Confessions at Night

People Change and Happens

"I was about to call you, where have you been?" Bae asked above the music as he approached Ji Yong. The nervous Ji Yong snapped his head up.

"Um, I just went out for a bit. Let’s drink."

‘Okay, but, not too much, alright?"

"Okay," Ji Yong said not planning on keeping his word. He poured himself a glass and gulped it down. He unsteadily poured himself another; brought it to his lips when it was snatched out of his grasp. He was about to express his annoyance at Bae but, it wasn't him who snatched it.

“Seung Hyun." Ji Yong quietly said. Everything hadn't sunk in yet but it seemed Seung Hyun wasn't about to give in a break.

Seung Hyun didn't respond to him. Instead he turned to Young Bae.

“Bae, I'm taking Ji Yong home please let Jong Hoon know how sorry we are but, we had to leave."

Seung Hyun gave Bae no chance to respond. Within seconds Seung Hyun was leading Ji Yong out the club and into his car.

"Stop, stop this. Seung Hyun!" Ji Yong pleaded he struggled to free his hand from Seung Hyun’s without drawing attention.

He was pushed into Seung Hyun's car. Seung Hyun closed the passenger door and quickly got in the driver’s seat. He watched as Ji Yong struggled to open the door.

“we already talked; open the door," Ji Yong said as he ceased his hopeless struggles.

“We are going to talk, Ji. Do you want to do it in public or do you want to do it in a more private place?"

Ji Yong stayed silent accepting his fate. The nervousness he felt and the way his heart was beating prevented him from saying anything. All he could think was a way escape the conversation he feared but, he knew it was coming whether he wanted it or not




“I already said what I wanted to say,” Ji Yong stood at the door refusing to take his shoes off, “there’s nothing more to it.”


“There may not be much for you to say but I still have a lot to say,” Seung Hyun said frustrated at the way Ji Yong was acting.

“Please take me home I don’t know why you had to bring me here, you could have done this at the dorm.”

“Why; so that you could run away again? Why are you acting so difficult? I think I deserve a clear response from you. I confessed; it is only right that you give me an honest and clear response.

“I already did.”

“No you didn’t; you didn’t answer my question. You were unclear and I need to know. You can’t just walk away like that. I will understand if you don’t… love me. I will accept it but when you can’t look me in the eyes or even look at me while answering or give me a clear response, I can’t accept it I just can’t. Do you know what it does to me? … It leaves me hoping but at the same time it hurts so bad! I’ll repeat the question Ji Yong do you love me?”

“What use is it? Why do you do this to me if you already know the answer to your question can’t you see what will happen? Look at Seungri and me, do you really want our friendship to end up like that…”

Seung Hyun stepped closer to Ji, until he was so close, he was inhaling his scent, “I’m not Seungri, and you of all people should know we are completely different people. Don’t judge me by looking at him and your relationship with him. I am me, not him."

Ji Yong shivered as Seung Hyun's warm breath grazed his collar. Seung Hyun’s eyes were staring directly into him causing his knees to weaken. For a moment he wanted to pull Seung Hyun closer he wanted to feel his body against him; to kiss him and make him his . But  thoughts of the consequences this step might bring to them takes over. Reality comes rushing back and Ji Yong fights his emotions the best he can.  There is no guarantee that if he takes this chance to be with Seung Hyun that they won't end up on bad terms, and he'd rather keep him as a friend than loose him.

"But, I-I can’t," Ji Yong was against the wall unable to support himself on his unsteady legs. His eyes couldn't look away from Seung Hyun’s hurt filled ones. Everything was telling Ji Yong to leave; to just turn around and leave regardless of Seung Hyun’s proximity, everything, that is; except his squeezed heart. He ignored the urge to wrap himself around Seung Hyun and tell him that he loved him the best he could. He turned himself away from his love. His hand gripped the door handle he was determined to go but, the warmness of Seung Hyun’s hand on his stopped him dead in his tracks. "

 "We're not finished, Ji.Can’t you see you're only hurting yourself? I love you Ji Yong and it hurts me, please let me love you."

"I just can't-"

"Why! Why can't you?" Seung Hyun said frustrated at the situation. "I stopped running away, you need to stop too. Stop being a coward."

 Ji Yong gave a bitter laugh, "coward? How can I not be? You tell me Seung Hyun what would you do? If you had ing group to lead! If the media was always on your waiting for the smallest mistake so they could blow it up. The group comes before everything! All the responsibility, how do you think the group will fare if it goes wrong.” Ji Yong's can't stop his tears, as much as he tries to hold them in he can't at this point but, he continues, "When you can't say how you feel because if you answer either way it will hurt the other person. And you don’t want to hurt them. When you’re afraid because you've loved before and it didn't end well. When you're afraid, afraid for your group, for your friendship, for y ..."


"I'm sorry, Yonggie, I'm sorry I know it's hard on you," Seung Hyun said as he wrapped his arms around Ji Yong from behind. “But running from this won't make it better, I'm not Seungri I would never do what he did."

Seung Hyun knew that there was alot of things Ji Yong had to deal with, and guilt flooded his heart because now he was one of those burdens. Ji Yong had the group after all, and that was one responsibility Seung Hyun was glad he didn't have.

Seung Hyun turned Ji Yong and kissed him. He tried to convey his emotions through that one kiss, a kiss Seung Hyun, always craved. One kiss that would tell Ji Yong that Seung Hyun is his, that He is willing to do anything for him, as long as Ji Yong lets Seung Hyun love him. Whether it remains one-sided or Ji Yong corresponds to him eventually. He doesn't want to hurt Ji Yong and if that means he has to back off, he will. But he won't ever stop loving him.

Seung Hyun Picked up Ji Yong and carried him to his bed. He looks down at him tenderly and kneels down to untie his shoes. He takes them off carefully. It's something so intimate, something he would do for his date, or his tired spouse, and his cheeks heat up at the thought.  His hands stop unknotting Ji’s shoe laces when the silence is broken.


"W-what are you doing?"


“Please stay with me tonight" Seung Hyun responds, unable to look away from Ji Yong's beautiful but watery eyes for a moment.

"I-I "

“Please.  Nothing has to happen." Seung Hyun adds before Ji Yong can respond aware of the younger man’s thoughts. It seems to calm Ji Yong down so he lies back on the bed releasing several deep breaths as Seung Hyun continues to remove his shoes.

Once Ji’s shoes are off Seung Hyun leaves and returns with pair of pajamas.

 Without bothering to complain Ji replaces his clothes with Seung Hyun’s slightly lose sleep ware.

Seung Hyun doesn't bother to change, he knows that Ji Yong would feel most reassured that nothing has to happen if he doesn't change.


Seung Hyun lays down staring at the ceiling. He wants to turn to his side and wrap himself around Ji Yong, to feel him against him. It takes a lot courage for him to lightly touch Ji Yong's hand and as he does he feels Ji Yong tremble at his touch and it takes his all but, he manages to hold his hand. Ji Yong doesn't shake him off. It takes a while for his racing heart to relax but it eventually does and he is able to close his eyes as he rejoices at his small victory. Even the smallest victory is sweet when you've known defeat.

He doesn't sleep though he listens to Ji Yong's breathing. Eventually he feels Ji’s weight shift on the bed. Seung Hyun feels his stomach drop as disappointment settles in. 'He's leaving, he's leaving' is the  only thing his cruel mind can process over and over again.But he can feel Ji huddle over him, he moves closer, probably thinking he is sleeping. A hand grazes his cheek and the lovely sweet voice he loves whispers the words he has been craving hear, 'I love you'.  He tries his best to remain still when lips trace from his cheek to being lightly pressed against this own. He feels moisture against his cheek and he knows Ji Yong is crying again. He holds on to Ji Yong as he moves away, he doesn't want him to go to the dorms to be alone, crying against the cold bathroom floor. Ji Yong shouldn't have to be alone.

"I love you too, Ji, I love you so much."

Just as he says those words he hears a muffled sob. He pulls Ji Yong back onto the bed and Hugs him until all the tears ceased and his breathing deepens.

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Working hard to get another chapter out :)


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vododoll #1
Chapter 26: Waaa i love Gtop in this storyyyyy
Chapter 26: Awww the ending was the sweetest thing ever! Awww I just can't stop awwing. (Awwing: not an actual word, just my feels taking over.)
lrvip052012 #3
Chapter 26: Oh god I just rolled around the bed giggling with joy :-D I'm so happy for this chapter!! Thanx
JiYongnaekkoya #4
Chapter 26: Omo you ..such a teas ..why did you leave it here ..ahhh die for your next chapter ~~~ more moment between them please ..just talk and drink is enough ..I love it slwww like this ..their relationship look so cute now
shimmy143 #5
Chapter 26: ohmy. hahahaQ seunghyun is spazzing out like a fangirl. ahahha! :)
Chapter 25: Thanks for the update!!
omo they're so frustrating.... they know they love each other they even confess but GD hasn't enough self confidence to trust...... Aish he should just let go & trust his own heart....
lrvip052012 #7
Chapter 25: :'( aww I really hope they can finally drop their pride and they can finally start moving forward with their relationship little by little they seem to be getting there
Chapter 24: Gosh Seungri is a brat but that doesn't mean that TOP is! !!! GD don't be stubborn ... reason rarely win over heart because we can control reason but not heart! !!
tarepandasan #9
Chapter 24: Gahhhhh I'm hating Seungri so much right now for causing Ji all this pain and making him completely terrified of even the idea of having a relationship with Seunghyun =(
Chapter 23: Yatta update!!! Thank you!!
Hehehe what will be TOP move now?