Christmas Eve

People Change and Happens


         Seung Hyun didn't know if he should get the guys gifts. After all Christmas was a couples' holiday in Korea. Ji Yong usually gave them gifts but, he was the leader. He pondered for a while until he decided he would take them out before Christmas as a gift. Christmas Eve he decided he would take them clubbing. Bae and himself needed a distraction anyways, from all the couples around.  Especially the couple in the group. Bae and Seung Hyun had been helping each other out on that. When he stared to long at Ji Yong, Bae would elbow him into realizing his actions. Seung Hyun would do the same and then some. It seemed that even though Bae had forgiven the maknae he still found him, somewhat more annoying that before his scandal and he wasn't afraid to show it. Seung Hyun had to remind him to keep cool. He'd take his chances and call them up later to see if they were available. 
         As it turned out Daesung was going with his family and Seungri was going to Thailand with some close friends because he promised. Bae had said yes but Ji wasn't sure he could go because he had some songs to finish. He sighed he really had hoped they could all get together but, he knew that they either had a partner ( Ji and Seungri) or were going to see family. He was surprised at the thought that Ji and Seungri were not going to spend Christmas together. They had just gotten back together and it didn't seem right that they would spend their Christmas apart.
        Ji  Yong sat on the bed with his back to the bed post. He had a pen in one hand and his lyric notebook in the other. he read over the line he had just written while Seungri dried his hair as he walked around. Seungri sat down at the foot of the bed while later. Ji crawled over and huged him from behind. 
" I love you," Ji whispered into his ear. 
" me too," Seungri replied as he turned to kiss him. They were interrupted by the ringing of seungri's phone.
 Seungri picked up,
" TOP hyung?"
Ji listened to the conversation and when it was over he asked what it had been about.
" Ah, he asked if I would like to go clubbing for Christmas Eve, but I promised close friends I would go to Thailand with them."
" You're going to Thailand ?" Ji asked a little upset that he didn't know about this. 
" Yeah, you know how friends are, I promised them when you were mad at me. I thought you wouldn't want to spend Christmas with me. Now there's no way I can back out."
" I understand," Ji answered sad that he would not be able to spend Christmas  with his lover."
" you could come, if you want. You know I want to be with you just as much right?"
Ji brightened up at that thought but, he still had work to do, " I would but, you know, I have lots to do with the groups that are debuting."
"I thought So," Seungri stated.
      The mood suddenly changed. Ji wondered why seungri got serious and quiet. After a long silence Seungri spoke up.
" So are you going with them for Christmas Eve?"
      It took some time for Ji to register that he was talking about Top. That's when Ji knew Seungri didn't want him around TOP. It was kind of endearing that Seungri was jealous but, there really wasn't anything to be jealous about anymore. 
" Um... I don't know, it's not likely that I finish with my work but..."
" Oh ok," Seungri didn't let him finish. His mood as obviously better an a few moments before.
       Ji Yong sat at the studio tapping his pen on the table top. Seung Hyun had called like he had to Seungri. He asked Ji if he could come to the club but, Ji said he might be busy. It wasn't that Ji was avoiding him, he really was busy. He had gotten over the awkwardness somewhat with Seung Hyun and they were reverting to their old selfs. Ji's little crush on Seung Hyun had subsided into their old friendship and he was more in love with the maknae than ever.
       Maybe if he worked faster he would finish and be able to go with them to the club. Ji missed going out together as a group and if he couldn't be with Seungri then he could have fun with at least two of the members. But then Seungri's behavior made him uneasy. The fact that Seungri didn't want him to go made him feel like he shouldn't. But the more Ji thought about it the more he saw that seungri's behavior was unreasonable. Seungri was going to spend his Christmas with friends, forced or not, shouldn't he be able to spend his Christmas Eve with his friends as well? Ji continued working he was going to save himself the trouble of deciding for later. He wasn't even sure he would finish on time anyways. 
Christmas Eve...
        Ji watched as Seungri boarded a taxi to the airport. He said bye waving, and feeling sorry for himself that he couldn't kiss him good bye in public.  Ji went back inside after the taxi was out of sight. He leaned against the door and sighed, it seemed this christmas was doing to be lonley without his lover.
        It was early about six in the morning. He still had work to do. He grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and headed to his laptop. He was working on a half finished song. He was sure he could finish but it was more complicated than it seemed. He sat there for hours until he was satisfied. It was about three in the afternoon when he finished. Seungri would have already arrived at Bangkok. He reviewed his work before he emailed it to Yang Hyun Suk. 
       He hesitated before calling TOP and letting him know he would be able to go. They decided to meet at TOP's villa.  There was still time before he went clubbing which was at ten. He took a nap he had decided he really needed. He set up his alarm at 6.yup he was going to take a three hour nap. It wasn't like he was busy anymore. He didn't have his lover to distract him either. 
    So he slept and he woke up to the beeping of his alarm. He looked at his phone. There was no messages or calls from Seungri. They had agreed he would call when he arrived. Ji shrugged it of; he probably forgot.
He took out the gifts he had for his group members he would give Seungri and Daesung theirs later. Bae's gift was small but expensive ,it was a chrome hearts chain bracelet. Seung Hyun's gift was  expensive shoes he was sure he would like. 
Speaking of the band members he had not seen Bae all-day since he had been busy. He went out into the living room and there was Bae sitting in the living room. 
" Hey , Bae." He greeted as he walked to the kitchen.
     He looked in the fridge to see there was nothing to eat. He did what he usually did when there was nothing to eat; he poured himself some cereal and went to sit with Bae. He took his time eating talking to Bae between spoonfuls. By the time it was seven-thirty they had finished watching a movie.
" so are you coming with us?" Bae asked.
"Yeah ,"Ji replied," I wasn't sure if I should but, why not."
"Good, I'm Gonna go shower and change i'll see you later so that we can leave together."
         Ji watched tv for awhile longer. Then he left to shower too. He changed his outfit about ten times before he was satisfied. He fixed his faded red hair until he found it decent and grabbed the guy's gifts as he left for the living room. 
he handed Bae his gift to which he received a smile and a thanks.
" so can I open it now ?"
"Sure I don't mind."
      Bae opened the small box. He put it on and looked at it for a while. Ji knew he would like it. They left together in Bae's car. When they arrived at the villa. They met with a very unprepared Seung Hyun. Bae complained and top replied that he would be fast.
       Ji handed him his gift and Seung Hyun took it into his bedroom. Ji and Bae waited a few minutes for Seung Hyun who finally emerged wearing the shoes Ji Bought him. 
" They went well with my outfit," he stated shyly when he saw Ji staring at his shoes.
" Let's go," Bae said. 
" Wait, just one more thing," Seung Hyun pulled out a few accessories from the pockets of his suit. He adjusted himself and stepped out the door with them.
          They arrived at the club and Ji sat in-between them brightening up the conversation. Something that they would have missed if he had not been there because Seung Hyun and Bae were just gloomy individuals at times. Ji excused himself and left for the restroom.
" Stop it,"Bae said 
" What?" Seung Hyun asked.
" Stop trying to seduce Ji Yong. You shouldn't try to sabotage his relationship with Seungri, we talked about this. Not until Seungri screws up his second chance. "
" What are you talking about? I'm not trying to sabotage anything. "
" Please, Seung Hyun. You practically dressed like a runway model today. Not only that you wore the shoes he gave you and you keep trying to eat him with your eyes. It's obvious you're trying to seduce him." 
Seunghyun looked down at himself and sighed. Bae was right. But he felt himself getting angry as he thought about his situation.  
" Is it really that wrong to fight for the one you love?"
" Yes, if it hurts the one you love, if it leaves him confused and feeling guilty. Yes, if he is in love with someone and you lead him through a path of betrayal."
Seung Hyun looked at Bae in anger," Whatever, wasn't it you who said I needed to get rid of my cowardice."
"Yeah, but..."
" Then that's what I'll do," Seung Hyun angrily interrupted as he downed another drink.
       Their conversation ended like that with Ji Yong returning and sitting in his place. Bae could tell that Ji sensed the tension. Ji tried to brighten  the mood again but he failed. Bae excused himself to go dancing after getting tired of the occasional awkward silence when Ji stopped talking. He didn't want to leave Ji alone with Seung Hyun, afraid that he would make a stupid move but, he wanted to end today happy and he didn't want to witness Ji try and end another awkward silence.
Sung Hyun downed another drink and turned to Ji Yong he was going to confess...
A/N: Sorry guys if this chapter T.TI swear I forgot how to write. This story is so hard to continue anyways thanks for reading.
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Working hard to get another chapter out :)


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vododoll #1
Chapter 26: Waaa i love Gtop in this storyyyyy
Chapter 26: Awww the ending was the sweetest thing ever! Awww I just can't stop awwing. (Awwing: not an actual word, just my feels taking over.)
lrvip052012 #3
Chapter 26: Oh god I just rolled around the bed giggling with joy :-D I'm so happy for this chapter!! Thanx
JiYongnaekkoya #4
Chapter 26: Omo you ..such a teas ..why did you leave it here ..ahhh die for your next chapter ~~~ more moment between them please ..just talk and drink is enough ..I love it slwww like this ..their relationship look so cute now
shimmy143 #5
Chapter 26: ohmy. hahahaQ seunghyun is spazzing out like a fangirl. ahahha! :)
Chapter 25: Thanks for the update!!
omo they're so frustrating.... they know they love each other they even confess but GD hasn't enough self confidence to trust...... Aish he should just let go & trust his own heart....
lrvip052012 #7
Chapter 25: :'( aww I really hope they can finally drop their pride and they can finally start moving forward with their relationship little by little they seem to be getting there
Chapter 24: Gosh Seungri is a brat but that doesn't mean that TOP is! !!! GD don't be stubborn ... reason rarely win over heart because we can control reason but not heart! !!
tarepandasan #9
Chapter 24: Gahhhhh I'm hating Seungri so much right now for causing Ji all this pain and making him completely terrified of even the idea of having a relationship with Seunghyun =(
Chapter 23: Yatta update!!! Thank you!!
Hehehe what will be TOP move now?