Last Forever


Ahhh this chapter ...I've been writing it for a while without going back to make sure it was done well enough. I hope you guys aren't too upset with it~ thanks so much for reading until now though <3


Last Forever~<3

Thunder’s p.o.v

I heard beeping. My eyes were opening so slow I felt drained of all of my energy and for a while the space around me was blurry. The steady beeping hit my eardrums over and over until I came to and all the walls were white. I put my hands up and looked at them, examining them for some reason. Where am I? I looked at my palms then the back of my hands until my arms got tired. My whole body was heavy and it was cold, freezing. I heard a shriek like something metal passing over a tiled floor and I turned my head in the direction of the sounds instead of my entire body. Joon was sitting near me. He was in a chair, wrapped in a grey wooly blanket. His feet were up to his chest and his head rested on his knee. It looked like his hair was wet because of the way his black locks wiggled and waved near his face. I tried to flip completely to face him and survey the rest of this place we were in but a burning pain shot through my left side and I cried out from it. Joon looked up at me and his eyes were a dark red and the bags under his eyes made him look like a sleepy panda. “Oh you’re up Doongie?” His voice was raspy and his mouth hardly moved when he talked to me. I grabbed my side and curled my legs up to my stomach there was pain was still pinching at my side. “Hey don’t move so much alright? It worries me.” ”Sorry.” My voice was raspy too, that’s weird. But the beeping and the white room and the freezing temperature and the pain…we’re in a hospital.

                “Joon what happened?” I asked him in the clearest voice I could muster and he just looked up at me like a puppy that’s been left alone all day and it heard his master at the door. “Oh my god Thunder you’re up!” He got up and held his side and slowly approached the bed. He smelled really good, like vanilla and something else I couldn’t put my finger on but it was a fresh scent. When he sat beside me on the bed he leaned over and held my face in his hands and placed his lips on my forehead and he just stayed like that for a while. “Good morning Thunder how do you feel?” He pointed to the window sill and I noticed his camera there and the red light was on. I haven’t been filmed like this in a while. “My side hurts hyung.” He just laughed and wiped his eyes, I noticed they were a bit teary. Joon punched my arm and just smiled at me. His arm stayed at his side. “Yah don’t ever scare me like that, don’t ever- scare me like that.” He just got really quiet and choked up for some reason he just pulled the covers back and snuggled his back up to me. If we ever spooned I usually wasn’t the big spoon. Joon hardly ever cries either I just wrapped my arms around him and closed my eyes. I’m still really tired.

Joon’s p.o.v

                My heart hasn’t calmed down since last night. He hasn’t opened his eyes since last night. It was the most terrifying night of my life. Because of a problem Thunder had when he was younger he only has one kidney which is fine but at some point yesterday his kidney started to fail I don’t know if he was in pain or his body was in shock but he just never woke up. A long time ago, a few months ago when he got his first surgery they asked me if something were to happen if any of us would be able to help him. Omma was always sick and even though she’s better now she could never …and Dara wasn’t a match after exhausting those choices and with his dad not being around I was his only choice and without any thought I signed to be a donor for him. For a while and without him knowing certain people in my life gave me a lot of crap for it but I ignored it. I love Thunder and everything about him and even if we were to break up and go our separate ways I would never want to find out that he had passed away no matter how things turned out I would never regret this. When I crawled into the back of the ambulance truck last night I was fully prepared to give one of my kidneys to who I consider the love of my life. No questions asked, no thinking necessary. They told me there was a good chance that it wouldn’t work even though I was a match for him though I needed to recover from the surgery too I couldn’t sleep I kept leaving my room and peeking through his window to see if he was awake yet. I caused the nurses a lot of grief so they said I could just stay in the room with him for a while. I’ve never been so happy to see his dark brown eyes in my life. I don’t want him to fall asleep yet.

                “Hey Doongie-ah?” “Hmm?” Just his little, half awake, response made my heart jump. “Remember when we first met?” “Mhm” “What did you think of me then?” He tightened his arms around me and nuzzled his face into my neck. “I thought you were a grumpy hyung. –light laugh- I thought this dirty, grumpy hyung wants to me to be in a erted movie this is bad.” … “But after a while I could see Joonie hyung’s true heart he was really nice he just didn’t know how to show it. He helped me out a lot in my life from the beginning before he was my…” He didn’t say anything but he my neck and that gave me chills. “Yah Doongie-ah what’s gotten into you?” He just laughed at my question, it was obvious in his voice that he was still tired but was forcing himself to stay awake for me. “Because hyung was nice to me without even knowing it I liked him right away. I thought for a while if this hyung really wants me in erted movie then I would do it for him.” I squirmed in his grip. “Yah don’t talk like that. I’m not a ert!” He nibbled my ear. “It must be the medication but I feel like being physical with you hyung.” What is he twelve? “being physical” aish this kid really needs some rest and I could use some too.

                “Just another thing Doongie””Mhm?””I want to have a date tonight.” He laughed again. “First you give me your kidney and now you wanted to take me to dinner. Joonie is spoiling me is it my birthday?” He was teasing me and it would have worked if I wasn’t so exhausted. “I just want to spend special time with you, if you could eat anything you wanted even if the nurse noona said no what would it be?” He thought about it for a while, I thought he had fallen to sleep but he humming while he thought about it. “If hyung isn’t on the menu then pizza, with chocolate cake for dessert I don’t know what to drink.” “Haha ahh you’re not that greedy, you never have been. We do have to drink water though so don’t worry about drinking.” “When we have this date, will hyung dress up for me?” I bit my lip I felt really different when he spoke to me and I suddenly felt like his dongsaeng. “Will you dress up for me?” He nodded into my neck and pinched my skin between his teeth. “Then it’s a date.”

                The door creaked open and I looked up. “Changsun” The nurse called and motion me out the door. It was time for my check up so I slipped out of bed before he woke up. I didn’t realize how hard it was for me to move around. My back felt cold when I moved away from his I felt sad looking back at him sleeping and knowing we would be apart for even a little while but I guess the camera would watch him for me …as creepy as that may sound. It’s okay I have a few strings to pull before the end of the night.

                “You must be really close?” I just nodded as she checked my vitals and other things. “We could be closer but we’re working on that.” She only grinned at me and told me to stay in my room for a while. Where the nurse made a mistake is when she asked if I needed anything. “Mm a phone I need to call a few people please. Oh and can I ask when visiting hours are over?” She rolled my eyes I’ve only been in the hospital for a little over 12 hours but she’s already had enough of me. She knows I’m up to something. “7pm Lee Joon ssi.” “Thank you ^^.” The door closed behind her after she handed me the room phone.  I did sneak down the hall and across to Doongie’s room just to grab the camera I wanted to record a message for him before I started getting everything ready.

[Dial Tone]

Omma :Hello?

Joon :Ahh Omma it’s me Joon

Omma :Ahh my perfect son in law how are you?

Joon :Ha. Ah omma we’re in the hospital we…had to surgery last night but I wasn’t able to contact anyone until now Mianhe.

Omma :… I-I see and how is he? The both of you?

Joon :He’s fine, just resting I understand that you want visit soon but can I ask something of you before you do?

Omma : Of course my son anyhing.

Joon: Can you sneak in pizza for seven?

Omma :….excuse me? You call to ask if I can smuggle in pizza for my injured sons?

Joon :Ommaaaa really

Omma :Okay okay

Joon :And chocolate cake

Omma :You’re too much Lee Changsun

Joon :Thank you omma.

[End of call].

Just a few more people to call…

Following that I called Dara and asked very kindly if she could sneak in a few things for me and Doongie. The only people left to call were my parents… When appa answered I got ahead of myself and just asked if he was my real dad…and he said yes. My mother was in the room and I could hear him on the other end moving around to get to another room.

When he reached the other room he explained to me that he was my real father but for years, the woman that I’ve been calling omma isn’t my omma not by blood but she loved me just the same. ”So why?” I asked with a heavy heart I didn’t understand and before I went on with the rest of my day I needed to know. “Your mother got sick, she didn’t have much longer. She wanted you to forget her because she didn’t want these memories of her to come up and hurt you Joonie. She asked if I would take you in and of course I said yes you’re my son but she wanted you and know- your mother to have a relationship like you were her own. Your birth mother passed day actually. I really never wanted to tell you any of this especially not over the phone.”

I couldn’t respond. What was I supposed to say? I wasn’t even sure if I believed his story but I didn’t want to dwell on it any longer I just wanted to forget this all for now. I stifled back my tears and swallowed the lump in my throat. “ and omma should come to the hospital tonight. OH right I forgot to tell you I’m in the hospital but I’m alright. I really hope you all come and dress up nice.”

The plan is falling together nicely.


Thunder’s P.O.V

I don’t know how I managed to sleep with all the beeping machines round me but I guess I was just that tired not to mention the heavy medicines I’ve taken. There was no wonder as to why when I woke up and looked out the window and it was dark. I looked over to the other side of the room and there was a bag hanging on the door with a sticky not attached. I made my way over to it the floor was ice cold even with my socks on. “Put this on” I read out loud then pulled the zipper on the bag down. “A suit?” I already knew that Joonie was up to something and instantly a smile appeared on my face. What are you up to hyung?

Time passed and a knock graced my door and Joon slipped in, he was a nice, crisp black suit and he had done something different with his hair he looked really handsome though and I wasn’t expecting that. “Ah that fits you really well Doongie.” He smiled held my face in his hand then placed a gentle kiss on my lips. I wasn’t sure why we were both wearing suits but I was definitely more curious. He took me to his room and insisted we played videos games. I know he didn’t just get dressed up and have me get dressed up just to play video games in his room. Where did he get the suits? Who brought him the games? He wouldn’t even look at me he was seriously being secretive.

“Joonie-ah…” “Wae?” “What are you up to?” He just leaned over and kissed my cheek. “You’ll see.” He squeezed my knee before he returned both his hands to his game controller. I guess I’ll see.


Joon p.o.v

I glanced across the hall when Thunder wasn’t looking and I saw Dara give me the “ok.” “Okay Let’s go back to your room I want to show you something.” I grabbed the camera and his hand and we stepped across the hall. I didn’t take much to have it all set up just a table and fake candles on the surface, a few boxes of pizza and chocolate cake. I watched his eyes light up and when he turned around to look at me I figure he noticed my parents behind me and his sister and his mom. Everyone got all dressed up to visit us in the hospital before visiting hours had passed. We we’re finally going to watch this film I worked so long on. I figured it was about time to I’m sure everyone has wanted to watch it for a long time.

 “Hey there you two look healthy.” Thunder mom grabbed us in her tight embrace and kissed our cheeks firmly. She held both my shoulders in her hands then hugged me tighter than I think I’ve ever been hugged in my entire life. She started to cry into my suit jacket and I realized that she was thanking me. “Omma don’t cry I didn’t do anything special.” I kissed the top of her hand and waited until she felt better. “Crying already we just got here.” Dara commented wiping her eyes. Everyone sat down and I pressed play.

The first scene was of me, I recorded it just before I started planning this little family get together. “Doongie-ah if you’re watching this then all my planning either worked out or I gave up and I’m just showing you this in your room with just the two of us. Either way I’m so happy to be in your presence from the day I met you I haven’t been the same. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or not but I’m so happy we’ve grown so much together in the last year. Now I’ll let you watch everything I captured in our time together I hope everyone likes it! Saranghaeyo [embarrassed laugh].” There was another message at the end of the film after everyone saw how we met, when I met his mom, the days we spent together eating lunch or watching tv, the laughs and the cries and everything in between. When we went to the fair, when Thunder lost his memory, when we fed ducks in the park, when he threw me a surprise birthday party, when he got his first job all the memories compiled into one video. There wasn’t a dry eye in the room not even the nurse who came in to tell everyone visiting hours were over.

                Before everyone left and after all the kisses and hugs the nurse took a group picture of us all. We were all this big weird family now but I wouldn’t have it any other way.


Thunder’s p.o.v

Then it was just me and my boyfriend. My heart was racing. “Diiiid you like it?” I could only nod to his question I was afraid I might burst into tears if I said anything. It took me a while to think and process. It was so odd seeing how quickly but steadily our lives together progressed and how much of it was just stored on a tape and how we could just watch it. I can only imagine how much he cut out, It was incredible. “You captured so much in this last year hyung.” He started to take off his suit jacket then sat next to me on the bed. Joon took both my hands in his and leaned over again to kiss my cheek. “But you captured so much more. You captured my heart. You changed me for the better and I’m forever in your debt. I love you, you know that right Thunder?”

“Ahh why are you being so cheesy I think it would have been better if you were actually a ert.”

He tackled me for saying that but it was gentle and playful obviously in our condition. “I love you too Joonie-ah.” He smiled and my heart started to race again. “Then let me capture one more thing.” He said. “What’s that?”


He only responded with the longest kiss I’ve ever had. I’ve never been happier~

The End~ 


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I really meant to post the chapter I wrote days ago It will be up later today Happy New year!


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Chapter 24: Authornim you are amazing
Chapter 24: Authornim , This story will be one of my all the time favorite fic ^^ Thankyou so much Authornim to making such a great story :3
Chapter 24: T^T.... its the incredible story I read... I love so so so so so much...
authornim.. youre daebak.. I hope you will make joondoong other story again and again and again and again and again... please..... hehehehheheheh
wonja2 #4
Chapter 24: You almost gave me a heart attack, I thought thunder was going to die! Especially with the title "last forever".
illuminousink #5
Chapter 24: oh my God.... I... I dont know... oh my God... oh... my eyes... They've been sweating already... this story... ah the ending is just wondeful!!! You're awesome author-nim... I'm really moved right now. I've started crying since Joon's POV. I really really really love this story. this is the best JoonDoong story that I've ever read in AFF. I really love it. Thank you so much for writing such a wonderful story... I really hope you will write some more JoonDoong. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Chapter 23: You need to help them!!! Please! And make the apartment not go up in flames and let doongie meet joon's parents TT
please update SOON
Chapter 23: omo?????? doongie!!! ottokhe?? authornim.. please help them.. help thunder and joon for their problem... oh my.. I hope you will update soon... so soon.. please.... T^T
Iam worried about doongie condition and joon problem... T^T
Chapter 22: Authornim just a question. What is my Doongie's condition? He is ill of what? Makes me worry. I love the story is just too beautiful. I read all the chapters in one day and i want more :(. You're so good in writting. Keep fighting.
Chapter 22: so sweetest... oh my... I hope doongie do not broke up their relationship... authornim... eventhough you are busy... keep fighting to update neh... ^^
this is my fav fic... hhahahah