I see you

In Love with A Gay Man


Jess's POV
'Ahjuma! Please prepare a room for her!' He ordered and coldly swing away my hand. Left me alone in the huge living room while he, himself walk back to his room, I guess. 'Anneyonghaseyo!' Tho I'm not used to Korean culture and hangul, still I know it's a basic manner~ bow 90 degree and greet people. 'Oh?! Miss you no need to be so formal to me! I'm gajeongbu  in this house!' She said. 'Gajeongbu? And... And you speak English too?' I was surprise that a ahjuma can speak such fluent English. '就是管家呀!(gajeongbu is kind of housekeeper *she is more like supervisor of housekeeper anyways)' she answered. 'Oh my top, you speak mandarin too?' I covered my mouth as I knew this woman in front me know so much languages 'just a little bit here and there! I married a Taiwanese and so I learned a but from him! Yong Master already order me to take good care of you! He told me you are not good in Hangul so let's communicate in English or Mandarin if I knew~' she winked at me and laughed. I don't know what's that really mean but still faking a laugh along. 'Come! I show you your room!' She said. Well, is not that bad! Maybe is this ahjuma so I feel a bit relief.
At 11pm...
I wasn't really went out the room after ahjuma bring me into it. However, I feel a little bit thirsty so I went out to the kitchen. 'Ahjuma?!' I called. But there is no one and its dark. Honestly, I'm scare. The big house like this only three of us staying is a little bit scary. I don't know they have to switch off all the light at night time like this. I can't even see the road. Suddenly, I feel I kicked something and almost fall down. Something hold me 'thank god!' I automatically saying in the dark 'well, you should thank me instead!' The familiar voice. He let off me and turn on the light. Oh my, it's him! G dragon! Haiz... How come life saver turn into a monster. 'Ya~ what kind of expression is that?' He shouted angrily. 'What you're talking about?' I pretend as if I don't know and turn away. 'Oh?! Where is ahjuma?' I asked. I'm looking around when my hands tried to pouring the water. Due to my eyes not looking, I pour out of the cup. 'Hasssssshhh' he immediately rush closer to me and grab that water bottle. I was shocked with his action and he mumbling 'pour a cup of water also that clumsy!' Ego beast!!!!! I hate him! The anger just boiled up and I heard him saying 'ahjuma normally go back at this time. Sometime maybe early if she done her work here!' I turn back, facing him and that the moment he held the water to me 'nah!' I hold it without bothering to thank him' so you mean this house only left me and you at night?' I asked. 'Wae?' He hang up the evil smile and walk closer to me. 'Do you have a...' While he is saying, he moving forward and his hands sneak across the space between my arms and waist. Calm down! Calm down Jess! My breathe getting heavier as my chest moving up and down faster. He is so close to me 'problem with it?' He finished and pulled his hands out again. This time I realized he was actually want to grab the spoon behind me. Not really... Erm... Assssshhh what am I thinking?! Tho he would kiss again?! Jess, your mind must be polluted. 
JiYong's POV
Her expression was so cute and I think I started to in love with teasing her in this way. It's fun tho! This can definitely shut a noisy and stubborn girl completely. ' turn off the light when you're done!' I said before leaving. 
Jess's POV
He said while raising his hand up without looking at me before leaving. ego fellow!!!!'Ya~ where is the crystal ball? In you suppose to give it back to me?' I asked. He turn back and smile 'I will return to you once the wedding ceremony is done!' He said. 'Why?' I asked 'what do you mean why? What if you leave once I gave you back that crystal ball?' He said. This monster never trust anyone huh?! I have no response for him so I keep quiet. 'Goodnight!' He smiled satisfy and bow 90 degree before leave this time. 
Monster!!!!! Rawrrrr! I make a naughty face behind him as he turn back. Then, I heard he yelling 'I heard and saw that!' Without turning back and continuously heading to the room. Wow~ is he some kind of scary creature that owe supernatural power?! How come he knew it?! Did his back has a pairs of eyes?! I wonder. 
The next morning...
'Ya wake up. You sleepy head!' I slowly open my eyes as I heard it. I jump slightly as I saw in front of me is G Dragon. 'What you doing here?' I shouted and immediately grabbing the blanket to cover myself as if I scare he could see my body. I do wear clothes, just feel conscious to saw a guy in my room early morning. 'Prepare yourself in 15 minutes! We have a variety shows to attend later!' He said and leave. Now what?! Is he here to order me?! Arghhhhh.... I groaned and buried my head back to the pillow. Then I heard he yelling outside the room 'don't you dare to sleep back again!' 
Oh gosh!!!! I jumped up immediately! Is he set some kind of cam here?! How would he knew this?
In the car, we are completely silence and I dont know where he bring me to until I saw YG entertainment building. 'Why we are here?' I asked as he parked his car and unbuckled his seat belt. He remind silence and lean closer to me to help me unbuckled the seatbelt. The way he do it is so gentle. Why he have to such cold and hot guy at the same time?! After lead me into the building, he holding my hand tight. I guess due to the acting is needed in public, so I let it. We both went to meet his manager and they prepared a car for us. 'Excuse me, may I know where are we heading to?!' I asked his manager who sit in front. 'Didn't JiYong told you?! we are going to attend Running Man today and YG thinks its a good chance for you both to expose in the variety shows as couple. Since today special episode for Valentina's day. All Big Bang members will bring one partner and you both are getting married. Is time to let the fans know about you both!' He explained. 'WHAT?!' I shouted and all of them look at me like I'm a freak. JiYong immediately hold and squeeze my hand. 'Its ok, jagiya! We'll be fine!' He said warmly and I know it's all acting. Damn I'm sick of it! How could he placed me in this situation! I don't want to be published like this! So embarrassing! 
'You better act naturally if not i don't know what will happen to your little friend in crystal ball!' He lean closer to me and whisper to my ear. Hate him for threaten me like this. I secretly pinched his laps and kiss on his cheek 'thanks baby!' He wants to scream in pain but he can't. I smiled charmingly for my successful revenge. 
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shinoshijak #1
this is a nice story tho!
JiYong_JaGi #2
Chapter 61: Getting complicated.. Please just save Jess..
JiYong_JaGi #3
Chapter 44: omg~~!!! why seunghyun is being like that?? is he trying to ruin jiyong and jess?? he slept with her????? gosh~ jess why can't you just give jiyong a chance to explain??
JiYong_JaGi #4
Chapter 42: is seunghyun really good or he really have other intention? why is he not talking to jiyong but her instead?
JiYong_JaGi #5
Chapter 41: where did jiyong go? weird~
JiYong_JaGi #6
Chapter 37: hahah~ i hope through this game they get love struck~ sparks keep coming from them~ ^^
JiYong_JaGi #7
Chapter 36: haha~ so funny of them~ but then jiyong should be more gentle to her~
JiYong_JaGi #8
Chapter 35: Stupid jiyong~!! Try to be nice ok? Zico will win if you continue being an ~ >.< please let them be together~
JiYong_JaGi #9
Chapter 33: Aarrrggghhh~!!! Noooooo~ get lost zico!! She won't be yours!