We Should Be Friends

Badass+ Rich Me = Nerdy+ Bullied Me

       Its been days since Daehyun moved back to B.A.P's house with Eunji along with the others. Himchan of course sated behind since he needed to look out for Yunhee. In a couple of days EXO adn Yunhee's paretns are coming back to just check up. At school Eunji actually goes to school with Yunhee now along with Daehyun. They watch out for her like older sibblings. Yunhee bumps into EXO once in a while but completly ignores them and walks by. 

   It was lunch and EXO as usuall were all at the usuall place. Fortunatly fo for them thier "girlfirends" all went on a trip somwhere with thier families and left EXO to be eyed by all the girls at school. They were happy to see them not at school but creeped out by the other girls. "Hyungs i think our parents already landed." Sehun said. His hyungs just nodded and talked a bit more. CHen finisished his food quickly and ran off. 

          "Yah~ where are you going?" Kris asked. Chen packed his back and left without another word making Kris even more confused. "He wanted to talk to the teacher about some extra credit. That nerd." Lay said focusing on his untouched food. 

    "Are you gonna finsh that?" Lay gave his hyung the WTF face, but in the end gave his whole plate to the Bun boy. In the hallways Chen was quickly walking to his classroom. As he enterd, no sight of his teacher but instead saw Yunhee. She was studying hard and it even seemed she was grading some of the students papers. SHe was the Teacher's assistant, it was like her job. CHen came in quietly but Yunhee still noticed. 

    "Do you need somthing. Mr.Kim wont be back for a while." Yunhee said a bit nervously. She noticed how Chen just stayed in the back. "Uhh i'll just wait." Yunhee had a confused face but went back to conentrate on the graded papers. After grading most of them she stood up and went towards Chen. He was startled as she got closer and closer. "Here." She said placing a paper on his table. 

   It was the test the class took a couple days back. He had a perfect 100. This made him smile a bit. Yunhee also noticed his smile. "He lookes nice when he smiles. Wonder why he hangs out with idiotic jerks like EXO. Litererallty idiotic. In my class Kai and Baekhyun were almost failing once and even got a 56 on an IQ test -__-. They arent stupid they are just lazy." She thought. She sat back down and Chen gave back the paper.

      He was about to leave when he turned back and noticed Yunhee was a bit skinny for any normal girl her age. Even teh queenkas had some flesh. "Did you eat yet?" Yunhee looked and pointed to her self in question."No...why?" With that CHen left leaving Yunhee dazed by the sudden question.

   Back in the canteen, EXO were just palying around with each other. Tao was compalinging about Gucci to Kris. Sehun and Luhan were flirting with some girls. Kai was touching up on one and Baekhyun was getting some digits from others. All 11 of them saw Chen run into the canteen grab some friut and rice and kimchi and run out with a word to his friends. "WTF! Where is he going with food! He already ate!?!" Xiumin was saying with a stuffed face. Kris had enough of this unusuall Chen and got up with Suho following. The rest saw thier leaders get up and leave so they followed like good little soliders.

     The whole bunch were quietlt following Chen who was rushing towards the classroom with Yunhee. As Chen came in Yunhee looked up. Her glasses made her look more cute with the questionable face. He was catching his breath as he placed the food in front of her. "Eat....it will...help...you.." He said in between. Yunhee still had the face on her. He took the pile of ungraded papers and sat in front of Yunhee. "You eat. I'll grade these. You look like a ghost not eating latley"

     Its true she hasnt been eating. Too much to study for not to mention helping the teachers take up time. SHe took the chopsticks and eat slowly. "Im sorry." Yunhee was almost choking on the rice when CHen spoke up. "Im sorry about my friends. They just ... I dont know they arent really that mean really." It was hella awkward after that. Yunhee didnt know how to respond so she just looked at her food.  She looked up and saw a hand in her face. "I-i wanna be fri-friends.........?" Chen looked extremely red. It was like someone placed cherry tomatoes as his cheeks

     What he didnt expect was that his hand was shaken by Yunhee's with a smile on her face. He smiled back and they started sitting in silence again but comfortable silence. 

    EXO were right outside the classroom seeing everthing and hearing everything that Chen and Yunhee encounterd. They had a disbelife on everysingle one of thier faces. "Does CHen like her?""Maybe thats why he defends her so much.""What is wrong with him talking to her?" They all started to talk among each other. Kris and Suho walked offto have a secret talk.

   "Hyung."  Suho said. Kris reading his mind nodded his head. 

  "I know.... maybe we should be friends with Kim Yunhee...."


TEHEE!~ I wonder how this will turn out MUHAHAA ....wait...... im writing it i shoudl know what happens! But sadly i dont know so many ways to continue it but not sure what direction i should take UGH!!!! Well enjoy the story anyways :)

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RienHamzah #1
Chapter 18: Please aupdate soon
sunliu94 #2
Chapter 17: Like the story but the font cursive is hard to read
-kimmyeons #3
Chapter 1: Hey this is great but can you.. um... careful with the typos? Because.. i hardly understand yours. Um its okay if theres one, but keep it lesser? Anyway this is great and i'm going to read it again!
TheQuietLeo #4
Chapter 18: Forgot to say this earlier...I REALLY REALLY REALLY ABSOLUTELY LOVE UR STORY!! It's so cuuuute~~~~
TheQuietLeo #5
Chapter 18: Can Lay or Chen plz be an option. They both seem so sweet~
issing004 #6
Chapter 18: Ahhhhhh!!!!!
Make exo fall in love with herr!!!!!! Hahahaha
Then they fight to death for her. Lol haha
issing004 #7
Chapter 18: Update update update
Chapter 18: AAA! cant wait for your next CHAPPIE! ur story is TOTALLY DAEBAK!