When the monster get sick

In Love with A Gay Man
Jiyong's POV
When the moment I reached home, she still sleeping soundly on my back. I piggy ride her to my room  'Ya~ faster get off you...' I was about to curse her more but the moment I let her down gently to my bed, her beauty sleeping figure shut me off completely. She is so pretty like an angel. My lips automatically raise a bit as I saw her. This is the second time I staring her when she was sleeping. Out of sudden, I have a strong feeling that pushing myself to her.
Jess's POV
I was waken by some noise. Slowly, I turn my body and open my eyes. When the moment I open my eyes widely, I gasp. I saw the monster and he was just about few inch distance with me. He get so close that I have to sink my head in the pillow I guess.what he is trying to do? I look at him and slowly my eyes transfer to his lips. Damn! Is he...I closed my eyes and ... Am I waiting for his kiss? My mind just start a war. I don't want to push him away but I'm not sure am I wanting his kiss. I just...the closer he get, the faster my heart pumping. I can feel his warm breath near to me as if he is just right in my face. My hands just grip tight on the bed sheet. At this important moment, my phone rang. I open my eyes and I saw he is still right in front of me. However, I don't have the intense to ask him why or what he is doing. I just gently pick up my phone  beside the bed and check out the caller. 'Youngbae oppa?!' I read out with shock that I didn't expect he would call me at this late night. 
JiYong's POV
I am just about to kiss her and the stupid phone rang. She open her eyes and surprisingly she didn't scold me for having this awkward distance with her. She pick up the phone and called his name 'youngbae oppa!' Arghhhh she called him oppa again. I was praying hard that she didn't answer the call but guess I was wrong.
Jess's POV
'Yeoboseyo?' I answered the call while my eyes still on his. He seem mad when I answered the call. Suddenly, he pushed me away harshly. I don't know why. He just walk out the room and smack the door. Why he always being so hot and cool?! Just now he was so gentle but now?!! Throw me away as if I disgusted him. 'Hello?? Jess??? Are you here?' The other side of the phone calling. 'Neh! I'm here, oppa!' 
After finished the call, I realized I was not in my own room but his. I walked out and I saw him sleeping on the couch. 'Wei~ monster! 
Wanna sleep go back your room!' I shouted but he didn't reply. I go closer and shake his shoulder hoping to wake him up but 'aissshhhh why your body so hot?' My words just split out . 'Water~ water~' he said weakly without opening his eyes. I pressed on his forehead. Damn it's burning! He got fever? With a little cough, he start squeeze himself and I saw his whole body trembling. He must be feeling cold. I immediately rush in his room and took out some blanket to wrap him up. Then, as he requested, I feed him some water. This ego monster just turn into a small lovely kid. He is not that bad! I smiled when I think of how he sacrifice himself to take care of me just now. 
So, I get up and go to kitchen. I tried to cook some hot soup for him but then guess I'm not used to his kitchen. I can't find the pot. When I found the pot, I also drop everything. Aisssshh I'm that clumsy. 'Ya clumsy head, don't destroy kitchen when I am (cough) sick!' The sound from behind of me just shocked me. Is him with full wrapped blanket. 'What you doing here? Go back to the couch!' I tried to shoo him away so that I could cook. 'No!! (Cough) I don't want (cough) you (cough) are you trying to poison me?' Ya how could he accused me like this?! I shouted him back angrily 'bastard, I'm trying to cook for you!!!' I placed the pot on the stove and pushing me back to the room. 'Now, stay in the room!' I know he is not in his right mind now. When I'm leaving the room, i know he was going to protest and stand up from the bed. so I said 'REST!!! I insist that!'
JiYong's POV
Don't know why her words become a command for me. I obey it without second thoughts. Maybe because I'm happy to know she was taking care of me. I was very angry just now when she pick up youngbae's call. However, when she said she is trying to cook some hot soup for me. My heart warm by her words. After a while, she send the soup in front me. I was too weak to raise my hands and take the spoon. 'Aissshh let me help you!' She grabbed it from me and start feeding me. She was so gentle tonight. After each feed, she will definitely wrap my mouth with the small handkerchief. Knowing I am the person who loves cleanness, her act just touched my heart. After hot soup, she wants to feed me the medicine. 'Come! Say ah!' She tried hard but not going to work! I'm hate medicine.
Jess's POV
Ya how could he being so childish? Already an adult still scare of drinking medicine? Not matter how I comfort, he still refuse to drink it. 'You left me no choice!' I placed the medicine beside the bed.
JiYong's POV
I guess she just give up. Phewww~ thanks.... Before I could thanks god, she crashed her lips on mine. Slowly, I enjoyed her sweet lips and drown into her kiss. I care less about why she kissed me until... What is that?! Yuck!! She poured some bitter liquid inside my mouth. I have no choice but drink it. I pushed her away immediately ' ya what you gave me?' I shouted at her. I saw her wiped her lips as if nothing happen. 'Ya women, I'm talking to you!' I said. 'Medicine!' She answered. I try to split it out but too late. 'You don't want to drink so I have to do this! Now go to bed!' She acting like a big mom in front me and start covering me with blanket. Don't know why I just don't want to scold her anymore. In Fact I love what she is doing now. When she was about to leave, I grabbed her wrist 'will you stay? I don't want to be alone!' I don't know where my pride goes now. I just know I need her. 
Jess's POV
Surprisingly this arrogant monster would asked me to stay. Maybe because he is sick now. I sit down beside him on his bed and nodded. However, I didn't expected that he suddenly wrapped his arms around my waist. He just simply placed his head on my laps ' so warm!' He mumbling before sleeping. Just like a kid he sleep next to me. I brushed his hairs and amazed his sleeping figure. Who would know this big ego monster would sleep like that now?! Slowly, I drifted into dreamland too.   
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shinoshijak #1
this is a nice story tho!
JiYong_JaGi #2
Chapter 61: Getting complicated.. Please just save Jess..
JiYong_JaGi #3
Chapter 44: omg~~!!! why seunghyun is being like that?? is he trying to ruin jiyong and jess?? he slept with her????? gosh~ jess why can't you just give jiyong a chance to explain??
JiYong_JaGi #4
Chapter 42: is seunghyun really good or he really have other intention? why is he not talking to jiyong but her instead?
JiYong_JaGi #5
Chapter 41: where did jiyong go? weird~
JiYong_JaGi #6
Chapter 37: hahah~ i hope through this game they get love struck~ sparks keep coming from them~ ^^
JiYong_JaGi #7
Chapter 36: haha~ so funny of them~ but then jiyong should be more gentle to her~
JiYong_JaGi #8
Chapter 35: Stupid jiyong~!! Try to be nice ok? Zico will win if you continue being an ~ >.< please let them be together~
JiYong_JaGi #9
Chapter 33: Aarrrggghhh~!!! Noooooo~ get lost zico!! She won't be yours!