Don't look

In Love with A Gay Man

Jess's POV
"Selina?! You know my dad too? Your sir? What you are talking about?" I turn back and look at dad once. Then, turn back facing Selina. "Selina's sir is my best friend. He promise me to protect you. After my friend passed away, Selina take over his place." Dad said and Selina continue "but then I always do a lot of mistakes and now caused you so much pain and troubles.its all my fault!" I walked next to her and placed my hand on her shoulder. "No one want this to happen. Not your fault." When i about to say, dad already voice out my mind. Selina look at me and I replied her with a smile and slight nod.
"Alright! Is time for me to go!" As much as I don't want dad to leave, I know he have to. This time I no longer hugging him but my eyes never leaves him too. I finally found my dad but... He ain't a normal human. 
"Jess~" I heard Selina called which snap my blank mind back. "Huh?" Before I could react, I feel her big hug. "I miss you!" She said. Her voice is so shaking and I guess she is crying bad now. I her back up and down to calm her, said "me too!". After a while, we separated. 
"How is JiYong now?" I asked. "Is that is?" Selina asked back with unbelievable expression. "Huh?" "Is that is? After what you been through, the first question you ask is about him?" Selina asked back with angry expression. Why is she sound so angry? Because of jealousy or what? "Why you sound so angry?" I asked. "You worried about him but he..." Selina struggling to telling me and so I said "just tell me what happen! Is something bad happen to him?" 
"No! How wish he do!" Selina start cursing JiYong.i strongly pat on her arms and scolded "ya! How could you curse him?" 
"I curse him? I'm just feeling not worthy for you to missing him while he having other girls in his arms!"Selina said
"Other girls?" My eyes open extra wide when I heard it. Can't be! "JiYong won't do this to me. Even... Even I'm..." I look down at myself. Now I'm a monster who ugly hundred thousand times. "But..." Even I want to deny it so much, I know I can't. There might be a possibility that he would give up on our love. "Jess~" Selina come and pat on my shoulder.
"I gotta see this myself!" I mumbling. "What you said?" Selina try to listen but then I immediately run out. Don't know is it because of my supernatural power, very soon Ifound JiYong in a restaurant. I don't know why I just got the sense of where he is. The next thing I saw, I hope it is only my illusion. I saw JiYong hugging a girl at the balcony. Their moves are so intimately close. I want to move forward and ask JiYong what is this all about but... My legs don't seem to listen to me and my tears just start rebelling. Then I feel someone cover my eyes with hand and while another hand turn me, tug me in his arms. He buried my head on his chest and said "don't look!" With the familiar voices, I know is SeungHyun. "It hurts much so don't watch!" His deep voice makes me calm and feel secure. Maybe because I think he is my big brother?! So in his embrace, I feel been protected?! I don't know. I no longer sure and trust my feeling after so many things goes on. "Seunghyun, how you know...." Before I can ask, he cut off me by saying "because I been there before so I know how hurt is that!" He separate me from his hug and look into my eyes. I know exactly what he means. He feel how I feel not because I'm his sister. Is because he love me and I don't love him back as the same. "Is JiYong..." "I don't know! Don't ask! Let's go back!" He just briefly cut me off and don't let me stay there any longer. 

JiYong's POV
"Oppa~ later where we go some more?" The crazy Japanese chick just keep stick near to me."enough, kiko!the show is over!" I rudely said. "Alright!" She said angrily and leaves. I don't mean to but I am really frustrated for can't find Jess now. Is been few days. Where can she been? And why she like that that day? I have so much things to take care of. Some more, my gosh damn my stupid company want some rumor to make some noises for our new album publish, so I have to act with this Japanese model. What will Jess thinking if she saw the photo spread on online? 

After 2 years....

"Sanjangnim, we can't always telling SeungHyun went oversea for study! We need to figure out a way! We can't find him for two years is the truth!" Our manager said. Yes, is been two years and we still can't find seunghyun. I know exactly why but I could only keep quiet. How I'm suppose to tell them what just happen before me, seunghyun and Jess, right?! Talking about Jess, I also didn't see her for 2 years. I really miss her badly. "JiYong, so what do you think?" YG suddenly asked me. "I... I think we should tell the world that there is no more top hyung in our group!" I said but then follow by other members' objection. They just don't understand. The real seunghyun will never be back. "Hyung, we are a team! Maybe top hyung just hide himself for god know what purpose. You know he is always that weird!" Daesung said. "Yes, we are a team! We can't just abandon him!" Youngbae joined in the party. Great! "I think..." I throw a fierce glare to Seungri and he immediately said "I no comment!"
"Guys, I know you all cares about top hyung. But he won't come back! Never!" Just when I shouting 'never', someone suddenly burst in the meeting room and said "who said I am not coming back?" We all were shocked when saw seunghyun appear in front of us. Is he the real seunghyun or...? 


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shinoshijak #1
this is a nice story tho!
JiYong_JaGi #2
Chapter 61: Getting complicated.. Please just save Jess..
JiYong_JaGi #3
Chapter 44: omg~~!!! why seunghyun is being like that?? is he trying to ruin jiyong and jess?? he slept with her????? gosh~ jess why can't you just give jiyong a chance to explain??
JiYong_JaGi #4
Chapter 42: is seunghyun really good or he really have other intention? why is he not talking to jiyong but her instead?
JiYong_JaGi #5
Chapter 41: where did jiyong go? weird~
JiYong_JaGi #6
Chapter 37: hahah~ i hope through this game they get love struck~ sparks keep coming from them~ ^^
JiYong_JaGi #7
Chapter 36: haha~ so funny of them~ but then jiyong should be more gentle to her~
JiYong_JaGi #8
Chapter 35: Stupid jiyong~!! Try to be nice ok? Zico will win if you continue being an ~ >.< please let them be together~
JiYong_JaGi #9
Chapter 33: Aarrrggghhh~!!! Noooooo~ get lost zico!! She won't be yours!