Chapter 05: The fiancé

My Girlfriend is a Tomboy

"Bye Sulli!" _______ said as she waved at her friend. "See you tomorrow!" she added. 

"Alright, bye to you. Take care," Sulli shouted back. Just then, Key appeared; Sulli smirked when a sudden thought came into her mind. "Oh, and hwaiting! You can do this! Good luck in confessing your love to Key!" she literally yelled that made both ______ and Key halt. 

"Uh... what?" Key asked as he turned around. He looked at __________ who was as red as a tomato. "Confess? Confess what exactly?" he asked Sulli. 

Later that night Minho came home and was greeted by his dad who seemed to have been waiting for him. "What are you doing here?" Minho asked coldly. 

"Now, now. Let's not get into an argument and you just go upstairs and dress nicely, okay?" his dad said and walked to the dining area. "We have a special guest coming over."


Minho sighed in frustration and went upstairs. He carelessly dropped his bag on the floor and collapsed on his bed. "Who's the special guest?" he asked himself. Just then, an image of a certain someone flashed in his mind. "No, no, no, no! It can't be that witch of a girl. I'm gonna kill myself if she shows up." Minho stood up and got dressed. After making sure that he looked decent and presentable he went downstairs.  

"Minho-ssi, the guest has arrived. Your dad wants you in the dining room now," their butler said as soon as Minho reached the last step. Minho smiled and nodded. 

"Got it," Minho said and walked to the dining room, completely dreading to see who this special guest was. 


"Oh, Minho just in time!" his dad said with a grin plastered on his face. "Meet my future daughter-in-law, Jung Krystal," he continued and gestured the girl beside him to stand up. The mentioned girl stood up and turned to Minho who immediately snaps his head up at the mention of her name. Krystal smiled at Minho but the latter didn't reciprocate the gesture though. 

"Hi Minho-oppa, you're gonna be my husband soon huh?" Krystal said cheerfully. Minho mentally facepalmed himself. 

"No way in hell am I engaged to this witch," Minho mumbled under his breath and looked at Krystal who was still smiling. "I'm not marrying that witch!" he said as he glared at her. 


So so so sorry for not updating ;A; I seriously felt guilty after having read all the comments (again) 💔 I hoped you liked this update even though it was really crappy and boring -___- 

So, yeah I'm sure all of you watched and listened to SHINee's new album, "Dream Girl." :)  So.... how was it? Were you able to contain your feels? XD Coz I didn't and so did my friends :)) They were just so awesome and the live~! You know, the one LOENT uploaded? The Music Spoiler thing. XD I still have the temporary hangover from their comeback >///////<


Please don't forget to comment and Subscribe to Story :) Kamsahamnida ^^ oh, and upvote too if you want. :) 


PS: typos are guaranteed in this chapter because I only used my iPad to type this and yeah -.- hahahaha. And I won't be updating next week coz it's already our final exams :( Goodbye highschool~ ;A;

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Happy 200 subbies! THANK YOU! ♥ xx --MGFT


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stickgamesfan #1
Chapter 2: aww this story is cute i luv sulli
Chapter 3: I really love the cute dialogue at the end of each chapter~~ >.< the story is daebak ♥
happyeloise #3
Chapter 2: **screams**
nasuharuslan #4
Chapter 9: Finally sulli will be look like a girl <3
nasuharuslan #5
Chapter 8: Its getting crazy but still its worked to make my eyes continue reading your story =)
nasuharuslan #6
Chapter 6: Yes . Finally the moment i've waiting for . Key is so cute to avoid me becoming minho fake girlfriend =)
nasuharuslan #7
Chapter 5: Minho kinda hate to marry with krystal . Im happy with that . But she is f(x) member .i cannot do that =)
nasuharuslan #8
Chapter 4: Why minho acting like that and being cold ? Is he kinda sick . There must be something happened to him . I thought .=)
nasuharuslan #9
Chapter 3: Wow. something special from key ? His been nice to me even in this drama . Well ,its okay.
I know you've been working hard on it . =) just do the best =)
nasuharuslan #10
Chapter 2: Haha . I am so happy that onew could be my brother in this story. I like his song of ' in your eyes '. And yah he is so cute ! Palace ? Wow . Now im daydreaming now. Who knows I could get one someday<3