Tug of War (Part 2)



Yeah I'm editing this now but I wanted to upload it now so~ if you're reading it and you're kind of like.... wth~ I'm sorry XD! Try to Enjoy anyway?



                     I left the room and Kwanghee followed so faithfully. We sat outside under a large tree’s shade and ate sandwiches and fruit. “What is it?” Kwanghee asked suddenly but I didn’t know what he meant. “Why does he look at you like that?” I titled my head but continued to nibble my sandwich. “Changsun, he looks at you like I don’t know never mind.” Was Kwanghee seeing something that I didn’t? “What’s your story anyway?” He asked. “Um honestly?” He nodded. “Honestly.” I thought thoroughly about telling him what my story really was but decided I really had nothing to lose by telling him who I really was. “I only met him recently you know. Just a few months ago it seems like. Even I sometimes think this is ridiculous.” I laid my head back against the large trunk of the tree. “What do you mean?” Kwanghee picked up an apple slice and nibbled on it. “I love good stories I’m really excited oooooh. Changsun never tells anyone anything.” He admitted. “He’s been working on the project for a while I guess. A film project” Kwanghee kept his camera on me normally I would’ve have found it strange but with being around Joon a lot I had become accustomed to being filmed. “I was working in a park near my house or a pretty bad part of town. Raking leaves like I did everyday around that time.” After each sentence left my mouth I felt more and more self-conscious but it became harder to conceal those words within myself I just felt like someone needed to hear my story. “He walked by me one day and asked to film me I thought he was some kind of ert crazy person!” “Eheeheehee how funny Changsun is so weird! You should have run if he sounded like a crazy person!” He clapped his hands together in merriment. I laughed at how much Kwanghee was enjoying the story. Maybe I should have ran how did I know I could trust him? “I guess he only wanted to film me because he liked my face and figure and even more after he found out how much of a sad case I was. I guess I was working too hard at the time and passed out from exhaustion and stress” I left out the part about my progressing sickness. “I woke up in his house.”

                “He kidnapped you! Oh my gawd you should have called the police!” This hyung is always so animated. “It wasn’t like that …he fed me. I’m poor you see. My father took my two older sisters and abandoned me and my mother when I was very young and since my mother was terminally ill for most of my life I couldn’t go to school I had to work to feed her and myself and kept heat, water and lights in our rat hole of a house.” “Oh my god that is terrible Doogie-ssi.” I wasn’t sure if he was being sincere or pitying me or just pointing out a fact. “I guess I became an even better subject after he saw what my life was like. We needed the money so his pity paid off and he got something out of it too.” “But he loves you that’s not pity.” I snapped my neck in his direction. “W-what?” He sighed and rested his hand on my shoulder. “Changsun is in love with you that’s why he did what he did. Right now he’s just being stupid but it’ll pass…I hope.”

We both snapped our heads in the direction of the house when we heard the sliding back door being opened. Mir came out then Joon. “You ladies done having your little tea party?” I just ignored the comment. “Are you ready to combat pretty boy” I cringed at Kwanghee’s trash talk. “You’re too pretty to play with us, we’re rough. You might break a nail or get split ends.” I placed my hand over his and lowered it. “Just- that’s enough hyung you told him.” I cleared my throat then got up. “Come on up hyung.” The other group didn’t say anything they just motioned us to follow them to the side of the house. There was a set of jerseys and sweatbands waiting for us. Ours were black and theirs were red. We slipped them on over our clothes and then I noticed the long rope over a sectioned off area of sand. “Hyung take your shoes off we won’t slide as much.” I wanted to assume that Joon and Mir would play far but he said everything goes. Kwanghee didn’t look too strong but he wasn’t exactly skinny so I hoped he could hold his own in tug of war. Joon has muscle so I would have to try hard against him and Mir…is an idiot. This should be an evenly matched game. Mir disappeared for a moment while Kwanghee and I rolled up our pant legs and began to stretch. I let my feet dig into the sand and let it slip between my toes while I wiggle them. But suddenly my ankles became wet. We looked down and saw the water seeping into the sand and making it thick. “Is this your way of making this hard for us?” I asked a bit more irritated than before. “Anything goes” he motioned Mir back over to him “That’s enough we’re going to start now.” We all tightened our grips of the rope, Mir decided to offer his final line of assurance. “He’ll never take you down hyung we have this!” I just laughed at his wording. “Don’t be so sure.”

“Mir hold on to me tight.” Mir wrapped his arms around Joon’s waist while we tugged. It actually worked in our favor that we were barefoot and the sand was wet and locked in place. Because Joon had Mir clinging to him it was easier to pull them down as a pair. Though I would have preferred them falling back and crushing Mir it would have been better than him falling on top of Joon –sigh-

Team KwangDong – 1

Team Joomi – 0


The group all heaved after the first round of idiotic games. “He’s stronger than he looks hyung.” Joon just nodded with a grimace on his face and sand in his hair. “He is stronger isn’t he.” For a second it almost seemed like Joon was singing. “The next game has nothing to do with strength anyway.” He was right Capture the flag was next. Each pair had three flags. The rules were a bit different but the goal was the same: find the other teams flags before they find yours. There were some many places to hide the flag in the huge back yard. Thunder hid one in a high tree that neither Joon nor Mir could reach without leaving their own flags vulnerable. Another flag was hidden in the front yard attach to the mailbox and the last flag and the most important was planted in the sand box from earlier. The only thing left was to decide who would guard the last flag and who would look for the other team’s flag. After a game of rock, paper, scissors it was decided that Thunder would go search and Kwanghee would keep watch. If anyone got their last flag the game would be over he had to watch carefully.

Joon sat back and allowed Mir to hide their flags. One of which he hung on the fence between Joon’s background and the neighbors backyard. It would be hard for even Thunder to get down without falling over the fence or dropping the flag on the other side. After the game started he waited and searched for the remaining two flags. Of course Mir was left to guard the main flag and Joon was on the search. Shortly after searching for a while Thunder realized from watching Joon that they we’re cheating again. He rolled his eyes, one of their flags was planted right in Joon’s back pocket. It was almost like he wanted Mir to win this. He pretended for a moment that he was going to cross paths with Joon as he neared their first flag at the mailbox. He ran and grabbed the flag from his pants quickly then ran back to the fence to attempt to and retrieve the flag there. He knew he could easily out smart and out run Mir and get their last flag. This game seemed too easily as he reached the top of the fence but lost his balance and fell to the other side. Luckily there was a pool toy there to break his fall.

He cringed from the pain anyway and rubbed his backside. “That was a pretty big fall is your okay?” Doongie was startled by the voice and finally looked up and noticed a girl near the edge of a pool just a few feet away from him. He blinked a few time, she looked awful familiar to him but he couldn’t figure out why he hadn’t come across many girls in his life so why was he so sure he knew this one. “Hello? Stranger. Is your broken can you walk?” He laughed as he got up still rubbing his backside. “No it’s not broken. I’m um…sorry I fell over your fence, it doesn’t look broken or anything.” She just nodded at him and smiled. “You’re playing with those strange boys from next door. I’ve never seen you here. They haven’t had a sleepover in years. The Joonie always cheats for Mir so I’m hoping you win stranger.” He just bowed and smiled to the strange noona’s sudden wish of goodluck. “Thunder where are you the game is over! We lost.” He heard the call of Kwanghee and sighed. “Well I guess we’re tied so far. I have to go. I’m sorry again.” He began to hoist himself over the fence again but because of his pain he struggled. “You can just take the door over there” She pointed to a door in the fence that lead to the other side. He bowed to her again. “Oh thank you noona you’re so kind.” He made his way toward the door when he heard movement in the water as the girl got out of the pool.

                “You recognize me don’t you? And you weren’t going to say anything Doongie?” He turned around at hearing the tone of the girl’s voice. His eyes were glossy and heavy. “Dara?” ....

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I really meant to post the chapter I wrote days ago It will be up later today Happy New year!


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Chapter 24: Authornim you are amazing
Chapter 24: Authornim , This story will be one of my all the time favorite fic ^^ Thankyou so much Authornim to making such a great story :3
Chapter 24: T^T.... its the incredible story I read... I love this..so so so so so so much...
authornim.. youre daebak.. I hope you will make joondoong other story again and again and again and again and again... please..... hehehehheheheh
wonja2 #4
Chapter 24: You almost gave me a heart attack, I thought thunder was going to die! Especially with the title "last forever".
illuminousink #5
Chapter 24: oh my God.... I... I dont know... oh my God... oh... my eyes... They've been sweating already... this story... ah the ending is just wondeful!!! You're awesome author-nim... I'm really moved right now. I've started crying since Joon's POV. I really really really love this story. this is the best JoonDoong story that I've ever read in AFF. I really love it. Thank you so much for writing such a wonderful story... I really hope you will write some more JoonDoong. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Chapter 23: You need to help them!!! Please! And make the apartment not go up in flames and let doongie meet joon's parents TT
please update SOON
Chapter 23: omo?????? doongie!!! ottokhe?? authornim.. please help them.. help thunder and joon for their problem... oh my.. I hope you will update soon... so soon.. please.... T^T
Iam worried about doongie condition and joon problem... T^T
Chapter 22: Authornim just a question. What is my Doongie's condition? He is ill of what? Makes me worry. I love the story is just too beautiful. I read all the chapters in one day and i want more :(. You're so good in writting. Keep fighting.
Chapter 22: so sweetest... oh my... I hope doongie do not broke up their relationship... authornim... eventhough you are busy... keep fighting to update neh... ^^
this is my fav fic... hhahahah