Taken Chances, and Unexpected Rewards

People Change and Happens

Another half a month goes by before Seung Hyun can see Ji Yong again. He would have seen him earlier especially when he heard about his hurt leg but he had to keep his promise. He called Young Bae and asked him about his leader instead.  Once he heard that with rest he would be ok he calmed down. The man was sneaky and the chances Seung Hyun did have to meet up passed right under his nose.  His leader came back twice in between his concerts and none of those times did Seung Hyun know about until he was on a plane back. This time Seung Hyun was determined to see him no matter if it was just a glimpse. Ji Yong should realize by now that two months is asking for too much. He needs to see him especially after going through the fact that Seungri was a guest at some of his concerts. He hears he is at the studio from his manager and he wastes no time.

He arrives and on his way up in the elevator he meets with the boss, Yang Hyun Suk, who seems surprised at his presence.

“Why are you here?” he asks, but before giving him a chance to reply he adds, “Never mind it doesn’t matter, you must be lucky. Of all the days to choose today to show your face,”

Seung Hyun is confused until he reaches the studio behind Yang Hyun Suk it’s as if he saved he world in his past life , because the love of his life and one of the actors he admires is staring right back at him. He reads the happy atmosphere even Ji Yong is throwing small smiles at him. His boss sure was right, he is a lucky man. The day comes to an end and he doesn’t bother Ji Yong he doesn’t want to ruin the man’s happy time. Seung Hyun is happy with seeing him smiling at him. Fortunately Ji Yong is the one who contacts him this time.

 ‘Isn’t it great hyung’ is what the younger man texts him.

'yes it is', is what Seung Hyun replies because it really is he just saw a great actor and the love of his life in one day and if anything else happens he might just collapse under such happiness.

‘I thought I would have to sneak off to the bathroom to call you but you came, who told you? Manager?’

Seung Hyun wants to say he wasn’t there for Will Smith, he wants to say I went to see you but, it might stop Ji Yong from texting him and he wants to communicate with him  as long as possible .

‘ Yes’ he replies because it’s the truth; (manager hyung told him Ji Yong was in the studio) and it’s the only thing he can say that won’t scream I was there for you and just as lays on his couch his doorbell rings. He smiles as hope swells in him. It is confirmed before he even gets of the couch when he receives a text from Ji Yong.

 ‘Aren’t you answering the door?’

Seung Hyun tries to take his time. He tries not to seem excited as he answers the door. Ji Yong is there a pack of beer in hand.

"I thought we could see each other it's been more than half a month anyways" Ji Yong says smiling shy.

 Seung Hyun can’t help but pull him into a hug because, it’s been too long. Ji Yong nervously laughs and Seung Hyun fears he might have messed of. But Ji Yong wraps his arms around him, beers still at hand.

“I missed you Ji Yong.”

He feels Ji Yong tense in his arms. And he hugs tighter at the fear that maybe Ji didn’t feel the same.

“I missed you too hyung.”

Hyung, it always throws him of when Ji Yong uses that word. But he’ll take what he can get. He inhales Ji Yong's scent because he knows he has to let go.

He takes the beer from Ji Yong and places them on the coffee table. Ji Yong sits at the other end of the couch, to far for Seung Hyun. So, Seung Hyun takes the initiative and moves closer.

“So why were Will and Jaden Smith at the studio?” Seung Hyun asks because he knows if he doesn’t change the subject Ji Yong might just say he is busy and leave

“It was just to meet up to get to know each other. You know how it is if they like us they might work with us. They were cool right, down to earth.”

“Yeah” Seung Hyun replies because he can’t think of anything else besides the way Ji Yong's eyes shine with excitement even if he isn’t looking directly at him.

“I think it went well we even exchanged phone numbers. What do you think hyung?” Ji Yong asks and he turns to look at the older man. A faint blush covers his face when he finds Seung Hyun staring at him.

“I think it went great.” Seung Hyun says as he moves closer to Ji Yong on all fours this time.

“Hyung?” Ji replies looking at Seung Hyun in bewilderness while leaning away.

Seung Hyun doesn’t answer he just continues to crawl to Ji Yong until he is only inches from his face. He encloses Ji Yong with his arms.

“What are you doing? Hyu…” Ji Yong gets cut off when Seung Hyun takes his chance and inserts his tongue into Ji’s moving mouth. Ji Yong remains unresponsive at the beginning not fully understanding what’s happening. His heart is beating erratically. The feeling is amazing and the taste of Seung Hyun is more amazing than he recalled from last time. It’s as if, instead of the distance helping them stay away from this feeling, it intensified it. This time Ji Yong has no will to fight against it. So he wraps his arms around Seung Hyun and kisses him back. They don’t pull back until they are out of breath and Seung Hyun’s arms and legs grow weak with want.

“I –I love you” Seung Hyun says as he stares into Ji Yong's eyes. Ji Yong looks down and Seung Hyun knows he went to fast.

“I –I should go Ji Yong responds because he should. He shouldn’t have come he just complicated things; for both himself and his hyung.

“I don’t want you to go Ji; I think enough time has passed so that you know that I love you with all my heart.”

“It isn’t that simple hyung, may be the one you have been looking for isn’t me, maybe I am not suited to fill that space.”

“It’s you who’s complicating it” Seung Hyun says “I’m not looking for anyone Ji, it’s always been you, that empty spot is not for anyone but you, you are the only one. That space, it was left by you.”

Ji Yong stands with his back to the couch his hands fidget with the hem of his shirt. Because his heart is filled with joy at Seung Hyun's words, but his head can’t fully believe it yet. Before he can recover, hands wrap around his waist and Seung Hyun presses against his back. This is what Ji Yong wanted to hear so why is it so scary?

“I love you too”

Seung Hyun heart jolts with happiness and he takes that as permission to pull him onto the couch again. He looks at JiYong in the eyes, “I’m going to kiss you”

Ji Yong doesn’t reply he just waits in anticipation for these lips to touch his.

They kiss bodies pressed against each other. Ji Yong lets out moans he himself is not aware of. He is aware of Seung Hyun's hand going under his shirt. By the end of their make out session both of them are very but neither of them are willing to go further. Whatever their relationship is now, they know are more than friends, but are too afraid to define it.

 “I think I should go now” Ji Yong says although he, himself is not convinced by his own statement. If he stays he knows they’ll end up going too far, and he doesn’t think either of them are ready for that.

Seung Hyun doesn’t fight it because the reason Ji is leaving is completely different from before. He smiles at Ji Yong letting him know its ok. He listens to Ji Yong slip his jacket and shoes on. He doesn’t walk him out because he is to out of it. once he here’s the door close he starts laughing from happiness, and spazzes out on the couch covering his mouth with one of the cushions.

“What are you doing?” Ji Yong asks startling Seung Hyun in to an upright position. Seung Hyun sees amusement in Ji Yong's eyes. A slight blush forms on his cheeks after the embarrassment of having his love watch him have a moment.

“Nothing” Seung Hyun says.

“Sure, nothing” Ji Yong says with a wide grin before he leaves this time for reals.




A\N: thanks for reading :) and for you comments I really apreciate it <3 especially when I don't know what  do with this story and I'm just wirting it as i go T-T

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Working hard to get another chapter out :)


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vododoll #1
Chapter 26: Waaa i love Gtop in this storyyyyy
Chapter 26: Awww the ending was the sweetest thing ever! Awww I just can't stop awwing. (Awwing: not an actual word, just my feels taking over.)
lrvip052012 #3
Chapter 26: Oh god I just rolled around the bed giggling with joy :-D I'm so happy for this chapter!! Thanx
JiYongnaekkoya #4
Chapter 26: Omo you ..such a teas ..why did you leave it here ..ahhh ..so die for your next chapter ~~~ more moment between them please ..just talk and drink is enough ..I love it slwww like this ..their relationship look so cute now
shimmy143 #5
Chapter 26: ohmy. hahahaQ seunghyun is spazzing out like a fangirl. ahahha! :)
Chapter 25: Thanks for the update!!
omo they're so frustrating.... they know they love each other they even confess but GD hasn't enough self confidence to trust...... Aish he should just let go & trust his own heart....
lrvip052012 #7
Chapter 25: :'( aww I really hope they can finally drop their pride and they can finally start moving forward with their relationship little by little they seem to be getting there
Chapter 24: Gosh Seungri is a brat but that doesn't mean that TOP is! !!! GD don't be stubborn ... reason rarely win over heart because we can control reason but not heart! !!
tarepandasan #9
Chapter 24: Gahhhhh I'm hating Seungri so much right now for causing Ji all this pain and making him completely terrified of even the idea of having a relationship with Seunghyun =(
Chapter 23: Yatta update!!! Thank you!!
Hehehe what will be TOP move now?