
Badass+ Rich Me = Nerdy+ Bullied Me


   Yunhee EXO and Even B.A.P were all going crazy with the "idea" of EXO moving in. "Umma, why would they move in? They have thier own houses." Himchan said. Daehyun and the other boys nodded vigioursly as tehy try to convince his mom. Mrs. Kim just smiled amd sat back down.

   "Well as you know son, your getting 25% share of the company and that means alot of changes are to be arranged for your father to control. You also are the next person who can take your father's place as CEO as well as these fine boys will be when they proceed thier fathers job.

    So in technicalilty you are in charge of all of them." She pointed to all the EDXO members. Youngjae spoke up"But what does that have to do with them living here with Himchan hyung?" This time Himchan's dad spoke.

   "Well since i have to go to America soon to make the canges, Thier fathers also have to make the plans when they all become proceded by us, so we finalilized that all of us, including your parents boys will go to America to settle the matter of the company. Since you all are gonna be working together sooner or later, you all mine as well live together adn get to know each other."

  Everyone was still silent. Suddenly  all 12 of the EXO boys were freaking out yelling like bafoons abouyt the situation. Through all that ruckus, Yunhee seemed to have escaped from the catastophe. Daehyun also noticed and followed her outside towards the second pool farther away from the house


  Yunhee took off her heels and dipped her feet into the warm water of the pool. The layed back ignoring the ruckus going on the the house. "Ahhh it feels good to not to listen to anyone or anything huh?" Yunhee opened her eyes almost lost balance but Daehyun caught her around the waist. They stared into each others eyes. "Aish Oppa you could have made more noise yknow?!" Yunhee pushed Daehyun away as he was laughing at her dippin his feet in the pool as well. "Oppa~ i don't want them to live here!~" Daehyun gave her a sympathetic look.

 Only Daehyun knows the situation at her school and even EXO was the problem of them. He tries to convince her of to just show her true self but she kept on going to school as a nerd. Yunhee leaned her head on Daehyun as he placed his hand on her shoulder. 

 "Hey, do you remember what i used to do whenever we were at the pool???" Daehyun asked so casually Yuhnee didnt noticed the sly smile he had on him. Yunhee looked striaght at the stars"Mmmm you always threw me in without warnNINGGGGGG!~" Yunhee was imedietly picked up my Daehyun and without another second he jumped to the pool with Yunhee in his arms. They were both socking wet though they were still in thier dress clothes. 

   "OPPA! Look WHAT YOU DID!!! MY MOM MADE THIS!!! OPPA~!!!!!!" Daehyun was still laughing though Yunhee was red. "Before you drown me, dont you feel better now??" Daehyun was wriggling his eyebrows. He just gave her his signature smile

    Yunhee thought about it. Truth was she did feel better she was soaked in lukewarm water and the fresh air she was breathing was making her feel like in her own world.

    Without warning Yunhee attacked Daehyun ducking his head into the water. They played in the water splashing each other with all thier might forgetting the fuss in the mansion. Having the time of thier lives.

    Back at the house, all the EXO members were freaking out with the situation. Suho and Kris tried to clam down thier members. They looked at each other nodding and bowed towards thier parents. "We agree to saty here while you all are on your trip. Please be safe." They both said. Everyone looked at them shocked. Zelo broke into the EXO group and kneeled on his knees. "Please if they stay, I wanna stay here with Himchan Hyung and Yunhee noona!" Himchan and the others had saucers for eyes now. Yongguk looked at the others and they all stood next to Zelo. Jongup, Yongjae,and Yongguk all kneeled. "Please let us stay as well!" 

  All the parents looked at them shocked. Mrs.Kim looked at her husband who gave her an approving nod. Mrs.Kim Just smiled at them indicating a yes which they all cheered on. Himchan just smiled at the fact that his friends will stay at his place with Yunhee. Himchan's face turned serious as he nocticed Yunhee and Dahyun were nowhere to be found. "HEY! Where is Yunhee and Dayhyun?!?!?!!" Everyone looked around even EXO who were still comphansating the situation just now. 

   Everyone went looking for them and B.A.P called Daehyun and Yunhee on thier cell but no answer. Himchan was pacing up and down thinking. "AH!" Everyone looked at him with an expected look. "The pool!"B.A.P, Mr.and Mrs Kim looked at each other giving a duh face. They all ran towards the second pool to find you and Daehyun just getting out of the pool soaked in thier "fancy" clothes drying off and laughing at each other. They gave each other a smile smile.  

  "Ahem!" Zelo said with annoyance. He knew Daehyun always does this which was getting on Zelo's nerves as he got to spend time with his "noona". 

  Yunhee and Daehyun looked over to see B.A.P Yunhee's parents. EXO's family, and EXO themselves with a shocked face. "Aigoo, my daughter never learns to never be near Daehyun when it comes to the pool. Well no matter now get ready to sleep and EXO will get all thier things to move in for tomrrow. Oh and B.A.P as well." Mrs.Kim said. "We, adults, have buisness to attend in America for a while now." All you behave and we will see you boys in the morning." Al the parents left leaving B.A.P and EXO behind with Yunhee looking down not wantting to look at EXO. 

   Daehyun saw Yunhee and just held her hand. Yunhee looked up and saw a warming smile on Daehyun. The B.A.P boys were just looking in disgust. Though they arent dating, they act to mushy and cute towards each other.  They all were pretending to choke and die while EXO had a confusing face on them. "Are they reallty dating? The nerd has a boyfriend. She isnt a nerd. She is BEAUTIFUL." They all thought


 AHHHHHHHHHH yay made my promise to update ! Yea im making a double update tonight or maybe a triple but whateves depend on me veing tierd :)  

Baekhyun SPAZZ !

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RienHamzah #1
Chapter 18: Please aupdate soon
sunliu94 #2
Chapter 17: Like the story but the font cursive is hard to read
-kimmyeons #3
Chapter 1: Hey this is great but can you.. um... careful with the typos? Because.. i hardly understand yours. Um its okay if theres one, but keep it lesser? Anyway this is great and i'm going to read it again!
TheQuietLeo #4
Chapter 18: Forgot to say this earlier...I REALLY REALLY REALLY ABSOLUTELY LOVE UR STORY!! It's so cuuuute~~~~
TheQuietLeo #5
Chapter 18: Can Lay or Chen plz be an option. They both seem so sweet~
issing004 #6
Chapter 18: Ahhhhhh!!!!!
Make exo fall in love with herr!!!!!! Hahahaha
Then they fight to death for her. Lol haha
issing004 #7
Chapter 18: Update update update
Chapter 18: AAA! cant wait for your next CHAPPIE! ur story is TOTALLY DAEBAK!