The morning

In Love with A Gay Man


JiYong’s POV

The next morning…

I actually woke up early than her but I was so into the sweetness that I could be with her; sleep next to her. I wouldn’t want to wake up at all. So, I pretend sleeping until she finally moves a little bit. I guess she already wakes up and I immediately shut my eyes tight, hoping that she do not realized.

Jess’s POV

The sun rays just shine into the room and it wakes me up. Oh? The monster is still sleeping on my lap?! I did not get angry or anything. In fact, I feel happy about it. I wish the time could just stop so I can always have him with me. Aissh… what are you thinking, Jess? Are you falling in love for this arrogant monster? I hit my forehead with my hand to shake all my thoughts away. Looking at his lovely sleeping figure, he is really handsome. Unconsciously, I brushed his blonde hairs again. ‘你肚唔肚饿啊? (are you hungry in Cantonese)’ I just mumbling without knowing. No matter how much I stop myself from having feelings for him, I just can’t. I can’t stop worry about him; I can’t stop care about him; I can’t stop thinking about him.  Thus, I tried to move a little by little. Hoping could get off the bed without waking him up. He must be hungry after the sickness. Pressing on his forehead, I know his fever already gone. Maybe he would like to have some porridge as breakfast?!

JiYong’s POV

I heard her mumbling something. It is soft but enough for me to hear. I went to HongKong before and I learned some Cantonese too. I do not know how to speak exactly but I know what’s that mean. The first thing she woke up is asking am I hungry. How lovely she is? I know what I feeling for her now is strange. I mean I am a gay. How can I… is the words SeungHyun said start to make sense? That I am falling with this girl, simply because she is the one? I don’t know and I do not want to know. The love thing just makes me headache. I just want to enjoy having her now.  I can feel she start moving and I guess she wants to get off the bed. So I pretend turn my body to another side and let her leaves.

Jess’s POV

Oh my top, thanks god! He moves to another side. I smiled and immediately get off the bed. As my feet touch on the ground and I try to stand, ‘Ah~’ the pain just trigger my whole body. I immediately cover my mouth with my hand, wishing not waking the monster up. It must be because he sleeps on my lap for the whole night, so now I get the pain of my muscle. I am looking back at the monster that still sleeping soundly on the bed. Pheww~~ luckily! Still I gotta move slowly and with caution as it is very hurt. Just when I am about to open the door, ‘where are you’re going?’ a husky y morning voice just get in my ear that shocked me. My legs get weak and I simply fall hard on the ground. ‘Ah~’ I groaned in pain.

 JiYong’s POV

I do not mean to scare her but I just want to know where she is going. However, the moment she falls on the ground is really funny. She is groaning in pain and yet rubbing her . I can’t help but laughing for a while. Then, just for a while, I start feel for her pain. She tried to stand up but she can’t. I saw her laps were reddish and shaking badly. Guess due to I slept on her lap last night, so now she barely even move.

Jess’s POV

‘aissshhh this stupid women!’ I heard he start scolding me but I care less now. I keep focus on my legs and ermm… ~ don’t blame me!! It’s really hurt! Suddenly, I feel a pair of strong arms lifted me up. ‘Oh my~’ I shouted in shock and closed my eyes tight. My arms automatically wrapped around his neck to prevent myself from falling. Who knows he suddenly let go, right? I slowly open my eyes and our eyes sight met. I was so close to his chest that I think I could hear his heartbeat.  My heart~ what’s wrong with it? Why it beating so fast?! His glare was too strong that I could barely handle. I start biting my lips and telling myself to calm down.

JiYong’s POV

Again, that big innocent eye! It kills me every time, our eye sight met. Although she does not wear any makeup and even having the messy hair in this morning, she seems pretty in my eyes. Look at those lips she is biting, making me want to kiss them.  My heart racing like F1 race and I couldn’t stop it. We stay for that pose for a while. It is like the time already stop and the world just left both of us.

Jess’s POV

‘나와 함께 사랑에 빠지지 마십시오! (do not fall in love with me! In Korean)’ again he starts saying some alien language that I do not understand. ‘What?’ I was confused. He leans closer to my cheeks and makes me blushing hard again. I immedialy close my eyes though he would do something…. Something…. ‘I said do not fall in love with me!!!’ he suddenly shouted loud that I think he just break my ear drum. This monster…. Arghhhhh!!!! I hate him so much!!! I stare fierce at him and still he just happily smirked. Yes, I am mad at him but I even mad at myself. How could I be so stupid that I thought he would love me back or care for me?

JiYong’s POV

‘You… you..This stupid gay monster… I won’t!!! You do not need to worry! I am not that stupid! You are just interested with guys! I know!!!!!!!’ she practically shout at me but I do not care. I continue placed her gently on the bed. I smiled not because I managed to . I mean I do love to and saw her angry y face. However, the most important is I know she is lying. She loves me. From the action, I know! I am very clear about it. ‘Sit here! Do not move! I insist!!!’ I start moving away.

Jess’s POV

Damn! The same sentence with what I said last night?!He still remembers?! Did he remember I just kiss and feed him medicine last night too? ‘ei… where are you going?’ I bite my lips and asked. Don’t know why I feel shy now! ‘cooking breakfast for you!’ he causally said without turning back at look at me. When he open the door, ‘ahjumma?’ he called. ‘Oh good morning, young master! I was about to call you! the breakfast is ready!’ I heard she said. ‘I can’t find Ms. Jess in her room…’ ‘erm… ahjumma?’ I called out as I know she was looking for me. When the monster moves  a bit to the left and she take a peek on me, she smiled. ‘oh I see! Sorry for disturbing! The breakfast is ready by the way. Quickly fresh up and get down!’ the way she smiled means something. Something not really sounds good for me. ‘ahjumma~~ ahjumma~~its not what you think!!’ I try to explain but guess it was too late. She said while leaving with the monster ‘ahjumma is not that conservative! Staying together before marry is ok!!’ and I heard that monster replied her ‘thanks ahjumma!’ ‘Ya~ what thanks?? We did not do anything! Ya~~~’ I shouted but seem like no one’s cares anymore.  I tried to move and get down the bed but my legs weren’t listening to me. No choice but stays there alone sadly. Suddenly, I saw him coming back. Without saying anything, he just hugged me with bride style again to having breakfast.

When we are about to having our breakfast, I swear I saw ahjumma and other maids are hiding behind there and smiling. Suddenly, I feel so awkward and embarrassed. ‘why you still do not eat your breakfast?’ he asked. I tried to pick up the fork and knife to cut my favorite pan cakes into pieces before eating them. However, guess my hands stay at the same position last night and so now it gets pain too.

JiYong’s POV

Look at her action, I know she hurt her arms last night too. ‘aisshhh you can’t do anything well, don’t you?’ i simply grab the knife and fork from her and cut the pan cakes into pieces for her. ‘there! Here you go! ’ I do not know why I start doing those stuff for her. She looks at me with full of confuse look. ‘eat it! Pali! Pali!! ( quick! Quick!!)’

Jess’s POV

He never ends to shock me huh?? Why suddenly he treat me so nice again? Is there any hidden camera?! Then I heard ahjumma saying ‘aigo! Look at this lovely little married couple!!’ I turn back and called ‘ahjumma~~~’ it is so embarrassing when she is saying this. ‘ahjumma, bring me some honey! And you all (the other maids),do not have anything to do already??’ his serious voice just shocked everyone and so they went back to work.  


JiYong: let me sleep in your arms

Jess: let me dream in your arms

Both: let me drown in your LOVE 

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shinoshijak #1
this is a nice story tho!
JiYong_JaGi #2
Chapter 61: Getting complicated.. Please just save Jess..
JiYong_JaGi #3
Chapter 44: omg~~!!! why seunghyun is being like that?? is he trying to ruin jiyong and jess?? he slept with her????? gosh~ jess why can't you just give jiyong a chance to explain??
JiYong_JaGi #4
Chapter 42: is seunghyun really good or he really have other intention? why is he not talking to jiyong but her instead?
JiYong_JaGi #5
Chapter 41: where did jiyong go? weird~
JiYong_JaGi #6
Chapter 37: hahah~ i hope through this game they get love struck~ sparks keep coming from them~ ^^
JiYong_JaGi #7
Chapter 36: haha~ so funny of them~ but then jiyong should be more gentle to her~
JiYong_JaGi #8
Chapter 35: Stupid jiyong~!! Try to be nice ok? Zico will win if you continue being an ~ >.< please let them be together~
JiYong_JaGi #9
Chapter 33: Aarrrggghhh~!!! Noooooo~ get lost zico!! She won't be yours!