Chapter 12: Mission accomplished

My Girlfriend is a Tomboy

"Are you okay now?" Minho asks as he sits beside Sulli that afternoon. Their friends just looked at them weirdly.

"O...kay? Since when did our cold prince worry about Sulli?" ________ asks in a teasing manner. Sulli just scowls at her.

"So, have you made up your mind yet Minho?" Onew asks as he pats Minho's shoulder.

"It's time to swallow your pride. It's time to close the gap between the two of you, you know," Jonghyun says as he smiles. 'And it's all thanks to Sulli; Minho is finally back in his senses,' he added in his mind.

"You're right, hyung," Minho replied and smiled back. He turns to look at the girl beside him. He holds her hand and smiles at her. "Thank you for the wake up call, Sulli-yah," he says. The mentioned lass just nodded while blushing.

"I want banana milk," Taemin says out of the blue which caused his friends to laugh. "Is anyone kind enough to buy me one?"

"Buy on your own, mushroom," Jonghyun teases and chuckles. Taemin just puffs his cheeks in disappointment.

"Minho-yah, good luck later okay?" Sulli said while walking alongside Minho.

"Yeah; thank you so much," Minho said and smiled. Sulli looked at him and smiled back.

"It's nothing. I just... I want you to grab the chance while it's there. We never know when your dad will be... you know," Sulli said and chuckled awkwardly.

"Yeah," Minho said. "So, I'll go ahead," he said as he waved at Sulli. The latter just nods and waves back.



As soon as Minho arrived home he asked where his father is. The head maid smiled at him and said, "He's in his room, young master. He's waiting for you." Minho nods and goes to his father's room. He knocks on the door and when the man allowed him to enter, he stepped inside.

"You... you were waiting for me?" Minho asks nervously. 'Why am I so awkward? It's just my father.'

"Um... yes," his father answers. He stands up and walks towards his son. "Look, Minho I... I just wanna tell you that... I'm... I'm sorry for not being the father figure to you. Sorry if I made you feel that I abandoned you. Sorry if I looked as if I'm controlling you. I just... I just want what's best for you. Son, I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me," he adds.

"No, I'm the one who should say sorry. I may not be the best son in the world but I promise you that I'll try my best to make you happy. I... I'm sorry for being selfish. I'm sorry for always blaming you for mom's loss. I want to start anew..." Minho says in a soft voice but audible enough for his father to understand. Mr. Choi couldn't help but tear up. He envelops Minho in a hug. "I'm sorry."

"We never say 'sorry' in love, right?" his father jokes. Minho just hugs him tighter. "Let's just bury all these bad memories in the past and start from scratch. What do you think, son?"

"Sounds good to me, dad," Minho replies. It's the first time in a very long time that he called his father with that endearment. This causes Mr. Choi to cry in happiness. Minho cries with him too. 'If only mom was here too. Mom, can you hear me? I promise you that dad and I will never bicker again.'

"Thank you," Mr. Choi whispers as he tightens his embrace. Finally the gap between them two is closed and that's all thanks to a certain someone.


Choi Sulli.


End of Chapter Twelve Corner #9

Junssi: Finally, here's an update ^o^ Sorry if it took so long :'( And sorry if... if this story is just full of dialogues -_______-


Junssi: *facepalms*

/erase erase/

MinSul Corner #1

Sulli: Annyeong~~ Omo! I'm so excited!!! >o< We finally get to reply to our lovely readers! :D♥

Minho: *winks at you*

Junssi: B..but guys, we always had a corner -_________-

Minho: Yeah, but we don't get to reply to our readers *pouts* I feel jealous towards the people from Twin Hearts <\3

Junssi: Huh? Why? *eyebrow raise*

Minho: 'Coz they get to reply to their readers~~

Junssi: What -___- you get to reply now too.

Sulli: I wished we did this since the first chapter XD

Junssi: *mumbles* but Twin Hearts didn't start the corner 'til chapter 19 or something -________-

Minho: Anyway, lezz not waste time and reply! :DD

Sulli: Me first! *mehrongs* Ladies first, right? (/^-^)/

Minho: Fine. Be thankful I love this V___V

Sulli: Stop being so cheesy >///<

@nana4ever→ waaaa~ thanks for the wonderful comment ^o^ oh, yeah I'm cool!!! :DD

Junssi: Thanks nana4ever-unnie :3 I missed all of you too!!! :D

Minho: Yah how about me? Did anyone even miss me? :'<

@Sweet_Chocolate→ aren't I the best too? *pouts* I'm handsome, right??? ^^

SulSsi: *mumbles* vain guy =___=

Minho: I heard that :P It's true anyway. ____ thinks so too =)♥

Junssi: psh. Yeah right~ =)))

@sullyy92→ Hahaha aww... thanks unnie! ♥ I missed you too :D hope we can talk soon ^u^

Minho: Why is everyone missing you~? How about the poor me?? D:

Sulli: *laughs* you're so weird, Minho.

Junssi: Agreed >:)

@ravissant5→ Thank you so much! I hope you liked this short update of mine XD ...for me, the story is getting crappier OTL.

Sulli: Is ravissant5-ssi a new reader?? ^^ ANNYEONG!!!♥

@MaeYoung04→ hahaha here's author-nim's update. Hope you were satisfied. :3 Aigoo~ author-nim is right; you're so cuuuuute! *pinches your cheeks*

Minho: *nods* *mumbles* no wonder Kevin likes her ;)

Junssi: Stop teasing my saengie XD She's turning red hahaha

Minho: :> :> :> KevMae ftw~♥ >:D *gets hit on the head* ow >< fine, I'll stop. *pouts*

@clarisseanne→ haha thanks so much cutie (~^u^)~ please continue to support author-nim's story. AND CONTINUE TO LOVE ME! :D

@koreanfangirls→ romance huh? :> VERY SOON ;)

Sulli: Yah that's unfair >< why did you reply on two consecutive comments? *pouts*

Junssi: *pats her back* don't worry unnie, you can reply on the last two :DD

Sulli: Yayyy! ~(^O^)~

@cherrybloss21→ Yeah, me no have parents here *pouts* anyway, you're right! :D Mr. Choi isn't as vain as everyone thinks he is, right? =D *high fives with you*

@blondesakura→ before anything else... I just wanna say that... I PERSONALLY LOVE YOUR USERNAME♥ haha.. okay, that was...awkward~? XD mian~~ :3 waaa~ f..feelings?? >///< t..thanks for the comment, btw.. >///<

Minho: Okay, that's about it! :D Hahaha. Bye everyone. SARANGHAE! (~♥^o^)~♥ *turns to Sulli* y..yah why are you so red? D___O Say goodbye to our readers.

Sulli: Y..yeah.. >///< bye e..everyone. Please continue to support us. Please give us lots of love. S..saranghae!♥

Junssi: Don't forget to comment, Subscribe to Story, and ↑Upvote to show your support  \(^u^)/~♥

Sulli: And as always, pardon author-nim's typos and/or grammatical errors.

Minho: She's a lazy bum so she won't re-read this >:D BWAHAHAHA

Junssi: Who do you wanna be with us on the next corner? ^^~ Ppyong!♥

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Happy 200 subbies! THANK YOU! ♥ xx --MGFT


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stickgamesfan #1
Chapter 2: aww this story is cute i luv sulli
Chapter 3: I really love the cute dialogue at the end of each chapter~~ >.< the story is daebak ♥
happyeloise #3
Chapter 2: **screams**
nasuharuslan #4
Chapter 9: Finally sulli will be look like a girl <3
nasuharuslan #5
Chapter 8: Its getting crazy but still its worked to make my eyes continue reading your story =)
nasuharuslan #6
Chapter 6: Yes . Finally the moment i've waiting for . Key is so cute to avoid me becoming minho fake girlfriend =)
nasuharuslan #7
Chapter 5: Minho kinda hate to marry with krystal . Im happy with that . But she is f(x) member .i cannot do that =)
nasuharuslan #8
Chapter 4: Why minho acting like that and being cold ? Is he kinda sick . There must be something happened to him . I thought .=)
nasuharuslan #9
Chapter 3: Wow. something special from key ? His been nice to me even in this drama . Well ,its okay.
I know you've been working hard on it . =) just do the best =)
nasuharuslan #10
Chapter 2: Haha . I am so happy that onew could be my brother in this story. I like his song of ' in your eyes '. And yah he is so cute ! Palace ? Wow . Now im daydreaming now. Who knows I could get one someday<3