The 25 Of November Came Early

Badass+ Rich Me = Nerdy+ Bullied Me



            Both Sulli and Amber yelled. Daehyun dropped the ball and even his teammates saw the ball. 

    Yunhee had fast relflexes. Even before Amber's warning she saw the yellow-green ball in the corner of her eye and slammed the tennis ball caseing friction to her racket, making the ball swing towards teh fence behind her making the ball caught in the fence.

    Everyone, even the coaches were wide eye by the reflexes Yunhee had. "Yunhee-ah! Gwenchana!?!""Unnie your not hurt right?!""Yunhee-ahh are you okay? Amber Sulli and Daehyun all ran towards her shaking her. "Neh Gwenchana it just took me by surprise thats all." They looked over to Krystal and Luna who looked bored and just walked off the court. 

     Everyone went back to playing thier games. After about half and hour passed and everyone went back in to change. Yunhee and her friends enterd the locker room last only to be stared down by everyone. Yunhee awkwardly changed only her pants and walked out. 

  She see's Daehyun, who didnt change at all, holding his bag.He waves to her and pointed to the right. All three of them look over to see Youngguk's convertable with Joungup and Youngjae. Amber and Sulli ran over there as fast as they could. "Yah we are going to eat! Wanna come!" Himchan screams to Yunhee. She was about to walk over but Daehyun pulled her back. "Nah Hyung we got somthing else planned. Right?" He gave her a look which she just nodded. The others left with Amber and Sulli. 

    With that Daehyun led her to the back of the school where Yunhee spotted his motorcycle.

 They rode for about 30 min till they stopped in front of a big house.

 "Oppa isnt this ...""Its almost the 25 you know?? She is coming back soon." Yunhee looked a bit happy and hugged Daehyun before entering the home. 

       After about 2 and a half hours they returned home to a noisy house. EXO was nowhere to be seen but Everyone heard B.A.P even Amber and Sulli were still there. "Unnie I think thats him!" Daehyun and Yunhee had a confused face and saw Sulli and Amber come towards them dragging Daehyun and pushing Yunhee into the living room. B.A.P were all huddled around someone.

    "Who is that?" Yunhee asked. B.A.P all saw Daehyun and Yunhee and scooted out hte way for Daehyun. Right there in front of them was the one person who Daehyun couldnt bare to live with out. "UNNIE!!!" Yunhee ran up to her and hugged her like no tomrrow. "I cant belive your here!" She patted Yunhee's head and looked past her and saw a shocked Daehyun. 

   She came towards Daehyun adn waved her hand in front of him. "Noona he wont wake up from that yo gotta do..." She took Daehyun's by the neak connecting lips with each other. "that" Joungup continued She backed away from the kiss and looked at Daehyun again. "Im back Daehyunne." She whisperd.


   He hugged her almost on the verge of tears. "Eunji-ah~" 

  ANYEONG!!! Yea Daehyun got himself back his girl!!!! OKIE I just wanted DAehyun to have some spotlight in the story since now he really wont be much of a main caracter in the story now. Im gonna focus on EXO mostly from now on. :) 

    Oh yess soo i am srsly going into writers block on how to continue! :( I need a little help to spark my mind again. If and of you awesome SUBBIES have any ideas please to tell :) 




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RienHamzah #1
Chapter 18: Please aupdate soon
sunliu94 #2
Chapter 17: Like the story but the font cursive is hard to read
-kimmyeons #3
Chapter 1: Hey this is great but can you.. um... careful with the typos? Because.. i hardly understand yours. Um its okay if theres one, but keep it lesser? Anyway this is great and i'm going to read it again!
TheQuietLeo #4
Chapter 18: Forgot to say this earlier...I REALLY REALLY REALLY ABSOLUTELY LOVE UR STORY!! It's so cuuuute~~~~
TheQuietLeo #5
Chapter 18: Can Lay or Chen plz be an option. They both seem so sweet~
issing004 #6
Chapter 18: Ahhhhhh!!!!!
Make exo fall in love with herr!!!!!! Hahahaha
Then they fight to death for her. Lol haha
issing004 #7
Chapter 18: Update update update
Chapter 18: AAA! cant wait for your next CHAPPIE! ur story is TOTALLY DAEBAK!