The Plan

Badass+ Rich Me = Nerdy+ Bullied Me

           Okie sooooo... imma have to rush the being whole friends thing in the next couple of chapeters cuz i really want to write the romantic and lovey parts :) !!!!! Oh yea DOUBLE UPDATING !!!


        The next week Chen and Yunhee have been hanging out at school and even at home. They got comfortable enough to even swim together. Chen lost his romantic feelings towards Yunhee and sees her as a sister as much as Yunhee sees him as a brother. At school they even stay in Mr.Kim's class as he leves and they study, talk and play games with each otehr. Sulli and Amber even started to warm up to Chen. 

    Once they even took him to the skatepark. He busted his lips and knee and was afraid to get on one ever again. EXO on the other hand were trying to find out more about Yunhee and how they will approch her. The best way to do so is by being with one person: Chen. 

    After school EXO had an emergency meeting. CHen had to let Yunhee go home with Daehyun and B.A.P as he left. He went to a restricted part of the park in the city where only him and the rest of EXO are only allowed to enter. He walked into the forest for about 5 minuets and reached a lit treehouse the size of a small house. On the the opening gate was written. EXO Planet.

 Chen walked along the little bridge and enterd the treehouse seeing all his friends talking and throwing things. He sat next to Lay as Kris and Suho quiet downed the place. "Okie guys so we have a proposition to make. We uhh-uhh. Su-suho why dont you uh take ov-over." Kris seemed to forget what was going on. Suho just patted his back and spoke up. "Guys i think we should be firends with Yunhee." Chen stiffend and everyone else stayed quiet. 


"Yeah she propably doesnt even want to be our friends after what KAI did to her."


OH yeah!!? Lets push some nerdy girl against the locker for fun shall we?!?

"Hey! You were there too!"

" I didnt shove her and bully her since freshman year!!

"Come on guys can you guys stop"

"SHUT UP CHANYEOL! And besides You pushed her once i remember because she wouldnt move for you DO KYUNGSOO!

"Okie guys this is way out of hand!" 


"Hey Hey DOnt talk to Baekki like that!"

   All this arguing between Kai, D.O, Baekhyun, even Chanyeol got Tao and even Sehun frightend, they even got watery eyes looking at them. 

     SLAM!!!! "SHUT THE F**K UP!" Everyone's eyes grew wide like D.O's. Never in their whole entire life have they heard Chen ever raise his voice or curse. It was like he wasnt Chen anymore. He was a demon. Everyone sat down a little intimidated even Kai. 

   "Now why do you guys want to be friends with her anyways. Kai you hurt one time to many! Everyone else here also hurt her once of more since High school. Even Middle school! SO WHY NOW?!" Everone was silent. "We just want to be firends with her like you are to her hyung." Tao had the most innocent face ever. Chen sighed. "So what do guys suppose to do?" Kris and Suho just had a smirk plasterd to thier face.

     The next day during lunch Yunhee waited for Chen to come to Mr.Kim's room. As Chen came in, she noticed his face a bit upset. And she knew why. 

    11 of the most handome boys just followed him into the classroom.


   DOUBL:E UPDATE !!!!!! Admit it yall love me LOL ^_^


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RienHamzah #1
Chapter 18: Please aupdate soon
sunliu94 #2
Chapter 17: Like the story but the font cursive is hard to read
-kimmyeons #3
Chapter 1: Hey this is great but can you.. um... careful with the typos? Because.. i hardly understand yours. Um its okay if theres one, but keep it lesser? Anyway this is great and i'm going to read it again!
TheQuietLeo #4
Chapter 18: Forgot to say this earlier...I REALLY REALLY REALLY ABSOLUTELY LOVE UR STORY!! It's so cuuuute~~~~
TheQuietLeo #5
Chapter 18: Can Lay or Chen plz be an option. They both seem so sweet~
issing004 #6
Chapter 18: Ahhhhhh!!!!!
Make exo fall in love with herr!!!!!! Hahahaha
Then they fight to death for her. Lol haha
issing004 #7
Chapter 18: Update update update
Chapter 18: AAA! cant wait for your next CHAPPIE! ur story is TOTALLY DAEBAK!