
In Love with A Gay Man
Jess's POV
From the moment we get down the car, he hold my hands tight. I could already heard a noisy crowd shouting his name. It's his fans. He let go off my hand this time as I thought he would hide this relationship. However, he didn't. He make it more obvious instead by placing his hand on my waist, closely near my.... ! Isssshhh ert! I think I saw he smirked when he saw my disgusting look. He do it purposely?! I just hate this monster! He raise up his another hand and wave to the fans. Just a wave makes them goes more crazy. They are shouting louder and louder that I think I might get my eardrum spoiled. As we step in YG building, wow~ this place is huge! The decoration, the poster of all YG family members, the doll.... My eyes just wide open and unconsciously I stopped to amaze. 'Jagiya, we need to keep going! If not, we will be late!' That G monster faking again. I pouted and obey what he said. Finally, we come to a studio. I heard his manager said, this studio is somewhere monster works everyday. I never been in a studio. This first time experience is really open my eyes. 
JiYong's POV
Like a baby girl, she is. Everything in YG looks normal and usual to me but from her eyes sight, I know this is something new to her. When she saw Choice hyung doing his job and playing the instrumental we just created before, she smiled. The true smile u can ever find in this building. Everyone here nowadays lost this sincere and pure heart for music. The longer time I'm in this industry, the sick I am for those faker. She is different. She never follow the so called 'trend'. She just.... SPECIAL. Aissshhh what I am thinking? Am I praise this rude girl?! 
YoungBae's POV
When the moment I step in the room, I saw her. Is her again! I am so happy to see her again until I smiled unconsciously. She is tapping her feet and smiling happily. I guess she is too in love with music so without noticing I'm here already. Then, I hears 'hyung!' Seungri shouted JiYoung loudly and rushing to hug him. That is the moment I realized my best friend was here too. He looks a bit shocked when Seungri hugged him. Is he amazing her like I do just now that why the world of him keep shut off and just only left her in his eyes? If he love her so much, why hurting her?! I bite my teeth once I think of how he breaks her heart. Seungri's voice not only bring both of us back from reality but  her too. She turn back and that is the best moment to knock me down. The smile is so sweet but I haven't mention about the 'youngbae oppa?!' She called out. That is the moment I will die for her. 
Jess's POV
The sudden present of Seungri snap me back to reality. As I turn back and I saw youngbae. I feel more comfort and relief when I saw him. I mean he is the kindest one here that I could ever know. He always being friendly. 
JiYoung's POV
When I saw her calling youngbae 'oppa' my whole body's blood boiled up. How come she smiled like that to him but not me?! I am the one will get marry to her! I'm her fiancé! That 'oppa' calling only reserved for me. That smile only deserve for me. Just before I want to get closer to them, the running man group came in. Due to some reason, Daesung and Top wouldn't join us today. Actually I know Top hyung purposely avoiding me. I couldn't blame him. Its heart breaking double if he saw me and Jess being together. There are few girls from different girls groups been introduced to us. 
Jess's POV
out of everyone here, I'm the only one who is not categorized as celebrities. They are all so damn awesome and cool. Suddenly, my self esteem just get low. I feel I can't fit in their role when they talking. Before filming, there are still time for them to chit chat. I don't know why my feet betray me out of sudden. When I saw monster and Seungri happily surrounded by the girls, I automatically step back and suddenly someone grabbed my wrist. It's youngbae! He lean closer to me and whisper 'don't be scare! It's gonna be already! I will take care of you!' Then he let go of my hand and stand side by side to me. When I look up at him, he gave me a warm smile. Magically, I feel more secure. 
JiYong's POV
When I was been surrounded by those girls, I actually keep my eyes on her. I saw her step backward, she must be low confident. I want to be there and tell her, it's ok but then I can't break free now. Then I saw youngbae go closer to her and hold her hand. What the...! Sorry I don't mean to curse but how can they have skin ship like this? That's my girl!!! Keep your hands off her! I shouted in my mind. After he whisper something in her ear, they smiled. Oh I hate that smile! How ugly they can be?? Disgusting! I immediately walked to her and grab her wrist, pulled her away from him. I practically dragged her to the corner where not much people saw us. She finally swing her hand away from mine. 'You...' I turn back and prepare to scold her. 
Jess's POV
Suddenly, the monster come out from nowhere and grabbed me away from youngbae. He seem very angry. From the action I know, the next thing I guess is he is going to scold me. I don't know what's that for but I just know that will be happen. Simply because he is monster. 'You...' He tried to scold me but I stare back at him and scolded 'what's wrong with you?'i rubbed my wrist as he hurt me so much when grabbing my wrist. 
JiYong's POV
I think of scolding her but then when I saw her rubbing her reddish hand, I know I did something over. I should hurt her this way. A big ego kid as me suddenly feel full of guilty. She kills my ego again. 'Whats ing wrong with you?' She asked angrily again  'what's wrong with me? I should ask you that! What the you are staying so close with him?' I hate when she curse while scolding at me. I am not the one who did mistake, she is! How could she scold me back like that? My anger just blinded my mind that I just poured my jealousy to her. 'Him?!' Her innocent confuse look present again and she turn back to have a look where I pointed at just now. 'You mean youngbae oppa?' She asked. ! Great job, JiYong!!! You just show her how much you jealous about them! People said the more you jealous, the more you love that person. So I am indirectly showing my love to her???? In the negative way I guess. Oh no! I practically slapped myself in my mind for being so stupid. 'How can you call him oppa like this?' I shouted again as I think that label only reversed for me. 
Jess's POV
'Is that anything wrong? He is elder than me so he is my oppa?!' I answered and I saw him rolled his eyes. Obviously, he disagrees with me. 'Yoooo yoo your oppa?! See how the way you pronounce it! So shameless!!!' He sarcastically said with angry tone. I don't know why he is so mad as if he is jealous or I steal his favorite stuff.... Favorite?! Love?! Jealousy?! Oh my! Is he... I cover my mouth with my hands when I have the idea in my mind. Is he in love with youngbae too?! That GDYB shipping is true too? So he don't let me to get close to youngbae?! My eyes open wide and stare at him. 'What?' He asked back rudely. Before I have the chance to answer, the PD of Running Man asked us to start filming. 
Everything seem smooth in the games but due to me and him always lack of cooperation. We become the last in the game. For today, Running Man bring back the punishment. Each of the person can placed some ingredient in our glasses. It has to mixed up and we have to drink it as the first punishment. I am fine with those raw eggs, bitter tea and etc but then I saw kwangsoo placed the last ingredient, which is coffee in my glass. It almost filled half of the glass. Damn! How I am suppose to drink it as I am allergy to it. 
JiYong's POV
I knew she couldn't drink coffee at all. I saw her swallowing her saliva and sweating hard when JaeSuk hyung pouring the hot water and mixed it for her. I knew she is struggling to drink it. So I immediately finished mine and grabbed her glass from her.
Jess's POV
When the moment I thought I'm going to die and closed my eyes to prepare my 'poison drink', the  miracle happen. Someone grabbed the glass from me. I thought it was youngbae or other oppa but then was him. G dragon! The monster! I knew how bad taste it is as I could smell far from here. He finished it once. Everyone claps hands for his bravery.  JaeSuk oppa even praise he as a real man that protect his girl well. I don't understand why he do this?! Un he hates me? He even scolded me before filming. Is that another acting? But... I look at the two empty glasses. If it's an acting, that paid too much, don't you think so?
The second punishment for us is dressing short pants and sleeves in this cold weather. It's nearly late night now, the crew and all the Running Man bring us to a place by bus. It's dark outside there and they said ' ok! The final punishment to end this episode is you both need to walk from here to home by your own. Now get down the bus!' What??!!! In this cold weather, with these outfit, we have to walk back to our own all by ourselves?! 'You might be kidding me!' The monster said. However,  JongKook oppa replied 'no, we aren't! Now get down before I throw you both down!' He is saying playfully but we ain't have the mood to joke around. No crew... No extra clothes... No transportation. They just left us there. Oh~ they left us a DV cam too so we can video everything and pass back to them. 
First time going to Running Man, my body already exhausted and now still gotta walk back in freezing cold weather?! I am so dead.
JiYoung's POV
when I'm walking in front and mumbling not going to this variety shows again, I suddenly realized she is not with me. I turn back and saw her sitting on the road side. 'Ya~ what you doing there, stupid women?' I shouted frustratedly but she didn't replied me. This surprise me much and I slowly walk near to her. I saw her whole body shaking badly. I knew she is feeling cold now until can't even move. That why this little noisy girl didn't protest. I said in my mind and smiled. 
Jess's POV
I heard the yelling of that monster hut my whole body is too lazy to reply. I'm so cold now. I can't even move an inch or speak a word. Suddenly, he turn his back to me and knee down. I think my brain was frozen that I don't know what he is trying to do. 'Ya~ Pali Pali! ( faster! Faster!)' he said. I still blur with his action and he grabbed my hand placed on his shoulder. Is he trying to give me a piggy ride? So I get up from his back and he make me hold the DV cam. 'Aisssh go back you still cut off your weight!' He mumbling and this time I smiled. I don't know why. The warmest of his back maybe?! The way he treat me maybe?! Or maybe my sensor system just goes wrong due to the weather. I feel happy and safe with him now. Slowly I drifted into dreamland.
even argue-ing, you still my love~
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shinoshijak #1
this is a nice story tho!
JiYong_JaGi #2
Chapter 61: Getting complicated.. Please just save Jess..
JiYong_JaGi #3
Chapter 44: omg~~!!! why seunghyun is being like that?? is he trying to ruin jiyong and jess?? he slept with her????? gosh~ jess why can't you just give jiyong a chance to explain??
JiYong_JaGi #4
Chapter 42: is seunghyun really good or he really have other intention? why is he not talking to jiyong but her instead?
JiYong_JaGi #5
Chapter 41: where did jiyong go? weird~
JiYong_JaGi #6
Chapter 37: hahah~ i hope through this game they get love struck~ sparks keep coming from them~ ^^
JiYong_JaGi #7
Chapter 36: haha~ so funny of them~ but then jiyong should be more gentle to her~
JiYong_JaGi #8
Chapter 35: Stupid jiyong~!! Try to be nice ok? Zico will win if you continue being an ~ >.< please let them be together~
JiYong_JaGi #9
Chapter 33: Aarrrggghhh~!!! Noooooo~ get lost zico!! She won't be yours!