Missed Opportunities

People Change and Happens


Top sat at the bar as he ordered a drink. He wanted to be alone and think. Think about how stupid he was for liking Ji. Think about how he regretted.... He didn't even know what he regretted but, he felt he should regret something. 
 He brought his drink to his lips. Someone sat next to him but he didn't turn. It was Taeyang. 
Tae ordered a drink an sat there in silence. 
"What, did your lover boy reject you for Seungri now?" Seung Hyun said tauntingly.
Bae simply gave a bitter laugh.
Seung Hyun continued to take stabs at Bae, " To try and take a friends boy, you really have sunk low you know?"
"Don't you think you're being a hypocrite?," Bae replied.
" What did you say?," Seung Hyun asked as anger started to take over.
" You kissed him too you know."
Yes, Seung Hyun did Know. It was impossible to forget those soft lips and sweet taste. "That was just acting. I-I, was just into the...."
Bae gave another bitter chuckle " you and I both know that, that was no acting, you didn't have to give him a real kiss. "Bae downed his drink and turned to look at Seung Hyun with a smirk, " Talk about stooping as low as to take a friends partner. "
Seung Hyun stayed silent and clinched his fists.
" Don't worry Seung Hyun, Ji didn't kiss me."
Seung  Hyun taken by surprised ," what?"
" He didn't kiss me."
" Then... why?"
" Then why did he make it up?," Bae turned to face forward as he finished Seung Hyun's question, " Ji has his reasons to do it. "
" why should I believe you?"
" why should I lie to you ? It's your choice to believe me or not. I just told you to let you know that you messed up. To ask you to not get involved in their relationship. Seungri, has been given a second chance and I think he should have it."
"Why are you telling me this?" seung Hyun looked down into his drink."
" Because I also love Ji ." 
Seung Hyun snapped his head up to look into Bae's determined eyes.
Bae continued, " you screwed up this chance you had with Ji and I just don't think Seungri or you deserve him any more. Before I stayed silent because I thought seungri would make him happy. I may not have kissed him but if Seungri messes up again, I'm not holding back my feelings. I have been a coward too long and so have you. If Seungri messes up I suggest you get rid of that cowardice because, as I said, I'm not holding back next time."
          Tae walked out the bar and seung Hyun clinched his fists. He should have known  that Ji was not a cheater. After years of being his friend and crushing on him  he had let his jealousy take over. He knew Bae was right; he was a hypocrite. He didn't deserve Ji, but, he would become worthy.
 (-,-)(O,O) ( OvO) (*v*)(^v^) (-,-)(O,O) ( OvO) (*v*)(^v^)
       Taeyang let himself drop on his bed. He breathed in and out deeply and held his hand above his beating heart. This was the first time he spoke to someone about his feelings for Ji Yong. Even if he had done it only for Seung Hyun to step up his game, even if he knew he had no chance and that Ji only saw him as his friend; he couldn't help it when his heart would beat faster at the thought of Ji and him even if it was pretend. 
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Working hard to get another chapter out :)


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vododoll #1
Chapter 26: Waaa i love Gtop in this storyyyyy
Chapter 26: Awww the ending was the sweetest thing ever! Awww I just can't stop awwing. (Awwing: not an actual word, just my feels taking over.)
lrvip052012 #3
Chapter 26: Oh god I just rolled around the bed giggling with joy :-D I'm so happy for this chapter!! Thanx
JiYongnaekkoya #4
Chapter 26: Omo you ..such a teas ..why did you leave it here ..ahhh ..so die for your next chapter ~~~ more moment between them please ..just talk and drink is enough ..I love it slwww like this ..their relationship look so cute now
shimmy143 #5
Chapter 26: ohmy. hahahaQ seunghyun is spazzing out like a fangirl. ahahha! :)
Chapter 25: Thanks for the update!!
omo they're so frustrating.... they know they love each other they even confess but GD hasn't enough self confidence to trust...... Aish he should just let go & trust his own heart....
lrvip052012 #7
Chapter 25: :'( aww I really hope they can finally drop their pride and they can finally start moving forward with their relationship little by little they seem to be getting there
Chapter 24: Gosh Seungri is a brat but that doesn't mean that TOP is! !!! GD don't be stubborn ... reason rarely win over heart because we can control reason but not heart! !!
tarepandasan #9
Chapter 24: Gahhhhh I'm hating Seungri so much right now for causing Ji all this pain and making him completely terrified of even the idea of having a relationship with Seunghyun =(
Chapter 23: Yatta update!!! Thank you!!
Hehehe what will be TOP move now?