. He smiled and nodded.  "Yes, I am. Do you happen to know us then?" He asked. "Know you? I went to you concert and I have a huge crush on Aj.." I said, then covered my mouth in surprise.

"You like AJ?" He asked. I sighed and let my hand fall down and nodded. "Well, we're performing on Music Bank in two days. If you come, maybe after the show, I could--" He began but I interrupted him. "I'm performing in Musci Bank in two days too"I spoke making him look surprise.

"Really? Are you famous?" He asked. "Yes. I'm known as JEN and I'm just debuting.." I said. "Wow! Thats great! You two can meet backstage" He said and I blushed and looked down. "Aw,.. Dont be nervous. I'm sure he'll like you!" He said. "thanks." I smiled.

I cant believe it's finally happening. I was finally going to meet AJ.


We're at Hoon, Kevin, and Kiseop's house. It was almost five. At first, Hoonhad kind of been a little nervous to talk to me. Since... the kiss. But he's now approaching me. I smiled as he sat beside me. On the outside, I looked confident but on the inside I wouldnt know wether to say my heart stop beatingor was beating faster.

He smiled. "Hey" "Hi.." I replied, mumbling a little bit. "So,, hows your day?" He asked. I laughed. "Is that all you can say?" I asked him making him smile.  "Pretty much. How about you?" He asked. "Oh, you want me to talk now?" I asked, he laughed. "Yep"

"Hm.. tough one! I would have to say.. It's nice to talki to you again. Since yesterday it was a little talking.." I said then blushed, looking down. He raised an eyebrow. "So, you like it?" He asked, teasingly. I punched him in the arm. "Dont tease me!" I said. "Nah. Its OK. I liked it" He said, leaning back. Then his eyes widened.


"Did... I say that loud?" He asked. "Great, you" I asked in return. "Wonderful, actually" He said then looked up. "Uhm.. I think Kiseop wants to talk to you." He said, motioning to Kiseop standing nearby. "Why would you say that" I asked. "He doesnt look like he wants to talk to me." I mumbled.

"He looked over a few times before and talked about it yesterday night when we left. And all this morning before you came." He said then laughed lightly. "He's such a kid sometimes. He cant tell girls his feeling."  He said, shaking his head. "W-What do you mean?" I asked. "Why dont you ask him to tell you?" He said, then walked off.

I sighed and sat back on the couch. Me, make the first move, on Kiseop? Yeah, no thanks, I looked at the clockand it was past five. Wow, taht was fast. Eli had to be here by six, right on the dot. And no later.


I looked at the door and nobody was knocking on it yet. It was six. Twenty. I couldnt believe he wasnt here yet! I sighed and stood up from the couch, then walked into the kitchen and sat at the table beside TaeSung and Hoon. "Something wrong?" TaeSung asked me." Something... wrong? Something is more than wrong! Eli isnt here yet!" I grumbled.

"When's he supposed to arrrive?" Hoon asked. "Six." I muttered. "He blew it"

"Aw. Its only six thirty. I'm sure he'll knock on the door any moment now." TaeSung reassured me. We waited five more minutes. "yeah, I dont hear any knocking!" I snapped and rested my head on the table. They both put their arms over me. I didnt move of lift my head from the table I gsve Eli one more chance. One last chance. and he blew it.


I heard someone ring the doorbell. I looked at the time. Seven thirty. if it was Eli, he was so late. And if it wasnt, then he could be considered to have blown me off,

I answered the door and saw Eli standing here. "Hey." He said., letting himself in. He turned to look at me. Everyone looked at us. I left the door open and crossed my arms and glared at him. "What?" he asked. "What" I repeated. "What?!" You're an hour and half late late and all you have to say is 'what?!' I snapped. "Uh. Sorry." He said unsure of his own words.

"I just cant take it anymore! I snapped, finally losing it. "We've to break up. And  forever this time." I walked away, out the door, and hid myself in my own world, where nobody would bother me. Suddenly, Kiseop came up beside me. He smiled gently. "What are you doing out here?" He asked, and ignoring my earlier incident, a smiled on my lips. "Exactly, what are you doing.. Avoiding the confusion."

He laughed. "Yeah, no kidding.Everyone is flipping out back there.That was something you did, standing up to your boyfriend." He mumbled. "he's not my boyfriend" I grumbled. "Anymore?" He asked. "No.. " I said. "At all." I paused and looked up at the sky. " I gave him a final chance and he blew it"

We sat there in silencefor a moment. "we should head back." I said, standing up. The house must have been a block away. When I was out the door. I ran and ran. And Kiseop must have gollowed me. We walked back slowly, side by side. The roads were dark and we could barely even see. But he reached out and took my hand in his.

And our hands were again the perfect fit. "Yuri, there's something I've been wanting to tell you." H said, more clamly. "Yes?" I asked, eager to know what he wasgoing to say. Despite how nervous I was on the fact he was holding my hand- Wait, he was holding my hand?!

"I wanted to tell you, Yuri..." He spoke, stopping on the road. He turned me ti face him and loked into my eyes. "...that I love you".

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nadiakiss #1
Chapter 26: I want Kiseop or Kevin but more Kiseop Q_____________________Q sequel? I'll be waiting!
RanaBrand #2
Chapter 27: I want Kevin 2 ...:(
minyoungunnie #3
Chapter 24: What's wrong with Eli???
He's so frustrating...
Chapter 22: Kiseop kissed her.!!................... again..

please updaTE!
minyoungunnie #5
Chapter 22: Kiseop kissed her again??
No!!! I want Kevin... >.<
minyoungunnie #6
Chapter 21: Kevin!! Update soon!! Please!!! ^^
Chapter 20: Kiseop kissed her.!!

Kevin loves her ...?!

................please update.!
Chapter 18: soo cute kiseop and yuri <3
Chapter 17: 'i love you yuri' XD ahhh so cute. hmm i hope jennifer can meet up with aj :) lets see what happens when she and u-kiss meet
Chapter 17: awhhh!so sweet.!!