Surprise !!!!

Badass+ Rich Me = Nerdy+ Bullied Me


         Author's POV         

   Yunhee was behind the grand door holding onto Daehyun very tightly waiting for the announcment of her. Outside in the backyead of the mansion were many people from Kim's work company and they were enjoying themselves. In the corner next to the pool were 12 extravagent, majestic handsome young men. To anyone's bad luck it was EXO.  They all had on black suits that fit them very oh so well! 

   "Hyung! Im hungry!" Tao shouted. Luhan looking at somegirls from across the room looked at Tao annoyed and dragged Tao to the table to get food. Xiumin was already there "testing" the food samples. Coming back to the tables Luhan sat next to Sehun. who was flirting with a noona. After getting her number, all of EXO kept to themselves for while. Every single one of thier families were invited, that included them. 

   They all just kept to themselves. A little flirt here or there but they stayed quiet. None of them knew the Kim family much they only knew Himchan though family buisness, other than that nothing. "Hey Hyung do you know why we are celebrating?" Suhun asked Suho. Suho was to engulfed with his phone to look at him. "I dont know maknae, just relax ita a party, and fix your tie, we came here as guest not hostess and stop playing with girls for one night please?" Suho didnt understand how Sehun and luhan even Baekhyun do it all the time. "Sehun fixed his tie quickly and continued to eat. Kai was all alone still thinking about the incident he had with Yunhee before. As everyone was in thier own little world A Tall middle aged man and a beautiful middle aged women walked towards the mic in the center of the dance floor. They stood below a balcony that Yunhee and Daehyun were standing waiting for the entrance.

      "Welcome everyone! I hopr you all have a wonderful evening tonight. I know i have invited you all for a company party but we have a few surprises today. Uh Himchan come here please?" Mr.Kim said. Himchan stood up from the table he was sitting with B.A.P with and stood next to his mom. "Today i have decided to give my son 25% of my share of the company. Son take care of the duties that i give you form now on." Himchan nodded and bowed to the audience and sat down. Mrs Kim finally took the mic and nervouly held the device. "Ahem many of you all know of my son of course he just came up. But frankily no one knows of his sibiling?" She asked everyone was talking now and whipsering and all looked at Mrs. Kim again for her statment. She kept smiling as she talked."My son isnt the only child this family has anymore. We kinda kept her a secret, but today is HER 16th Birthday! Out daughter, KIM YUNHEE!!!

  The grand doors open at the top of the balcony as Yunhee and Daehyun were still walking hand in hand. Everyone gasped and saw the "new" Kim daughter. Yunhee was so red she wanted to run but Daehyun kept her still, and even gave her a small kiss on her ear to keep her calm. Everone was cherring and congragulating her on her birthday and the new news.

  EXO on the other hand didnt day anything, or rather couldnt say anything."Kim Yunhee?!? As in nerdy ugly duckling?!?!" Xiumin yelled out. Everone on of the guys were still shocked at the news. The one nerd they kept bullying the past 1 1/2 years was a beautiful and elegeant women. Kai looked up and saw Yunhee and couldn belive it he denied it was her. But as Yunhee walked down the stairs, Kai and the rest of EXO saw her arm with a bandage on it covering the huge cut from before. "It's really HER!" Thay all thought!

   The night went on as Yunhee greeted all the guest. EXO watched her intently as she walked hand in hand with Daehyun. Daehyun would pull her away somtimes for some friend priavcy. To them it was just friends talking, to others it seemed like a coulple in love. 

    At last Yunhee visited EXO's table. She was nervous at first to even be near them but they came to her birthday so she couldnt be rude. "hello~......" Yunhee said. It was she could say. All of them just stared at her with wide eyes. Daehyun noticed the tension and broke the ice. "Uhh thanks for coming, but my baby girl needs a little beak now. Its nice meeting you all" He pulled Yunhee away towards the pool. 

     After the party ended everone left greeting the family and saying bye to the birthday girl. It seems that Yunhee's parents are close to EXO's boy parents. All thirteen of the mom were in the kitchen and the fathers were in the lilving room. Yunhee, B.A.P and EXO were all outside just hangin by the pool and talking to thier own group. Amber and Sulli went home for Sulli was to tierd and Amber took her home. 

    It was close to midnight when all Himchan's parents called in Yunhee and EXO. B.A.P followed behind closely. All of their parents were sitting in the huge living room

      "Neh what is it umma: Yunhee sadi while everyone was all having a questioning look. all the parents just smiled at them and Yunhee's mom came towards he and looke at EXO. "Yunhee-ah, what do you think of having the boys stay here living with us?" she said so calmiy pointing at each of EXO. Yunhee's eye widen B.A.P Chocked on words and EXO were pale like GHOST. All of them opened thier mouths



Ahhhhh CLIFHANGER !!!!!!!! Duh Duh Duhhhhhh LOL ! Imma updat later! Dont kill me This week is very busy with me ! Its 12:30 in the morning i got school ! Ill update maybe satuday?? Maybe cause im not sure when i will be home on satuday. Most likley SUNDAY :)

LOVES !!!!!!!




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RienHamzah #1
Chapter 18: Please aupdate soon
sunliu94 #2
Chapter 17: Like the story but the font cursive is hard to read
-kimmyeons #3
Chapter 1: Hey this is great but can you.. um... careful with the typos? Because.. i hardly understand yours. Um its okay if theres one, but keep it lesser? Anyway this is great and i'm going to read it again!
TheQuietLeo #4
Chapter 18: Forgot to say this earlier...I REALLY REALLY REALLY ABSOLUTELY LOVE UR STORY!! It's so cuuuute~~~~
TheQuietLeo #5
Chapter 18: Can Lay or Chen plz be an option. They both seem so sweet~
issing004 #6
Chapter 18: Ahhhhhh!!!!!
Make exo fall in love with herr!!!!!! Hahahaha
Then they fight to death for her. Lol haha
issing004 #7
Chapter 18: Update update update
Chapter 18: AAA! cant wait for your next CHAPPIE! ur story is TOTALLY DAEBAK!