
My Girlfriend is a Tomboy

Sulli went home after that incident. She collapsed on the bed and let her tears fall. She's sure of what she saw on Minho's eyes the moment she asked for a break-up. It was pain. She can't even quite understand why he was hurt. They were just pretending after all. But even though it was only a pretend thing, Sulli can't help but feel hurt. She, after all, felt something real towards the lad. If only Krystal hasn't threatened Sulli earlier that afternoon, then, she would've probably had fun with Minho and the others. But Krystal just had to turn up and ruin everything.


"You are Minho's girlfriend, right?" Krystal asked and forced a sweet smile. "His real girlfriend, right?" she asked, emphasizing the word real.

"U..uh... um... of course! W..why?" Sulli asked nervously.

"Oh, really?" Krystal asked, feigning a shocked expression.

"Y..yeah," Sulli answered as she bit her lower lip a little.

"Well, you're one big liar Sulli," Krystal said with a smirk. Sulli was taken aback by the accusation of Krystal.

"W..what?" she asked in confusion. Krystal laughed in mock.

"Please stop acting dumb, Choi Sulli! It's making me annoyed even more," Krystal said with clenched fists. "I know your ugly little secret so don't even try to deny it!"

"What are you talking about?" Sulli asked although she already knew where this was heading. Krystal smirked in return.

"I wonder what Mr. Choi would say once he finds out that his son tricked him just so he could get away from our engagement. I don't think Mr. Choi will be very happy," Krystal said and shrugged. "And I actually thought they were already in good terms but oh, well... honesty is the best policy, right?"

"W..what are you trying to s..say?" Sulli asked nervously. Krystal just shrugged for the second time. 

"Maybe it's best if I tell Mr. Choi about this evil scheme his son did," she said. She dramatically sighed before saying, "It's a pity though if they will just end up fighting again because of... this." Sulli stood frozen on her spot. She can't let that happen. She won't.

"No, please don't do that! Minho's been everything but happy when he still wasn't in good terms with his father! Please don't let them fight again. I hate seeing the sad look on his father's eyes and... I don't want to see Minho sad again," Sulli said in a soft voice. "He already lost his mother so please don't make him lose his father too..." she added. Krystal smirked.

"Then, break up with him. Stop with all this pretend thing and let him be with me."


Sulli sighed after she remembered what happened. She sat up and wiped her tears. "This probably means goodbye to us, right? Krystal will help Minho lie to his father about everything and... and then, they're going to be engaged again. And I'll be... no! Don't think that way, Sulli. If you love Minho, then, you'll do what's best for him," she told herself. Then, she grabbed her phone from her bag and dialled a number.

"Hello?" the woman on the other side of the line said. Sulli smiled. She haven't heard this woman's voice in a long time since she'd been to Korea.

"Auntie, it's me."

Few days have passed since Minho and Sulli's "break-up." Onew and the others felt a little awkward whenever they would eat with Sulli and _____ so Minho always ends up just walking away and eating on his own. He knew he shouldn't have been acting the way he did but... he did. Although it was clear to him that everything was just a pretend, he kinda hoped for something more. He wanted to make their "relationship" real but his hope on that one had been crashed on the day Sulli asked for a break up. He realized that she hated him enough to quickly end their pretend relationship. He realized that he was the only one falling and it hurt. It hurt a lot.



It was a Monday that time when _____ decided to visit Sulli in her little apartment. She wanted to see how Sulli was doing only to be surprised that the latter was packing her stuff... in a very big suitcase. _______ quickly went to her best friend's side and asked her what was going on. Sulli told her best friend that she was leaving on Saturday. She was to go back to the States to be with her auntie to take care of her dying uncle. ________ asked if Sulli would ever return to Korea but the latter only smiled in reply. Guess not was what _______ thought. 


After that visit, she quickly went home to tell her brother about it. Luckily, his friends were also there which meant that Minho was able to hear it. He acted as if he didn't care but he knew that deep inside he was in pain... again.

"She... she can't just leave like that!" Taemin said in exasperation and raked his fingers through his soft hair in annoyance.

"Although we're a little awkward with each other I... I don't want her to leave. She's a friend too," Jonghyun said. Onew just glared at him for saying something a little stupid. "What???"

"You aren't awkward with one another, idiot. If anything, you're the closest to her," Onew replied while rolling his eyes.

"You know, she can't run away from her problems forever," Key mumbled under his breath but Jonghyun was able to hear and understand what the former said. The latter nods in agreement.

"What are we gonna do?" ______ asked worriedly. This time Minho cleared his throat and spoke up.

"Let her leave. We can't do anything about it, you know? It's her life. Let her do what she wants because, honestly, I don't really care."

"I'm really nervous about this!" Minho shrieked as he jumped off the chair after putting the last piece of decoration on the wall. Jonghyun smirked while Onew and his sister laughed.

"I see, Minho. This is what you meant by "I don't care" huh?" Onew teased. Minho only glared at him.

"I think we just misheard what he said," Taemin joked, causing everyone to laugh and making Minho blush in embarrassment.


It was a Thursday, a day before Sulli's birthday and two days before her departure. Minho asked his friends to help him decorate the gymnasium for a surprise for Sulli for her birthday. They even begged their strict gym teacher to allow them to use the place for a night. Tomorrow night, Minho has decided, he will serenade Sulli and ask her to be with him. He will confess what he feels for her. He will take the risk of being rejected. It's now or never, right?


"You ready?" ______ asked with a teasing smile. Minho gulped.

"Uh... yeah," he answered weakly. Key hit him on the shoulder, causing the latter to glare at the former. "Yah!"

"Man up, dude. You have to answer confidently because if you don't, then, we're cancelling this whole thing," Key threatened him. Minho's face turned pale.

"NO!" he protested. Everyone laughed.

Friday night.

Sulli was suddenly dragged out of her little apartment and that's all thanks to her one and only best friend, Lee _______. Sulli kept on complaining and telling her best friend that she has to rest because her tomorrow's already her flight. She was to leave at six in the morning. _______ ignored her and kept dragging her until they reached their school. Sulli stood there, dumbfounded.

"Uh... okay? What are we doing here at night?" Sulli asked, puzzled at the bizarreness of the situation. Her friend only chuckled and pulled her inside.

"Today is your birthday, right?" _____ asked out of the blue. Sulli just gave her a poker face in response.

"So...? What does it have to do with me being here... in the... GYM?!" she asked. _______ chuckled once again and dragged her 'til they reached the center of the gym. Confetti suddenly filled the place and a spot light was lit to where she was standing. Suddenly, another spot light appeared and revealed the man she'd been dying to see before she leaves. 'Minho...'


Minho looked at her and smiled. The latter only gulped at the gesture. Music suddenly played in the background and Minho started to sing a very calming song to Sulli. The lass just stood there rooted to the ground.


[Happy Birthday by Kang Dongho/Baekho of NU'EST]


Sulli stood still. She didn't know what to do. The man she loved is singing in front of her. He may not have the best voice in the world but for Sulli, his voice was the only voice she wanted to listen to and hear forever. But she couldn't. She's forbidden to do so for his sake. She wanted to turn away and run away but her body didn't want to listen to her command. As the song was nearing to its end, Minho walked towards her with a smile. As soon the song has finished, Minho halted in front of Sulli.

"Sulli, you don't have to worry about others. Everything's been settled," Minho said softly. Sulli just looked at him in confusion. What was settled?

"I... um..." Sulli uttered awkwardly. She was startled when Minho held her right hand and put it on his chest, where his heart was. She could feel it beating rapidly. "Minho..."

"This time I'm asking you... Choi Sulli," Minho said as he looked at her in the eyes. She blinked.

"W..what?" she asked. She wanted to look away but it seemed as if her eyes were stuck at him. Slowly, anything and anyone in her surroundings seemed to have disappeared and the only person she could see was Minho.

"Will you be my girlfriend... for real? As a girl?" he asked and smiled at her. "I love you so please let me make you mine." Sulli grinned and suddenly pulled Minho in a warm embrace as tears escaped her eyes. The man of her dreams just told her he loves her! She pulled away and wiped her tears. Then, with a chuckle she nodded and said yes.

"I would be forever yours, Choi Minho," she said. Minho grinned and pulled her towards him.

"And so will I," he whispered before closing the gap between them.



Final Corner

Junssi: I want to thank everyone who supported me on this fanfic although I haven't been constantly updating. :))) I seriously love you guys for sticking with me 'til this very moment ^__________^ THANK YOU! MARAMING SALAMAT! KAMSAHAMNIDA! XIE XIE NIMEN! MERCI! MUCHOS GRACIAS! DANKE SHUN! (not sure with the spelling of that German term hahaha) ♥

Minho: This story has ended T_____T

Sulli: *pats his back* thank you guys for being with us ^________^

Minho: I'm gonna miss my lovelies... :((

Junssi: Please, they don't even wanna talk to you >:D


Minho: You're so mean T_________T

Junssi: Hahaha we were kidding XDD

Minho: *sobs*

Sulli: YAH! -____________-

Junssi: Anyway, thank you once again. :) This story has come to a close after a year and few days. I can't believe it took me a year to finish this very short and fast-paced fanfic hahaha XD

Minho: Yeah, you're so slow -_____-

Junssi: Aish >___<

Sulli: Hahaha I apologize for his behavior, author-nim. :o3

Junssi: Tsk. *clears throat* anywaaaaay, I have a new fanfic! ^______^ For those of you who love EXO (and for those people who likes reading my stories XD) please do check out "A Thousand Words for You." :) It's for Chanyeol's fangirls out there like myself ;)

Minho: You're already moving on from us TToTT

Sulli: Yah oppa -_____________________________________-

Junssi: Hahaha! Oh, and guys before I forget um... would  you mind checking out the fanfic of one of my favorite saengies here on AFF? Please click here to read! :) THANK YOUUUU! <3

MinSulSsi: Bye guys! It was really our pleasure to be able to talk to you (all) ^_^ /waves goodbye/









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stickgamesfan #1
Chapter 2: aww this story is cute i luv sulli
Chapter 3: I really love the cute dialogue at the end of each chapter~~ >.< the story is daebak ♥
happyeloise #3
Chapter 2: **screams**
nasuharuslan #4
Chapter 9: Finally sulli will be look like a girl <3
nasuharuslan #5
Chapter 8: Its getting crazy but still its worked to make my eyes continue reading your story =)
nasuharuslan #6
Chapter 6: Yes . Finally the moment i've waiting for . Key is so cute to avoid me becoming minho fake girlfriend =)
nasuharuslan #7
Chapter 5: Minho kinda hate to marry with krystal . Im happy with that . But she is f(x) member .i cannot do that =)
nasuharuslan #8
Chapter 4: Why minho acting like that and being cold ? Is he kinda sick . There must be something happened to him . I thought .=)
nasuharuslan #9
Chapter 3: Wow. something special from key ? His been nice to me even in this drama . Well ,its okay.
I know you've been working hard on it . =) just do the best =)
nasuharuslan #10
Chapter 2: Haha . I am so happy that onew could be my brother in this story. I like his song of ' in your eyes '. And yah he is so cute ! Palace ? Wow . Now im daydreaming now. Who knows I could get one someday<3