Back to the start, shall we?

In Love with A Gay Man
JiYong's POV
'Ahjumma, can you please call hyung to inform him that I will back to YG later?' I said' ok, young master!' She answered and waked to the living room. 'So you are going to work later?' Jess asked. 'Neh! Wae?' 'Oh, nothing! Then that means I have nothing to do today! I will go back to heartbreaker cafe!' She said and continued eating her food. No way! What if she goes back and meet that Zico again? I'm not gonna let her risking her life! 
Jess's POV
'No you are not allowed to! Stay at home!' He ordered. Who he think he is? I'm not asking permission. I'm informing him. I will go back no matter what. 'Im here to 'cooperate' with you. Not jailed by you! You can't control where I am going!' I protested. 'You never listen to people, don't you? Stubborn like a buffalo!' He said. 'I have work too, you know?!' I argue back. 'How much your work pays you? I pay you! Just stay at home!!!' Who he think he is? Got money then can humiliate people like this?!
JiYong's POV
'Yes! I am poor but I don't need your money! I can work!' Why she is always that stubborn? And why I loving this kind of girl? I don't even know how to count... There are thousand billions of girls dying to want me taking care of them. So they can always enjoy their rich luxury life. Why she is so different that insist to work?! 'Who cares you poor or rich?! I just don't want paparazzi caught you working in some unknown cafe! Just... Just don't make people thinks I treat my fiancé bad! Stay~ stay at home!' Perfect! I think I get a good excuse. She finally keeps quiet. ' it's part of the deal tho!' I added.
Jess's POV
He was right! Paparazzi~ if they caught me, not only monster's reputation gets hurt but also disturb the customer in heartbreaker cafe. 'Fine!' I pouted, cross my arms and look another direction. Suddenly, he lifted me up again. 'What..?' 'You should rest!' He said and continue his walk to my room. He placed me down and hint that I should sleep now. Well, honestly I am still sleepy tho. But why he treating me like a baby? Why I'm enjoying?! Issshhhh now I feel I look weak! He smirked after covering me with the blanket and leaves.
Few hours later...
I finally get enough sleep and walks to the living room. 'Erm?!' I sounded when I heard some noise come from the kitchen. I walk closer to have a look. Oh! It's Ahjumma! She was cooking 'ahjuma, what are you doing?' I asked. 'Cooking some young master's favorite Korean foods!' She answering while stirring the soup. ' can I taste it?' 'Sure!' She pour some on the bow and hand it to me. 'Hmmm taste so good, Ahjumma!' With my praise, she smiled happily. 'Ahjumma, how could you able to cook such a delicious food?' I asked nervously like a kid. 'Nah, let me teach you! 要绑住一个男人的心,先要绑住他的胃!( if you want to make your man stay, you should know how to cook. In mandarin) you are going to marry soon, it's time for you to learn, my dear!' When she placed this way, I can't help but blushing hard. ' wanna learn?!' She turns back and look at me. I shyly nodded. Why I nodded?! Am I really consider myself as that G monster's wife? Am I really wants to make him stay with me forever? 
So she taught me all JiYong's favorite foods and eating habits. After finish cooking, it's about tea time. I think he must be hungry too. The monster eat a lot actually so even having lunch, normally he will eat meal on tea time. Thus, I decided to bring him some foods that I just cooked. 'Hello?' Before going to YG, I called him to make sure he is in the studio. 'Yeoboseyo?! G dragon speaking! What do you want, woman?' He said. How rude was that? But knowing this is the way we communicate, so I just I start get used to it 'Ya~ monster! Are you in YG now?' 'Deh! Wae?' 'Im going to visit you later! So just stay!' Without letting him answer or asking me further question, I quickly hang up the phone. It supposed to be a surprise for him. With full of excitement, I ran out of the house.
JiYong's POV
Aissshhh jinja?! This stupid woman dare to hang up my phone just like that? Eh?! Why she comes to visit me? I called back to Ahjumma and she told me that Jess was going to  giving me a surprise. She cooked my favorite foods for me. I have more good feeling about her especially after the night. Maybe I should treat her better! Yesterday, when we were playing games, I saw her break her one and only heels. Maybe I should brought a new one for her?! So I drive my Lamborghini to my favorite designer shop to brought it for her as a gift. 
Jess's POV
When I reached YG, the staff let me in as they told me that G dragon already order them to take care of me. They brought me to his studio and I received a messages from him.
From: G monster 
I have something to do! Will be late! Wait me in the studio!
Haiz... Already told him, I will be coming still went out! I was a bit frustrated for not seeing him in the studio. Suddenly, I saw some unexpected people enter the room. 'Seung.... SeungHyun oppa?' I immediately stand up when I saw him and I feel anxiety. 'Why so scare? Am I that scary?' He asked playfully. Un he supposed to hate me? 'Sit down!' He said with smile. 'What you brought here? Hmmm smell nice!' He said while looking at the food I brought in. 'Its some Korean foods that I just learned to cook!' Even he is being friendly, I still having the fear with me. 'Can I try?' He asked. I don't know how to reject him as I'm already so scare of him. To him, I'm the one who grabbed/separate him and JiYong. I'm just his love enemy. He should bring nice to me. 'Ye...yea sure!' I slowly pushed the foods towards him. 'Hmmm really good!' He commented after he taste it. 'Thanks!' My head keeps low and do not dare to look at him. 'Why you didn't look at me?' He asked while wiped his mouth. 'I...I... Un you supposed to hate me? Why you being so...' 'Friendly?' He asked before I could completed my sentence. So I just nodded. 'What for for hating you? It's the truth that JiYong loves you not me. I also realized that we ain't really wants to being gay. Just so happen that both of us are lonely and we so care about each other until we thought this called love. It's just the brotherhood. Your existence just makes things clear! Why should I mad on you? In fact, I should thanks you!' His words just surprised me. I never thought he would said that. Which means my bias is not gay?! He actually likes girls?' Do you mean you .... You prefer girls too?' The way I put it is a bit awkward but I just gotta know. 'Yes! ' he smiled and said 'I do have girlfriend before but then things just don't turns out right. I thought JiYong is the one but then...' He paused and sigh ' guess he is not the one!' He let out his hand 'can we be friend over again? Hi I'm TOP! You can call me SeungHyun oppa!' He introduce. I was struggle to believes him at first but then... The more impossible thing like soul exchange also happen in my life. Compare to that, this sound reasonable that he finally realized his true preference. My hand reaches his and shake it. 'Hi I'm Jess!' It feels so good to have your own bias as your friend especially I still having crush on him. 'Do you mean you find the one already?' I asked. 'You will know someday!' He said and we start chit chatting.
Don't know why, we chit chat until dinner time, I still didn't saw G monster. Maybe he just fooling me. So SeungHyun insisted to send me home.  
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shinoshijak #1
this is a nice story tho!
JiYong_JaGi #2
Chapter 61: Getting complicated.. Please just save Jess..
JiYong_JaGi #3
Chapter 44: omg~~!!! why seunghyun is being like that?? is he trying to ruin jiyong and jess?? he slept with her????? gosh~ jess why can't you just give jiyong a chance to explain??
JiYong_JaGi #4
Chapter 42: is seunghyun really good or he really have other intention? why is he not talking to jiyong but her instead?
JiYong_JaGi #5
Chapter 41: where did jiyong go? weird~
JiYong_JaGi #6
Chapter 37: hahah~ i hope through this game they get love struck~ sparks keep coming from them~ ^^
JiYong_JaGi #7
Chapter 36: haha~ so funny of them~ but then jiyong should be more gentle to her~
JiYong_JaGi #8
Chapter 35: Stupid jiyong~!! Try to be nice ok? Zico will win if you continue being an ~ >.< please let them be together~
JiYong_JaGi #9
Chapter 33: Aarrrggghhh~!!! Noooooo~ get lost zico!! She won't be yours!