Chapter 11: Operation commences

My Girlfriend is a Tomboy

I dedicate this chapter to my dear saengie, MaeYoung04, for motivating me to update. :D If not for her, I would've procastinated even longer than expected. Hahaha. So, thank you so much. Saeng, I hope this chapter can cheer you up. Hwaiting! Saranghae♥

Please do check out her stories. Thank you.


 “Guys, my father cancelled my engagement with the witch,” Minho announced the next day to his friends. Jonghyun patted his back softly.

“So he did believe that you and Sulli have something,” Taemin said with a smile.

“Well, it’s just about time that man stops manipulating me,” Minho said and smiled. Sulli, on the other hand, just rolled her eyes.

“If there’s a witch here that would be you, jerk,” she mumbled under her breath. Unfortunately for her, Minho heard what she said causing him to glare at the lass. “What?”

“Shut up,” Minho said in exasperation and turned to his friends. “So, until when am I supposed to be in ‘that’ kind of relationship with this tomboy?” he asked as if the subject of the matter isn’t right beside him. Sulli bopped his head causing the latter to scowl at the former. “Yah, you should be treating your boyfriend nicely!” he said.

“I would if you were really my boyfriend,” Sulli said and stuck her tongue out at him. “Besides, if you’re not nice to your father then I wouldn’t be nice to you. Respect begets respect,” she added as she crossed her arms across her chest.  

“Stop acting like a mother or something. I would never be nice to that man. Never in a million years. After all that he’s done—” Minho was saying but Sulli cut him midsentence.

“Well, I’m sure your mom would want you guys to make up. If she was still here, I’m sure she wouldn’t want to see the two men she treasures the most with a gap in between. Stop blaming your father for things he didn’t do, Minho. Give your father another chance,” Sulli said as she looks at Minho in the eyes.

“Don’t talk as if you know everything about me!” Minho shouted and walks away.

“Minho, please don’t waste your chance. I would do anything to be with my father again,” was the last thing Minho heard before he was completely out of ear shot.

“What did she mean by that?” he asked himself.

Back at home, Minho went straight to his room without even greeting his father who was at the dining area that time. He slams the door behind him and drops his bag. He then plops down on his bed while rubbing his temples. Sulli’s words kept on replaying in his mind like a broken record. I would do anything to be with my father again. He’s completely puzzled on what she said. He’d been thinking about it the whole day and honestly, it gave him a headache. Suddenly, Minho sat up with eyes as wide as saucers.

“Don’t tell me her father is…?” he asked himself. He grunts and messes up his hair. “Argh! I’m going crazy!”


The next day, Minho sees Sulli, waving at him, by the gate. The former only rolled his eyes and planned to ignore the latter but when he passes by her, she holds his arm. Minho just looked at her with a glare. He tried pulling away from the lass’s grip but she held him tighter.

“Minho, please reconcile with your father,” Sulli pleads. Minho frowns and looks away.

“What is it to you anyway? Besides, what benefit would I get from that?” he asks. Sulli just looks at him in disbelief.

“Minho, oh my gosh, you have everything! Okay, you may not have a mother but at least you still have one parent to be there for you! Stop wasting your chance,” Sulli says, tears starting to form in the corners of her eyes. She blinks rapidly to stop her tears from rolling down. Minho looks at her.

“And what, you don’t have any?” he asks nonchalantly. Realizing what he just said, his eyes widened. “I… I didn’t mean it that way. What I meant was—”

“You’re right,” Sulli says and looks at him in the eye. “I lost my parents four years ago due to a fire. But you, Minho, are lucky because at least you still have your dad. When my parents died, it was a day before my father turned forty-two. Mom and I were baking a cake for him as a surprise. After making the cake, we were about to put it inside the oven. My mom lit a fire using a match and threw it inside the oven so that we can put the cake tray inside to bake the object. But something must’ve gone wrong because as soon as mom did that, it caused a big fire. My mom told me to go out and ask for help while she goes to my father to aid him. My father was bedridden because of an accident so he can’t really stand up on his own. I kept yelling outside and asking help from our neighbours but they weren’t home. I ran to the next block and asked for help. But… but when we got back there, the fire was already huge. I kept screaming because my parents were still inside. I wanted to go inside but the people were stopping me. Twenty minutes later, firemen arrived but it was too late. My parents were trapped inside the house. They were probably having a hard time since my father… he… couldn’t walk properly. I… I was—” Sulli suddenly burst into tears, startling Minho.

“H…hey please don’t cry,” Minho pleads. He wraps his arms around her and presses her body closer to him. “I’m sorry.”


End of Chapter Eleven Corner #8

Junssi: OMG... I'm so sorry for the long wait. :'( As I've told you guys, I'm kinda losing inspiration. I do have chapter plans & stuff but somehow... I'm kinda having a writer's block -___________- any suggestions, guys? OTL. I hope I still have readers. :(

Minho: Aish... learn to update more frequently then. -.- The readers will lose interest if you don't.

Sulli: I think we should just comfort author-nim instead of scolding her... =___________=

Minho: Fine. *pouts*

Junssi: *mehrong* Anywaaay, thanks to all my readers (silent & active XD)


Special thanks to: Minhye_nana4ever (Ohmy, thank you so much for the wonderful comment ^^♥), blondesakura ( that considered being romantic now? XD Or maybe just a start. Haha), alfike, MaeYoung04, koreanfangirls (It's okay. ^^ Hahaha. Hoping to talk to you soon :D), cherrybloss21 (Hahaha XDD  Thank youuu!)  

...thanks for the comments on the previous chapter. ^^ I hope you liked this update. :D


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-- @junssiCHAN ; let's chat on twitter, shall we? ^u^ Im'ma follow back. :3 GOMAWO *bow bow* (This is my Kpop acct., @jesXOTIC is my p/a so yeahhh)


PS: Pardon me for any typos and/or grammatical errors found. I'm kinda busy right now so I won't have time to re-read this. :D

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stickgamesfan #1
Chapter 2: aww this story is cute i luv sulli
Chapter 3: I really love the cute dialogue at the end of each chapter~~ >.< the story is daebak ♥
happyeloise #3
Chapter 2: **screams**
nasuharuslan #4
Chapter 9: Finally sulli will be look like a girl <3
nasuharuslan #5
Chapter 8: Its getting crazy but still its worked to make my eyes continue reading your story =)
nasuharuslan #6
Chapter 6: Yes . Finally the moment i've waiting for . Key is so cute to avoid me becoming minho fake girlfriend =)
nasuharuslan #7
Chapter 5: Minho kinda hate to marry with krystal . Im happy with that . But she is f(x) member .i cannot do that =)
nasuharuslan #8
Chapter 4: Why minho acting like that and being cold ? Is he kinda sick . There must be something happened to him . I thought .=)
nasuharuslan #9
Chapter 3: Wow. something special from key ? His been nice to me even in this drama . Well ,its okay.
I know you've been working hard on it . =) just do the best =)
nasuharuslan #10
Chapter 2: Haha . I am so happy that onew could be my brother in this story. I like his song of ' in your eyes '. And yah he is so cute ! Palace ? Wow . Now im daydreaming now. Who knows I could get one someday<3