Pool time !!!

Badass+ Rich Me = Nerdy+ Bullied Me

    After school ended Daehyun and Yunhee got a ride from Yongguk who picked up Zelo, Joungup and Youngjae from school. EXO took thier limo back to the Kim's mansion. EXO came home before Yunhee and the others. They were all in the living room with nothing to do. Kai was sleeping. Sehun and Tao were arguing about bubble tea and Gucci. The others were eaither watching TV or trying to break up the mankae's fight. The leaders looked in dibelife. 

  Finally after an hour Yunhee came home with the boys with food in thier hand for a bar-b-que. "Oh you boys are home, if you want we are having a small bbq. Wanna join?" Yongguk asked. All of EXO who stopped what they were doing. "Uhh sure we wont mind." Suho asked. "Cool! well we are having a pool party so i guess you guys can get in your swim trunks." Everyone now was moving around.

        Yunhee wasnt aloud to do anything. She called Amber and Sulli to join the party Yongguk and Himchan was getting the meat and food ready. Zelo, Youngjae,and Joungup were all preparing the pool games and the decorations. EXO were all putting on thier swim trunks and preparing sun block. "Hyung can you get my back i cant reach!?" Sehun asked running around looking for Kai. "Why cant you ask someone else! I did it for you last time!" 

   After everyone is settled with what they prepare they all went to the first pool on the house

      All of B.A.P and EXO were in their trunks. All of them had such musclar bodies. Even Zelo barley out of puberty had a sculptured abs. EXO were just sitting around the pool not letting thier whole body emerge in the water yet. B.A.P were just having the time of thier life. Zelo and Jongup were palying vollyball. Yongjae and Daehyun were just sitting by hte poolside with thier feet in the water while Himchan and Yongguk were grilling the meat tenderly. As everyone was socilazing with them selves they all heard screaming from behind. They saw three girls screaming and running towards the pool. Youngjae and Daehyun were getting out of the way as Yunhee, Sulli and Amber jumped into the pool splashing everyone.

      "WHAAAA the water feels DAEBAK !!! Sulli said. Amber was doing laps when she eneterd and Yunhee was just floating along the current amber was making. B.A.P were giving each other lookes and jumped along with them leaving Yongguk alone cooking. EXO were soaked. Yunhee came ou tof the pool to help Yongguk with the food. EXO's eyes widen at the image of Yunhee's body Though it was a one piece it hugged her curves well. 


    She was preparing the table and saw EXO casually enter the pool and smiled. "Atleast they dont do anything now." She thought. After a while it seems that EXO and B.A.P got along well Yongjae and Jongup were with thier girlfriends at the corners of the pool. EXO were split against each other playing vollyball in the pool. Himchan was with EXO-K and Zelo with EXO-M. After 6 rounds each team had an even amount of ties. "Foods ready." 

     Everyone sat at the table. It was quiet for Yunhee and EXO. Yunhee was between Daehyun and Kai. Daehyun was eating and even laughing. Yunhee smiled then and there. Kai was just eyeing his plate. 

 After that delicious dinner, they all sat around the fireplace just warming up and talking. Everyone called it a night and went to thier rooms. Sulli and Amber fell asleep in thier boyfriends room happliy. Yunhee was cleaning up alone assuring no help from anyone. As she cleaned the tables, someone from behind took her towel and started to clean the table himself. 

 "Luhan-shi" Yunhee said. He gave her an assuring grin and went back to work. She picked up another towel and cleaned up with him.  It was silent, more like awkward between the two. Luhan was just focusing on the table when he felt some dirty soap come across his face. He looked up and saw Yunhee shaking her towel and had a surprised face. 

  "Im soo sorry Luhan-shi. I didnt mean to-ahh!" Before finsihing her sentence Luhan pushed her into the pool laughing a bit. "Ah- Luha-I cant- swim!. To -guhh-deeep-gahh!" Yunhee was drowning a bit and Luhan was still wipping his face. 

 He looked into the water and saw Yunhee not really moving much. Worried he called her name a couple of times."Yah stop playing okie just get ... oh SH*T!" Luahn imedietly jumped into the pool. He couldnt see past the blur of the water but felt Yunhee and grabbed her and quickly swam up to the edge. He placed her carfully by the poolside. He jumped up and started CPR. When she still wouldnt budge Luhan had no other choice. 

 He grabbed and began mouth to mouth. She still wasnt moving. Luhan didnt give up so easily. His mouth never left hers untill she coughed up the water in her and rolled around. Luhan sighed and breath heavily while watching Yunhee just lay there tierd. Luhan still breathing hard broght his hand to his lips. *"My lips feel...funny..in a good way."* He thought. 

  He shook it off relizing Yunhee was still unconsious and tierd. He got up and carried Yunhee in bridal style. He walked ran upstairs to her room as he told maids to change her clothes. After they finished, Luhan came into the room carfully. He saw Yunhee laying in her bed tucked in warmly. He came closer next to her bed and sat on the floor. He just looked at her face not even blinking. Without warning Luhan blinked and relized his face with a couple of centimeters from hers lips almost brushing each other. 

   He took a step back almost falling, and left the room closing the door cafully. He was still in shock with what almost happend. He touched his lips again and unconsiously had a small grin on his face."No Luhan stop it! AISH ! What is going on?!?!" With that he left her door and went back to his room and fell asleep on the spot. 













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RienHamzah #1
Chapter 18: Please aupdate soon
sunliu94 #2
Chapter 17: Like the story but the font cursive is hard to read
-kimmyeons #3
Chapter 1: Hey this is great but can you.. um... careful with the typos? Because.. i hardly understand yours. Um its okay if theres one, but keep it lesser? Anyway this is great and i'm going to read it again!
TheQuietLeo #4
Chapter 18: Forgot to say this earlier...I REALLY REALLY REALLY ABSOLUTELY LOVE UR STORY!! It's so cuuuute~~~~
TheQuietLeo #5
Chapter 18: Can Lay or Chen plz be an option. They both seem so sweet~
issing004 #6
Chapter 18: Ahhhhhh!!!!!
Make exo fall in love with herr!!!!!! Hahahaha
Then they fight to death for her. Lol haha
issing004 #7
Chapter 18: Update update update
Chapter 18: AAA! cant wait for your next CHAPPIE! ur story is TOTALLY DAEBAK!