Stand Up and Hurt

Badass+ Rich Me = Nerdy+ Bullied Me

      The last bell for school rang and Yunhee and her friends were at Yunhee's locker. They were about to walk to their hideout when suddenly Yunhee was pushed against the lockers. Before reaction, AMber and Sulli were being trapped by mysterious arms. Yunhee was in so much pain. She didnt dare move bus she felt someone came near her. She heard screaming from Sulli and Amber was screaming her off to whoever was holding her on still. "Hey ugly duckling" Yunhee was alittle scared by the voice since Kai has a pretty low and creepy voice. Yunhee was still hurt as the one of the doors of the locker slammed on her lower back. She opened her eyes and saw all 12 members of EXO surrounding her. 

    Tao and Xiumin were holding down Sulli and Amber while Kai just stared at you. The others were laughing and smirking at you. Kai suddenly slammed his hands on the lockers trapping Yunhee against the lockers. "I said hi ugly duckling, why arent you responding?!" Kai said clenching his teeth. Yunhee was about to say something when she heard Sulli wimpering as Tao was grabbing her wrist making them red. Amber was pissed but Xiumin was strong making her vunerable. Yunhee was mad as she looked at Kai.

   "I dotn say to hi to those who like to stare at their reflection and call themselves ugly ducklings." Yunhee said with her pokerface. Honeslt she wanted to laugh seeing Kai's expression. The other members laughed almost crying hearing what you said. "YAH! YOu dare call me the ugly duckling. Look at yourself! Can't even have the decency to wear eyeliner! You know ugly people shouldnt exist! It just makes the world seem...... ugly" Kai smirked. Yunhee was alittle mad and tried to walk off when Kai grabbed her wrist and slammed her against the locker. "KAI STOP!" Someone suddenly shouted. Everyone turned around to see Chen and relized that is belonged to his voice. 

    "Hyung why should I? SHe called me ugly ! Of all people ME!?!?" Chen just stood there capturing what he said just now and lowerd his head. "Everyone gave him a wierd look. "We should just leave her alone...she didnt do ..anything." His voice got lower and lower. 

   Kai just sighed and let go of Yunhee. "Your lucky i'n not in the mood anymore. Let just go," Kai spat and left. One by one they all left and even let Amber asn Sulli go. Yunhee was on the floor in so much pain. Amber and Sulli grew worried and Sulli gave out a yelp. "Unn..Unnie're bleeding!" Amber's eyes were WIDE as she saw Yunhee's arm ooze out blood. With our thinking Amber picked up Yunhee and ran to the infirmry. She ran pass EXO without relizing it adn Sulli just shoved her way through them and noticed them. She turned around and gave them an ugly look before running back to Yunhee. 

   EXO saw Amber running pass them shoving more than half of them and Sulli pushing the other half out of her way. They were irritated but then saw Amber holding Yunhee in her arms. Her shirt was soaked in her blood and it kept dripping. Yunhee fainted in Amber's arm. All of EXO were now worring. Never in thier life have they ever hurt someone phyiscally like that. They looked at Kai who seemed out of it the most."Was that my fault? DAMN IT ! If dad hears about this Im DEAD!!" He cursed in his mind while the others were all looking guilty taking part in the incident. 

  After a while Yunhee woke up in the hospital. SHe lost to much blood to be bandaged up so they called in for drastic measures. "Yunhee-shi your awake. Thats good. Rest for now and i will be back for the rest of the results. Remember please dont be to loud or crowded, she must rest her heart to gain back the blood and oxygen. I will leave for now." The doctor said leaving the room. Yunhee open her eyes slowly ajusting to the light and saw 6 crayoned colored hair boys and two pale girls sitting next to her

    "Yunhee gwenchana? You lost alot of blood....No matter no your find but who did this to you???" Himchan said half shaking Yunhee

Yunhee just smiled and then remembered what happen. When Kai slammed her back into the lockers, one locker was still alittle open where the corner sliced right through he arm and cutting it deep. Yunhee hesistated but struggle alittle. "Oppa, i just slipped and then the locker caught me with the corner......" Amber and Sulli couldnt belive their ears. She was lying to Himchan about Kai!!! 

   Himchan was beliving it and was bout to leave for her to rest as well as everyone else. Amber and Sulli decided to keep Kai a secret too. If Yunhee didnt want Himchan to know they woudnt interfear. Everyone left exept Daehyun. Daehyun sat next to Yunhee and she opened her eyes and saw the handsome face from Busan. He smiled and caressed her cheek. She signaled him he can lay next to her and Daehyun without hesitation was wrapping Yunhee in his arms and sleeping the night away.


GHAHAHAHA! Shot one I is a sawwy for this but its just a little update PLZ send lots of love updatdating again like now <3

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RienHamzah #1
Chapter 18: Please aupdate soon
sunliu94 #2
Chapter 17: Like the story but the font cursive is hard to read
-kimmyeons #3
Chapter 1: Hey this is great but can you.. um... careful with the typos? Because.. i hardly understand yours. Um its okay if theres one, but keep it lesser? Anyway this is great and i'm going to read it again!
TheQuietLeo #4
Chapter 18: Forgot to say this earlier...I REALLY REALLY REALLY ABSOLUTELY LOVE UR STORY!! It's so cuuuute~~~~
TheQuietLeo #5
Chapter 18: Can Lay or Chen plz be an option. They both seem so sweet~
issing004 #6
Chapter 18: Ahhhhhh!!!!!
Make exo fall in love with herr!!!!!! Hahahaha
Then they fight to death for her. Lol haha
issing004 #7
Chapter 18: Update update update
Chapter 18: AAA! cant wait for your next CHAPPIE! ur story is TOTALLY DAEBAK!