Chapter 07: Convincing the solution

My Girlfriend is a Tomboy

"Are you serious? I'm one hundred and one percent sure that she won't agree on this," Taemin said as he and the others, except for Minho, walked towards Sulli who was sitting at a table in the corner of the cafeteria room, patiently waiting for them to come.

"Well we will just have to convince her," _______ said. Jonghyun turned to her and raised an eyebrow.

"Why did you suggest Sulli anyway? Why didn't we just have you to pretend as his girlfriend?" he asked. _______ smacked his arm and stuck her tongue out at him.

"No way would I do that! Besides, I think she's the perfect girl to pull it off. If it was me I'm sure I'd screw it all up," she defended herself. Onew chuckled and patted her head.

"For once, you do make sense," he teased causing his younger sister to pout.


"Hey guys, what's up? You all looked so serious back there," Sulli said when they finally reached the table.

"Well uh... actually..." Taemin started but Jonghyun just held his arm to stop him.

"What's for lunch?" Jonghyun asked. Key gave him a when-are-you-planning-to-convince-her look.

"Sulli-ah, let's play dress-up!" ________ suddenly said and giggled like a kid. Jonghyun and Onew face palmed themselves while Taemin and Key just chuckled.

"A what? What are you, seven?" Sulli asked as she rolled her eyes. "I would never play that in my life," she added.

"Or how about we play pretend? Like, you and Minho-oppa pretend to be together," _______ suggested playfully. Sulli's eyes widened and then glared at the former.

"Why would I do that with him?" she asked and rolled her eyes yet again. Jonghyun laughed making Sulli confused. "What's so funny?"


Silence engulfed them for a few moments before all of them suddenly grabbed her arms and gave her pleading looks which startled her. "W..what's going on?" Sulli asked nervously and gulped. She turned to look at ________ whose hands are clasped together. Sulli sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "What now? Please someone tell me what's going on! Why are you all friggin' holding onto me for dear life!?" she asked in annoyance.

"Sulli-ah, we really need your help," Taemin pleaded while the others nodded.

"Yeah, especially Minho," Onew continued and pouted. Sulli giggled at how cute he looked but then changed back to her poker face.

"What help, exactly?" Sulli asked as she tried to detach their hands off of her while raising an eyebrow at them.

"Just like I said... pretend to be Minho's girlfriend," ______ said softly. Sulli's eyes widened again and she abruptly stood up.

"Mwo!? (What!?) Are you serious? Why should I!?" Sulli asked. They tried to calm her down. Taemin pulled her down, making her sit down again.

"Because Minho needs your help. You see, he's engaged to this Krystal girl and he oh-so hate her so much. He doesn't want anything to do with her and yeah... practically... since Krystal's father and Minho's father are close friends, the latter’s father wants to help the former’s father because the former's business is going down. Or bankrupt," Jonghyun explained. Sulli shook her head and stood up again.


"Why me? Why can't it be ________!?" Sulli asked as she pointed at her best friend.

"You're like the perfect one for the role. C'mon, you could pull it off!" ________ reasoned out and made Sulli sit down again. "Calm down, it's not like it's going to be forever. It's just for the mean time until Minho-oppa's father decides to cancel the engagement and stuff." This time, Taemin leaned towards Sulli and held her hand.

"Pretty please Choi Sulli? Do it for the team?" Taemin pleaded and lightly squeezed Sulli's hand. Sulli pulled her hand away and glared at the lad who just smiled sheepishly at her.

"What 'team'? Aish!!!" Sulli half-shouted in exasperation. "Why don't you let Tiffbrat or her posses to do it instead? They'd be more than happy to do so."

"Please!" Jonghyun, Key, and Onew chorused and clasped their hands together. Sulli heaved a sigh before talking.

"Not until he kneels down and begs for it. Now let's see if he would do that," Sulli said with a smirk. "Deal?"


End of Chapter Seven Corner #5

Junssi: Do you think we'll get Sulli to approve? :D

Sulli: No -.- I would never date that sorry excuse of a guy. Bleh~

Minho: Yah, I'm hurt <|3

Sulli: Whatever >_______>

Junssi: Tch. You love birds :P~ Anyway, thank you to alfike, wonderstruck13, jacquelinegs, and shiella25 for the comments on the previous chapter. :D You guys rock ;)♥ And also for the others who commented on the other chapters ^^ Comments are highly appreciated. :3

Minho: Don't forget to comment, ↑Upvote, and Subscribe to Story to show your support :D

Sulli: Excuse the typos and/or grammatical errors, if ever.

MinSulSsi: See you guys on the next chapter~ ^^

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Happy 200 subbies! THANK YOU! ♥ xx --MGFT


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stickgamesfan #1
Chapter 2: aww this story is cute i luv sulli
Chapter 3: I really love the cute dialogue at the end of each chapter~~ >.< the story is daebak ♥
happyeloise #3
Chapter 2: **screams**
nasuharuslan #4
Chapter 9: Finally sulli will be look like a girl <3
nasuharuslan #5
Chapter 8: Its getting crazy but still its worked to make my eyes continue reading your story =)
nasuharuslan #6
Chapter 6: Yes . Finally the moment i've waiting for . Key is so cute to avoid me becoming minho fake girlfriend =)
nasuharuslan #7
Chapter 5: Minho kinda hate to marry with krystal . Im happy with that . But she is f(x) member .i cannot do that =)
nasuharuslan #8
Chapter 4: Why minho acting like that and being cold ? Is he kinda sick . There must be something happened to him . I thought .=)
nasuharuslan #9
Chapter 3: Wow. something special from key ? His been nice to me even in this drama . Well ,its okay.
I know you've been working hard on it . =) just do the best =)
nasuharuslan #10
Chapter 2: Haha . I am so happy that onew could be my brother in this story. I like his song of ' in your eyes '. And yah he is so cute ! Palace ? Wow . Now im daydreaming now. Who knows I could get one someday<3