Move In

Badass+ Rich Me = Nerdy+ Bullied Me

       Himchan's POV      

   I woke up early to greet umma and appa to thier trip to America. I let Yunhee sleep since she was used to them going to America and she didnt mind it much. I woke up Yongguk hyung and the others to watch Yunhee and make sure EXO doesnt do anything suspicious to the house. I dont much about them but for some reason i have a feeling arent as good as i feel but if my parents trust them i will give them my trust......for now. 

   "Yunhee-ahh i will be dropping off umma and appa off at hte airport okie?" I heard her mumble and left towards the car. 

      Yongguk's POV        

    Himchan left and the others were all getting ready for the morning. Yunhee is still sleeping but i heard Himchan say she was getting up so i planed to make breakfast. As i went down to make food i saw Yunhee's servents and maids place down the breakfast on the table. DUH! they are rich, filthy to be a matter. My umma doesnt like maids or anyone in the house exept family. Well i was about to check up and the boys when suddenly the bell rang.

   I opened it and i saw 12 pairs of creepy eyes. Oh its Yunhee's school students. I nodded at them and i invited them in. They were pretty polite so i dont mind. "Uhh may i ask where do we sleep??" I looked over and i saw a dark skin toned boy talking to me. I gave him a guestioning look. 

  "Oh my name is Kai. Kai-imida." Mmmm Kai, not that bad looking for a boy. They all looked at each other and got in line. "We are ONE! Aneonghaseo EXO-imida! they all bowed. Huh! They are just like us but more of them, less of a hair color change and pretty tall.

   "Uhh well i guess i can show you guys the rooms you guys are gonna stay in but you guys can pick your rooms.Come on. These are the  rooms you guys can pick and sleep in. I showed them thier rooms. They picked easily. 

Suho's Room:

Kris's Room:

Xiumin's Room: 

   Baekhyun's Room

Chanyeol's Room

Kai's Room

Sehun's Room 

Luhan's Room 

Tao's Room 

Chen's Room

Lay's Room


D.O's Room 

         Author's POV     

     EXO were all unpacking thier stuff when some maids came into their rooms to announce that breakfast is done. As Suho and Kris walked out they saw Baekhyun, Sehuna and Luhan flirtling with the maids. Luhan even on the necks of one of them. "YAH! Guys get down now! We are guest! Luhan STOP!!!" Kris growled as all three let the maids leave. All 12 got up and got ready to go downstairs when a door open wide near the end the hallway. There stood a sleepy long leg "y looking Yunhee wearing some y pj's 

     All of EXO's eyes widen at what Yunhee was wearing. another door open and revealed Daehyun looking at 12 backs facing him. He went towards the front and saw what Yunhee was wearing. Imedietly Daehyun took of his shirt revealing his toned abs and coverd Yunhee's chest and pushed towards the room and closed it. "YAH why are you weraing that Yunhee! We have 12 and counting boys in this one house and you are wearing that?!?!" Daehyun seemed angry yelling through the door. 

   All the EXO boys were all waking up from thier little dream world with Yunhee and turned red from the situation. Behind the door, Yunhee was changing into Daehyun's shirt and relized she didnt have pants. "Oppa~ can i borow some pants i dont have any pj pants." Its all cause of Sulli and Amber Yunhee thought. 

 FLSHBACK Last Night

 Yunhee just took a warm shower and was about to slip into comfy and long pjs when her drawer had no sight of any of her pjamas. Yunhee looked all over her room and looked into the drawer again to find a note with a large thin box. Yunhee opened the note and it was from Sulli and Amber. 

     To: Yunhee <3 

 Happy Birthday!!! Well girl you know you are 16 now and that means you need to get a man. This probably might help ;)  

                                                   - Happy Birthday From Amber and Sulli


     Daehyun knocked on her door to give her pants and she changed quickly. As she went down all eyes were staring at her. Luhan, Sehun, Baekhyun, and even Kai looked away from embarresment. All four of them felt bad thinking of thoughts of Yunhee in that sleepwear. Kai though was still feeling bad about the arm that was still badaged up. 

    The whole morning wa silent only B.A.P only talking to each other and Yunhee would take some glances at EXO who were eating silently and only talking to one another. 

 "This will be a LONGGGGG day" Yunhee thought 


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RienHamzah #1
Chapter 18: Please aupdate soon
sunliu94 #2
Chapter 17: Like the story but the font cursive is hard to read
-kimmyeons #3
Chapter 1: Hey this is great but can you.. um... careful with the typos? Because.. i hardly understand yours. Um its okay if theres one, but keep it lesser? Anyway this is great and i'm going to read it again!
TheQuietLeo #4
Chapter 18: Forgot to say this earlier...I REALLY REALLY REALLY ABSOLUTELY LOVE UR STORY!! It's so cuuuute~~~~
TheQuietLeo #5
Chapter 18: Can Lay or Chen plz be an option. They both seem so sweet~
issing004 #6
Chapter 18: Ahhhhhh!!!!!
Make exo fall in love with herr!!!!!! Hahahaha
Then they fight to death for her. Lol haha
issing004 #7
Chapter 18: Update update update
Chapter 18: AAA! cant wait for your next CHAPPIE! ur story is TOTALLY DAEBAK!