Lay to the rescue....again?

Badass+ Rich Me = Nerdy+ Bullied Me

       It was almost 6 at night and Yunhee was getting bored as well as wanting soemthing to munch on.She fianlly got an idea of going to get some goods.

        "Oppa! Imma go to the store and buy snacks.Ara?" Yunhee was putting on her shoes as he brother came down wearing glasses and holding a packet of papers. "Huh? Oh yeah but please be safe and can you get some brownies please?"

    Yunhee went to the closest convience store and bought banana milk,pocky,green tea ice cream and of course brownies. "Kasahamida~!" Yunhee ran out the convience store happy with her purchase. It was already 6:30 and it was already a bit dark.

   "Mmm i should take the shortcut...." Yunhee walked down dark alley where it wasnt the safest way to get home but it was the shortest. As Yunhee walked down the street she heard loud men laughing and throwing their empty beer bottles to the curb.

     Yunhee was gonna turn around the corner untill someone grabbed her wrist and pushed her against the wall. "Heyy~~ your really *hiccup* prettyyy~" A drunk man came up to her face. His breath definaetly said 5 bottle or more of beer. 

     "You wanna play with uss~. We are a bit bored and you look cuuute." Yunhee was a bit scared but had a stern face. "Well maybe drinking your pittiful problems arent the soulution to your dead life." The man looked red from eaither getting mad for more drunk.

          He took her other hand and slammed it above her head making her trapped. "You are gonna regret that beautiful. He took his hand towards her shirt almost ripping the hems of till someone grabbed him and landed one the face.

    Yunhee was still scared and couldnt see anything due to the fact that she didnt want to see what happend. After a while everything got quiet exept for some of the drunk men groaning on the floor. 

    Footsteps were heard as they sounded louder and louder towards Yunhee. "Yunhee are you okay!?!" She opened her eyes and saw a one dimpled unicorn. "Lay.." 

    Lay picked her up and power walked towards the house laying on the couch. "Are you okay? They  didn't hurt you right?" His face full of concern. She just shook her head. "No im fine Lay. What were you doing in the alley anyways?" His face flushed with red. 

   "Wh-what were you doing in the alley as well?" Lay try changing the subject. Yunhee just looked at him with a questionable face. "Okay okay ....i rollmed uo..." Her face was even more confused now. "You what?" 

   "Ahem. I uhh follemd you...." You wha..." "I FOLLOWED YOU! Okie to make sure you didn't get hurt like last time!" Yunhee saw his eyes dialate. Yunhee then rememberd that one night in school Lay actually helped her and she never repayed him....


      Yunhee was studying in the library one night. Amber and Sulli already went home from there study work. Yunhee was finishing up her work till suddenly the school lights went off. Yunhee decided to go home. She brought her board so skating was an option.

      As she was leaving the school she heard some boys laughing behind her. It was some of the boys from her school. They seemed drunk but Yunhee just ignored them. "Heyyy NERD! Wanna play?!" One boy said. He was seemed the most drunk. 

   Yunhee just walked by only to be held down by two more boys. "I said do you wanna play with us?!" He seemed really mad. Yunhee tried fighting them off but they wouldnt budge. "Stop squirming !" He slapped her hard on the cheek. 

   His friends pinned her down making it impossible for her to move. The boy seemed to be the leader sat on her with crazy eyes. "You know your actually pretty...lets see what else you have thats pretty..." With that he grabbed the collar of the her shirt and pulled it off exposing her bra and bady. He leaned in bit on to her cleaveage.

     Yunhee couldnt help but cry and yelp, but the more noise she made the more he would just slap her. "If you wanna be naughty fine. I will give you a naughty punishment." He crawled down tugging on her skirt till some one grabbed him and pucnhed him. He pucnhed him and punched him till his face was bleeding and nose was broken.

      All the boys ran off or were still on the floor. Yunhee was still crying and covering up her upper half. She looked up with reds eyes and saw a huge dimple facing her. He took off his jacket and placed it on her and carried her bridal style to inside the school again.

     After crying for about 10 minuets. the dimple boy came back with another t-shirt."Here" He said. She quickly put it on and looked at the boy more clearly. It was Lay. One of boys of EXO. Yunhee just looked at him. "Ahem where do you live?"  Lay asked looking away.  

     Yunhee didn't say anything. Lay got imaptient and carried her to his motorcycle and just drove. She just pointed him the way home. He dropped her off and that was the last time they ever encounterd each other.

     End of Flashback    

    They both just stood there awkwardly. "Uhh Ahem! I gotta go back to uhh my friends now so uhh stay uhh safe." Lay left her but Yunhee got up and grabbed Lay's shoulder and turned him around. Without warning Yunhee gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you." With that she ran upstairs leaving Lay blushing red before leaving.


   Aww isnt Lay sweet !?! Well even though with his sweet help he isnt gonna be with her.... Im sorry but the story but go one.


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RienHamzah #1
Chapter 18: Please aupdate soon
sunliu94 #2
Chapter 17: Like the story but the font cursive is hard to read
-kimmyeons #3
Chapter 1: Hey this is great but can you.. um... careful with the typos? Because.. i hardly understand yours. Um its okay if theres one, but keep it lesser? Anyway this is great and i'm going to read it again!
TheQuietLeo #4
Chapter 18: Forgot to say this earlier...I REALLY REALLY REALLY ABSOLUTELY LOVE UR STORY!! It's so cuuuute~~~~
TheQuietLeo #5
Chapter 18: Can Lay or Chen plz be an option. They both seem so sweet~
issing004 #6
Chapter 18: Ahhhhhh!!!!!
Make exo fall in love with herr!!!!!! Hahahaha
Then they fight to death for her. Lol haha
issing004 #7
Chapter 18: Update update update
Chapter 18: AAA! cant wait for your next CHAPPIE! ur story is TOTALLY DAEBAK!