Kai's Apology

Badass+ Rich Me = Nerdy+ Bullied Me

     Kai's Pov     

    It's been exactly a month since i hurt Yunhee. Why do i still feel bad. She doesnt even seem to mind anymore?! Aishhh i got some serious issues right now. Maybe i should still apologi...NO! No no no no no Kim Jongin never apologizes for anything with the exeptions of the hyungs and my parents but no one else! 

    I should still do somthing to make it up......Aishhhh why is this hurting me!!!!" 


 I blinked when i saw Yunhee in front of me with her big eyes wrapped by those cute glasses...did i just say cute?!?! "Uhh ye-yes?" WTF Why did i stutter.*FACEPALM* 

  "Uhhh are you okay? You kinda seem mad about something......?" She seemed nervous. Do i intimidate her? I intimidate everyone especially after hurting her. "Uhhh im-im fine jus-just doing some thin-thinking. O.O OMG What is wrong with me!

   "Oh....ok....if you see the others food is prepared my the maids already." She was carrying her skatebord wearing her shoes as well. "Wait? Where are you going?" 

   "Skatepark. Sulli and Amber are with their boyfriends so imma just go and practice alone. Wae?"  BINGO! "Ill come with you!" She looked confused. cuuteee. I mean *ahem* nevermind.

       "You know just in case you get hurt your brother would kill me if i knew you went and came home hurt, if you come home at all..." I slipped on my converse and pushed her out the door.

    Yunhee's Pov    

   Kai just pushed me out my own house. I guess we are heading to the park. It was dead silence. "How long have you been skating?" I looked at him trying to remember. "About 6 years..." He his face still looking forword. I reached the park and boy was a i glad of who i saw. "Oppas!" 

    I saw Niel and Chanjo looked up and ran towards me. "Yunhee-ah your here today. And without the others?" I shugged and gave them both huge hugs. "Hey! No hugs for Ricky??" I looked behind and saw Ricky, L.Joe, Chunji and C.a.p. I couldnt help but smile.

         After having a quick update on each others lives, I forgot Kai was with me for a second. He was still behind me the whole time. "Ahh oppas, this is Kai. my uhh err friend.." I whisperd the last part. All 6 of the boys looked at Kai strangley.

       No POV.        

    They were street brothers to Yunhee when she is out skating or just hanging out with them. C.A.P bring the oldest broght his hand to Kai. "Im C.A.P" He burned through Kai's face with his eyes. Yunhee found this a bit awkward. "Uhh oppas lets go skate ara?" They broke from thier glares and had their cheeky smiles again. "OKIE!" 

     Yunhee was everywhere. Long pipes, tunnels and ramps. Nothing in the skate park had anything that Yunhee couldnt do. Kai was really impressed and even in awe at her "beauty" even on a skatebord half sweating the whole time.

      "So your the one who hurt Yunhee before right?" Kai almost jumped out of his chair from hearing L.joe's voice. "I remember you when Amber and Sullie dragged me all the way to Yunhee's school asking me to beat up a guy named Kai." L.joe was just laughing. Kai was a little embarresd and dissapointed in himself. "Im sorry by the way for that." 

   "You shouldnt say sorry to me." L.joe just pointed to Yunhee who was at top on a ramp smiling and having fun. "You know Yunhee is really strong inside and out. But like everygirl, she has a soft side. She made us as well as Himchan hyung to forgive the ones who hurt her. Like you. She never told us who was hurting her.Let alone even tell us if she was hurt at all. It was always Amber and Sulli to tell us what's up." 

   Kai felt bad right at that moment. L.Joe just patted his back and went back to skating. After about an hour Yunhee decied to leave seeing how Kai looked a bit bored.After leaving L.Joe and the rest Yunhee felt more tension between Kai. 

    Once they reached home, Yunhee enterd only to be stopped my someone gripping her wrist. She looked back to see Kai. His head was haning low. She tried yankng her hand softly away but he had firm girps on them. "Im sorry.." Yunhee's eye shot wide open. 

   "Im sorry Yunhee for hurting you. Not only when i hurt HURT you , but all those other years of hurting you and making fun of you. Im just sorry" He sounded like on the verge of crying. Yunhee looked at him lifiting his face up. She couldnt help buyt smile. Hell you laughed softly at how he looked. 

     "I forgive you, Kai." Kai had a huge smile on his face and couldnt help but laugh as well


UPDATE FEATURING TEEN TOP !!! Hope you guys forgive me Im really gonna have to rush this story a bit. Buuuuuutttt you can help ME? 




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RienHamzah #1
Chapter 18: Please aupdate soon
sunliu94 #2
Chapter 17: Like the story but the font cursive is hard to read
-kimmyeons #3
Chapter 1: Hey this is great but can you.. um... careful with the typos? Because.. i hardly understand yours. Um its okay if theres one, but keep it lesser? Anyway this is great and i'm going to read it again!
TheQuietLeo #4
Chapter 18: Forgot to say this earlier...I REALLY REALLY REALLY ABSOLUTELY LOVE UR STORY!! It's so cuuuute~~~~
TheQuietLeo #5
Chapter 18: Can Lay or Chen plz be an option. They both seem so sweet~
issing004 #6
Chapter 18: Ahhhhhh!!!!!
Make exo fall in love with herr!!!!!! Hahahaha
Then they fight to death for her. Lol haha
issing004 #7
Chapter 18: Update update update
Chapter 18: AAA! cant wait for your next CHAPPIE! ur story is TOTALLY DAEBAK!