Chapter 10: The meeting

My Girlfriend is a Tomboy

"Cat got your tongue?" Onew teased as he wiggles his eyebrows at Minho who'd been staring at Sulli ever since she and _________ came from the mall. He hasn't spoken a word since then. The four other guys complimented Sulli while Minho just kept quiet and stared at her, making the lass shy for a moment. 

"Excuse me?" Minho said, turning to Onew and giving him a poker face.

"You've been staring at little miss Sulli since a while ago. Don't tell me you've fallen for her?" Onew teased and chuckled. "You guys look great together though but I don't think she likes you back, dude. I'm sorry," he added. Minho glared at him.

"Shut up," he grumpily said.

"You guys are both aware that Sulli can perfectly hear you, right?" Jonghyun said while nudging Onew on the side.

"Nah, Sulli is being little miss sleeping beauty right now. You think I'll be teasing this guy when she's up and kicking? No way! I'd be beaten if I do that in front of Sulli. You know how much she hates being teased especially when it concerns Minho," Onew said and laughed. "You guys should get along already, ya'know?" he said as he pats Minho's shoulder. The latter just continued glaring at him and tapped ________ on the shoulder.

"Is your brother on crack or something? I swear that something's wrong with him," Minho said as he rolled his eyes. ______ and Taemin chuckled while Onew just glared at Minho and his sister.

"You shouldn't be laughing you know. This sorry excuse of a guy just insulted your dearest brother!" Onew fake-scolded and feigned a hurt expression as he put his hand on his chest. __________ scoffed and stuck her tongue out at her brother.

"Dearest brother? Since when?" she teased making Taemin laugh. Sulli stirs in her seat and after a few seconds, she wakes up.

"Gosh, you guys are so noisy," she mumbled as she sits up. Key patted her head and smiled at her.

"It's about time you wake up, Sulli. We're almost to Minho's house," he said and chuckled. "Prepare yourself 'coz anytime soon you'll be meeting your 'boyfriend's' father."

"Oh, don't remind me," Sulli groans and fiddles with the hem of her dress nervously. "What do I say? What if he doesn't like me? What if in just a blink of an eye, he'll instantly know that this is just a scheme!?" she panicked. Jonghyun chuckled at her cuteness and pats her head.

"You'll be amazing, I swear," he said.

"Your dad is waiting in the dining room, young master," the head maid said as soon as she opened the door.

"C'mon," Minho softly said and held Sulli's hand which startled the latter.

"What are you doing!?" Sulli asked in a low voice so no one could hear her but Minho. The latter just turned to her and gave her a are-you-kidding-me look.

"If we want to tell my father that you're my girlfriend then at least, show him that you really are. Just go with the flow," Minho said sternly and leads the way.


"Hello uncle!" Taemin said as he bowed. Mr. Choi chuckled and stood up to pat the former's head. The other boys and ______ greeted him too. He was about to pat Key's head when he noticed Sulli; a new face for him. His face lit up and walked towards the girl.

"And you must be...?" Mr. Choi asked. Sulli gulped and opened to say something but nothing came out. It was as if there was a huge lump in that refrains her from speaking. Mr. Choi raised an eyebrow.

"She's Sulli, my girlfriend," Minho said.

"You have a girlfriend!?" Mr. Choi asked in disbelief. He looked back at Sulli only to see her nodding vigorously. "Well, she's cute and she seems like a pretty good girlfriend to me," he added and chuckled. "I actually can't believe that you managed to find a decent girlfriend like her, you know," he continued, making Minho roll his eyes.  

"Y..yeah," Sulli said softly and smiled.

"A cute voice too," Mr. Choi complimented and chuckled.

'I swear, if I hadn't known any better, I would've kicked his guts already. He sounds like a freaking e!' Sulli said in her thoughts.

"But you're already engaged with Krystal, Minho," Mr. Choi suddenly said, making everyone keep quiet. Minho just stared at him with a very unreadable expression.

"I've been with Sulli for quite a while already; I just didn't tell you. I've been with her and I'm attached to her already. I can't just break up with her just because you want me to marry someone I don't even love just for your benefit. Or maybe Krystal's father's benefit. It's their own problem, don't involve me. If you badly want to help them with their financial problem, help them yourself but don't involve me," Minho said and turned to leave.

"I'll just go to the toilet," Sulli said and walked out of the room. As soon as she was out of ear shot, everyone turned to look at Minho.

"Are you okay? You've been quiet the whole time since the talk with your father earlier," Onew said, his voice full of concern.

"It's just that... I can't believe how selfish my father is. He knows that I'm already happy wtih Sulli... even though, of course, it's just an act but you get me, right? He knows I'm happy with her and yet he still forces me to marry Krystal. Gosh, if that man badly wants to help them, why doesn't he just marry Krystal himself?" Minho said in exasperation and plopped down on the bed. "The plan didn't work out, huh?"

"I don't know. You just abruptly left without even hearing your father's reply so maybe he was about to say that the engagement is off? That you could be with Sulli? We could only guess since you didn't give the poor guy the chance to talk," Key said.

"Yeah, I could see that your father likes Sulli a lot, hmm? She hasn't even talked one single sentence and yet he's already impressed," Jonghyun said with a smile. "That girl's amazing."

"Well, she did utter a word," _______, a bored look plastered on her face. Onew just gave her an unamused expression before turning back to Minho.

"What now?" Taemin asked.


Meanwhile, Sulli was on her way back to Minho's room when she heard Mr. Choi's soft sobs. His door was left ajar and so Sulli peeked a little. She saw him holding a picture frame while wiping his tears.

"What did I ever do wrong? Ever since you died, he'd been so cold towards me. He'd been treating me as if I wasn't his father at all. Was it really my fault that you died? He has always blamed me for being the cause of your death. I tried to do everything just to make him happy but... all my effort were in vain. I was pleased that he actually found someone he could lean on. His girlfriend, Sulli, seems like a nice girl and it's like she really loves him a lot. At least I'm satisfied that someone would be there for him when I'm not. But it hurts a lot, yeobo. I want to have a proper conversation with him but I can't seem to. He's too distant and it hurts me every passing day. It's as if I'm being stabbed all over again... I... I want him to be happy. I will even cancel his engagement to Krystal just so he could be happy with Sulli. But would he finally accept me when I do so? I... I just..."

Sulli couldn't take it anymore so she just turned away. She put her hand on her chest, feeling her heart beating so fast. Seeing Minho's father at a very vulnerable state breaks her heart. When she met him earlier, he looked like a strong man; a very influential one at that. It was as if no one could pull him down. It was as if he didn't care about anything or anyone; not even his own son. She was mad at him earlier for forcing Minho into still marrying Krystal when he found out about his son and Sulli. But all Sulli's judgments were wrong. She misjudged him. The way he cried made her feel guilty. They were all fooling him. She is fooling him by pretending to be Minho's girlfriend.

"Is it really right to go on from here after all? If we ever do get attached to one another and then one day, he'll find out that it was all a fraud... would everything still be okay? Should we stop now before anyone else gets hurt? All the man wants to do is help his friend. All he wants is for his son to be happy," Sulli tells herself. It took all the courage left within her to look back at Mr. Choi's crying figure. "I guess I'll just use this opportunity of being Minho's girlfriend to make him and his father okay again. This scheming does have its perks too, I guess." And so, Sulli's determined to make Operation: Choi-Father-And-Son-Reconciliation a success. "Fighting~!" 


Thanks to you all who've been supporting this fic. :D Kkk~ sorry if I take too long to update TT____TT (and sorry if the updates are kinda crappy <\3) I... I'm kinda lacking inspiration though I've already finished with all the plans for this fic. a month or two ago. Haha. But... I need inspiration to continue T^T Any advice or something? :)

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Naaaah, I take it back. You guys are my inspiration ;) I'll do my best to finish what I've started. Hwaiting~! I love you all~♥♥

and do follow/add me on kakaotalk, twitter, and instagram okay? :) Just tell me and Im'ma follow you back :3 I wanna get to know you guys more~ :P So let's chat, arasseo? Hahaha. My usernames are in the previous chappie. :D



PS: Sorry for any typos and/or grammatical errors made. :( I won't be re-reading this since I'm too lazy to XD

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stickgamesfan #1
Chapter 2: aww this story is cute i luv sulli
Chapter 3: I really love the cute dialogue at the end of each chapter~~ >.< the story is daebak ♥
happyeloise #3
Chapter 2: **screams**
nasuharuslan #4
Chapter 9: Finally sulli will be look like a girl <3
nasuharuslan #5
Chapter 8: Its getting crazy but still its worked to make my eyes continue reading your story =)
nasuharuslan #6
Chapter 6: Yes . Finally the moment i've waiting for . Key is so cute to avoid me becoming minho fake girlfriend =)
nasuharuslan #7
Chapter 5: Minho kinda hate to marry with krystal . Im happy with that . But she is f(x) member .i cannot do that =)
nasuharuslan #8
Chapter 4: Why minho acting like that and being cold ? Is he kinda sick . There must be something happened to him . I thought .=)
nasuharuslan #9
Chapter 3: Wow. something special from key ? His been nice to me even in this drama . Well ,its okay.
I know you've been working hard on it . =) just do the best =)
nasuharuslan #10
Chapter 2: Haha . I am so happy that onew could be my brother in this story. I like his song of ' in your eyes '. And yah he is so cute ! Palace ? Wow . Now im daydreaming now. Who knows I could get one someday<3